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Current weekly ad Family Fare - Valid from 03/26 to 04/01 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Family Fare 03/26/2023 - 04/01/2023


Products in this weekly ad

PIC _FFS_NORTH_EXPANDO_PG_001_0326 Half Portion Spiral Sliced Ham Bone-In _ with yes ‘Smoked Shank Portion Ham Water Added, Bone-in with yes Boneless Beef Chuck Roast 2 Red, Yellow, or Orange Bell Peppers or Large Avocados 1 ct. each with yes - with yes Digital Coupon Pico $4422. ES ~ $900 , FINAL PRICE Sunkist Seediess Navel Oranges ‘ith Digital ‘Coupon with yes Inthe Det 12-Inch Pizza Selected Varitios ms 2812 $J00 FINAL PRICE ‘i 5 Inthe Bakery Donut Holes 14-1202. Butter Quarters or Spreadable 15- 1602. 08 with yes with yes I eta . eS Cheetos or 3 Fritos, 3 te Hershey's | see) 65-0250: Me ; Easter Candy BUY 2. GET! 84-0808, with yon oh yes Digital Coupon ultra’ Huge Roll Paper Towels bet Visit to start your pickup or delivery order. Paper Plates 32ct Ruffles Potato Chips (2.75 11.02); oF Cape Cod Potato Chips @-802);0r Tostitos Tortilla Chips @- 1302) with yes Coca-Cola or 7-Up Products 2iiter (lus deposit): BUY 2, GETI of equal or lesser value with yes Tyson Breaded Chicken (16 - 25 02, or Griled & Ready (19 - 22 oz) Sandwich Bros. Sandwiches Get; 12- 18.02. with yes Pikes seu lathe Produce Ber bag rice 258 i ,-$j00, Maal FINAL PRICE wih gta ‘Coupon wile, ‘Superior Select Extra Jumbo Cooked Shrimp 16-20 ct. 1202 Van de Kamp’s Fish Sticks or Fillets Solected Varieties 18 - 24.607 re 356 ee Price with Digital Couper wines (16 02) oF Sports Bar Favorites (12 02.) Pizza Rolls 50t. wth yes Crav'n Flavor Pizzeria Style Crust Pizza 17.95 - 21.3 02. ee Vv Vv Hellmann's. Mayonnaise 2002. with yes mee $799, e3-$909, FINAL PRICE ath Digital Coupon withyes fam 25i-$J00 , FINAL PRICE Selected Varitios 15-1602. Sour Cream or French Onion Dip 1607. Inthe Produce Dept. Original or Chunky Guacamole or Avocado Salsa 1802. wath yes ee Faericn —— Frozen Appetizers 15-26 02, wth yes Bellatoria Thin Crust Pizza 16.03 - 21.71 02. In the Deli Big Gamer ‘Sub each with yee j HAMBURGER Hamburger or Hot Dog Buns Bet with yoo with yes ee eae EI Monterey Taquitos 21-242 02. Pickles 16-24 02, wth yea B (12 - 207 02) or Pringles Snack Stack (12 ct) NORWEGIAN SALMON with yes Pedled & Deveined Taiton Medium Cooked Shrimp 41-50 ets 1 Aquastar Salmon Fillet Portions 3202 with yes

Latest weekly ads

PIC _FFS_NORTH_EXPANDO_PG_001_0326 Half Portion Spiral Sliced Ham Bone-In _ with yes ‘Smoked Shank Portion Ham Water Added, Bone-in with yes Boneless Beef Chuck Roast 2 Red, Yellow, or Orange Bell Peppers or Large Avocados 1 ct. each with yes - with yes Digital Coupon Pico $4422. ES ~ $900 , FINAL PRICE Sunkist Seediess Navel Oranges ‘ith Digital ‘Coupon with yes Inthe Det 12-Inch Pizza Selected Varitios ms 2812 $J00 FINAL PRICE ‘i 5 Inthe Bakery Donut Holes 14-1202. Butter Quarters or Spreadable 15- 1602. 08 with yes with yes I eta . eS Cheetos or 3 Fritos, 3 te Hershey's | see) 65-0250: Me ; Easter Candy BUY 2. GET! 84-0808, with yon oh yes Digital Coupon ultra’ Huge Roll Paper Towels bet Visit to start your pickup or delivery order. Paper Plates 32ct Ruffles Potato Chips (2.75 11.02); oF Cape Cod Potato Chips @-802);0r Tostitos Tortilla Chips @- 1302) with yes Coca-Cola or 7-Up Products 2iiter (lus deposit): BUY 2, GETI of equal or lesser value with yes Tyson Breaded Chicken (16 - 25 02, or Griled & Ready (19 - 22 oz) Sandwich Bros. Sandwiches Get; 12- 18.02. with yes Pikes seu lathe Produce Ber bag rice 258 i ,-$j00, Maal FINAL PRICE wih gta ‘Coupon wile, ‘Superior Select Extra Jumbo Cooked Shrimp 16-20 ct. 1202 Van de Kamp’s Fish Sticks or Fillets Solected Varieties 18 - 24.607 re 356 ee Price with Digital Couper wines (16 02) oF Sports Bar Favorites (12 02.) Pizza Rolls 50t. wth yes Crav'n Flavor Pizzeria Style Crust Pizza 17.95 - 21.3 02. ee Vv Vv Hellmann's. Mayonnaise 2002. with yes mee $799, e3-$909, FINAL PRICE ath Digital Coupon withyes fam 25i-$J00 , FINAL PRICE Selected Varitios 15-1602. Sour Cream or French Onion Dip 1607. Inthe Produce Dept. Original or Chunky Guacamole or Avocado Salsa 1802. wath yes ee Faericn —— Frozen Appetizers 15-26 02, wth yes Bellatoria Thin Crust Pizza 16.03 - 21.71 02. In the Deli Big Gamer ‘Sub each with yee j HAMBURGER Hamburger or Hot Dog Buns Bet with yoo with yes ee eae EI Monterey Taquitos 21-242 02. Pickles 16-24 02, wth yea B (12 - 207 02) or Pringles Snack Stack (12 ct) NORWEGIAN SALMON with yes Pedled & Deveined Taiton Medium Cooked Shrimp 41-50 ets 1 Aquastar Salmon Fillet Portions 3202 with yes

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