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Current weekly ad Family Fare - Valid from 05/21 to 05/29 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Family Fare 05/21/2023 - 05/29/2023


Products in this weekly ad

» HONORING ALL WHO SERVED © MEMORIAL DAY Oe ee OK Frosh In Store Bi-Color ‘Sweet Corn ‘or Russet Potat 4c. tray (PIC FFS_NORTH_EXPANDO_PG_001_0521 Standard Pride Fresh 80% Lean Ground Beef Sold in 3 Ib. roll for $7.41 wth card ae Sale Price $1.99 i = Exel Fresh Kae , javings - $1.00 Cutin stro SE nthe fod peau eennen Mixed Fruit, Watermelon, Bakery ast Cantaloupe or Oscar Mayer ere eboney Meat Franks or Smokies Smoked pore ‘ Selected Varieties 4 - 16 oz. (excludes beef) Dries a oar - $900, COUPON FINAL PRICE with car Whole each with card ot, $399 CoUpON Siac $00, », FINAL PRICE Patriotic Decorated Cupcakes bet. Lean't Believe I's Not Butter! (15-1802) oF se Spray oz): li Country Crock. Plant Butter (16 02): ‘or Brummel & Brown Spread (15 02) Erie cn Dean's Dip (16 02) or Sports Bar Favorites (12 02.) Inthe Dali Mustard or ‘Midwest Potato Salads (48 07), Traditional Macaroni Salad or ‘Traditional Cole Slaw (40 02) Baked or Grillin’ Beans 22 - 28 02, gallon pail Potato Chips (2.75 8.02) or Com or Tota Chips @- 1202) Sq $400, FINAL PRICE California Strawberries 2'Ib. pkg. th Digit upon with card Hudsonville Tee Cream (48 02), Extra indulgent (a oreo Cream S’MORES ‘Aluminum Foil 50-75 qf. (12 50 et); or Vanity Fair Napkins (100 ot), Entertain (40 et) oF Design Cobeetion (@0 ct) with card Yellow Mustard 19.02. wath car Pickles Select Varieties 16- 24 02. 7 Purified or Spring Water 24 pk,, 16.9 02. bts = oF Igloo Coolers Bestway Toys. Inflatables Sunny Days Hershey's Full Size Nabisco ‘Aunt Millie's Honey Kratt Stadium Maid Jet-Putfed Hamburger or Grahams Marshmallows Hot Dog Buns 122-144 02, 10- 1202. Get.) or 100% Whole Wheat, Butter Top Wheat oF Potato Bread (202) In the Bakery Chocolate Dipped Peanut Butter Cookies witears tOct Doritos (0.25 - 10.75 02) (0Âą 3D Crunch (6 02); oF Rutties 4 Potato Chips (725-1102) Live Maine ‘per customer wi Available at the Following Locations: 24 pk, 1202, cans (plus deposit) Visit to start Baadweiser f ite iE your pickup or delivery order. Wi x 7 Budwe Designer 9-Inch Light, Bud Select Miller, Coors Paper Plates or Bud Select 55 or Molson 45ct RineSsvaN re) 2a pk, 1202. cans 24 pk, 12 02. cans PreHOOr. (plus deposit) (plus deposit) ee SENIOR rer ras ene Wie sro en)

Latest weekly ads

» HONORING ALL WHO SERVED © MEMORIAL DAY Oe ee OK Frosh In Store Bi-Color ‘Sweet Corn ‘or Russet Potat 4c. tray (PIC FFS_NORTH_EXPANDO_PG_001_0521 Standard Pride Fresh 80% Lean Ground Beef Sold in 3 Ib. roll for $7.41 wth card ae Sale Price $1.99 i = Exel Fresh Kae , javings - $1.00 Cutin stro SE nthe fod peau eennen Mixed Fruit, Watermelon, Bakery ast Cantaloupe or Oscar Mayer ere eboney Meat Franks or Smokies Smoked pore ‘ Selected Varieties 4 - 16 oz. (excludes beef) Dries a oar - $900, COUPON FINAL PRICE with car Whole each with card ot, $399 CoUpON Siac $00, », FINAL PRICE Patriotic Decorated Cupcakes bet. Lean't Believe I's Not Butter! (15-1802) oF se Spray oz): li Country Crock. Plant Butter (16 02): ‘or Brummel & Brown Spread (15 02) Erie cn Dean's Dip (16 02) or Sports Bar Favorites (12 02.) Inthe Dali Mustard or ‘Midwest Potato Salads (48 07), Traditional Macaroni Salad or ‘Traditional Cole Slaw (40 02) Baked or Grillin’ Beans 22 - 28 02, gallon pail Potato Chips (2.75 8.02) or Com or Tota Chips @- 1202) Sq $400, FINAL PRICE California Strawberries 2'Ib. pkg. th Digit upon with card Hudsonville Tee Cream (48 02), Extra indulgent (a oreo Cream S’MORES ‘Aluminum Foil 50-75 qf. (12 50 et); or Vanity Fair Napkins (100 ot), Entertain (40 et) oF Design Cobeetion (@0 ct) with card Yellow Mustard 19.02. wath car Pickles Select Varieties 16- 24 02. 7 Purified or Spring Water 24 pk,, 16.9 02. bts = oF Igloo Coolers Bestway Toys. Inflatables Sunny Days Hershey's Full Size Nabisco ‘Aunt Millie's Honey Kratt Stadium Maid Jet-Putfed Hamburger or Grahams Marshmallows Hot Dog Buns 122-144 02, 10- 1202. Get.) or 100% Whole Wheat, Butter Top Wheat oF Potato Bread (202) In the Bakery Chocolate Dipped Peanut Butter Cookies witears tOct Doritos (0.25 - 10.75 02) (0Âą 3D Crunch (6 02); oF Rutties 4 Potato Chips (725-1102) Live Maine ‘per customer wi Available at the Following Locations: 24 pk, 1202, cans (plus deposit) Visit to start Baadweiser f ite iE your pickup or delivery order. Wi x 7 Budwe Designer 9-Inch Light, Bud Select Miller, Coors Paper Plates or Bud Select 55 or Molson 45ct RineSsvaN re) 2a pk, 1202. cans 24 pk, 12 02. cans PreHOOr. (plus deposit) (plus deposit) ee SENIOR rer ras ene Wie sro en)

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