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Current weekly ad Family Fare - Valid from 09/18 to 09/24 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad Family Fare 09/18/2022 - 09/24/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Wright Bacon Sale = $799 DIGIT 2G. $400 , FINAL PRICE Selected Varieties 24.02. Fresh Raspberries 6 02. pkg. Doritos Tortilla Chips (9.25 - 11.25 oz.) or 3D Crunch (6 oz.) 7 with Digital ‘Coupon with yes B es ] Sale Price DIGITAL coupon $900, FINAL PRICE with Digital Coupon with yes BUY 1, GET1 (of equal or lesser value EXPANDO_PG_002_0918 BPI Grade A Fresh, Boneless, 80% Lean Skinless Ground Chicken Beet Breast Value Pack with yes Value Pack with yes Pork Loin Fresh, tur Baby Back Ribs Previously Frozen, Single Pack with yes Beet Round Fresh, HI-Natural Boneless, Aquastar Bottom Salmon Sides Round Roast with yes 2002. with yes Wahiburgers Gourmet Beet Patties Selected Varieties 1.33 Ib. with yos Sree oe Se 5 MSI ; 1 2 ui carer tH 2% ‘or Cheese Franks Br Gluten-Free sree Te nant sane (12 14 oz) (excludes beet) or Bologna or Funpack Lunchables Selected Varieties Cotto Salami(10- 1202) 88 - 10.2 02. 12-1402 with yo with yes with yes => ——— ‘ sux Simply 285 Curty’s Pulled Meats. Gardein Garden Potatoes: with BBQ Sauce Grown Protein Side Dishes “——~ Selected Varieties (16.02) Meatless Entrees Solected Varietios or Sauce Less Selected Varieties 20-24 02 Pulled Pork (12 02.) 9- 13.7 oz. with yes with yoo th yes a2 MOU fe PRE-SEASONED LeU LSS aoe Chicken with yes.” Red, Yellow Carrots 1602 with yes with yes Green Giant ‘Sunset Anget Cut Vegetables Selected Varieties 10- 12 02. pkg, with yes wth yes Fresh Bartlett ‘Super Select or Star Cucumbers. Crimson each Pears with yes: with yes J 4 e@ PAS as - LS @:: S artic laoes varetoe or Cheese Franks Selected Varieties ‘Sweet, One Sweet ae or Zima Tomatoes ©. 1002. e 2et, Links or Patties Selected Varieties 96- 1602 ‘Superior Select Extra Large ¢ Cooked Shrimp Sil 26/30 ct. per. Ib; 12 oz with yes Selected Varieties (6 8 02); or Armour Meatballs: Original, Italian, Turkey or Beat (11 - 14 02) = os . eb vores Ml =o Os a ee Set aioe ee aa TransOcean > = Imitation ages Grab Meat in the Store Selected Varieties Fresh, Natural 0 Imitation Lobster Chunks Meatballs Boz Made Fresh with yes wth yea: Revolution Farms Salad Blends Selected Varieties 42, with yes Celery Hearts wth yes Fresh Cut In Store Cored Pineapple each with yes pyeieker rus Raspberries 6 07. pkg, with yes

Latest weekly ads

Wright Bacon Sale = $799 DIGIT 2G. $400 , FINAL PRICE Selected Varieties 24.02. Fresh Raspberries 6 02. pkg. Doritos Tortilla Chips (9.25 - 11.25 oz.) or 3D Crunch (6 oz.) 7 with Digital ‘Coupon with yes B es ] Sale Price DIGITAL coupon $900, FINAL PRICE with Digital Coupon with yes BUY 1, GET1 (of equal or lesser value EXPANDO_PG_002_0918 BPI Grade A Fresh, Boneless, 80% Lean Skinless Ground Chicken Beet Breast Value Pack with yes Value Pack with yes Pork Loin Fresh, tur Baby Back Ribs Previously Frozen, Single Pack with yes Beet Round Fresh, HI-Natural Boneless, Aquastar Bottom Salmon Sides Round Roast with yes 2002. with yes Wahiburgers Gourmet Beet Patties Selected Varieties 1.33 Ib. with yos Sree oe Se 5 MSI ; 1 2 ui carer tH 2% ‘or Cheese Franks Br Gluten-Free sree Te nant sane (12 14 oz) (excludes beet) or Bologna or Funpack Lunchables Selected Varieties Cotto Salami(10- 1202) 88 - 10.2 02. 12-1402 with yo with yes with yes => ——— ‘ sux Simply 285 Curty’s Pulled Meats. Gardein Garden Potatoes: with BBQ Sauce Grown Protein Side Dishes “——~ Selected Varieties (16.02) Meatless Entrees Solected Varietios or Sauce Less Selected Varieties 20-24 02 Pulled Pork (12 02.) 9- 13.7 oz. with yes with yoo th yes a2 MOU fe PRE-SEASONED LeU LSS aoe Chicken with yes.” Red, Yellow Carrots 1602 with yes with yes Green Giant ‘Sunset Anget Cut Vegetables Selected Varieties 10- 12 02. pkg, with yes wth yes Fresh Bartlett ‘Super Select or Star Cucumbers. Crimson each Pears with yes: with yes J 4 e@ PAS as - LS @:: S artic laoes varetoe or Cheese Franks Selected Varieties ‘Sweet, One Sweet ae or Zima Tomatoes ©. 1002. e 2et, Links or Patties Selected Varieties 96- 1602 ‘Superior Select Extra Large ¢ Cooked Shrimp Sil 26/30 ct. per. Ib; 12 oz with yes Selected Varieties (6 8 02); or Armour Meatballs: Original, Italian, Turkey or Beat (11 - 14 02) = os . eb vores Ml =o Os a ee Set aioe ee aa TransOcean > = Imitation ages Grab Meat in the Store Selected Varieties Fresh, Natural 0 Imitation Lobster Chunks Meatballs Boz Made Fresh with yes wth yea: Revolution Farms Salad Blends Selected Varieties 42, with yes Celery Hearts wth yes Fresh Cut In Store Cored Pineapple each with yes pyeieker rus Raspberries 6 07. pkg, with yes

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