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Current weekly ad Cardenas Markets - Valid from 01/02 to 01/07 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Cardenas Markets 01/02/2025 - 01/07/2025


Products in this weekly ad

Ae Celebrate the Arrival of The Three Wise Men! . Rosca de Reyes, 48 oz Artisan Qualit Baked In Our Vl VG MARKET lity + Fresh Ingredients ir Stores + Traditional Recipe We also offer Small and Large gnc meal 3 ‘5 Lange Avocado FOR Navel Orange Los Altos Queso Fresco Bar-S Jamén Cocido Cooked Ham "19% Naranja\Navel M2 Frijol Peruano Peruvian Bean Z 299° | Drinks LAY as =| = Res) Sroe A 43) on us! AN \\ Paquete de 16 Piezas de Pierna y Muslo de Pollo con Artz, Frijles, Salsa y Tortillas ~ |GRATIS mi) E Refrescos Jarritos, A BSiours 6. on? o eo shee Frijoles Sun Vista Pi CARDENAS ewards a1 Elote Fresco Fresh Com Mango Extra Grande Extra Large Mango Tiras de Res Beet Chuck Short Fibs or Flanken Ribs Bone-tn Pan de Elote Com Bread, 20 02 Cans or Bottié’s Bud, Coors, Miller o Tecate ‘30 Pk, 2ozCans SN Costillac i =o | ik “6: 6 Comienza el aio con un regalito de nuestra parte... ar fresh with this digital offer $3 Tg ag Kola pele] St] oS OF $50 OR MORE « Key Lime 1Lb Bag wath your purchase Must clip coupon Limit coupon Chiles San Marcos Galletas Saladitas Gamesa Crackers, 162 02 eu 46 | TS. NOT ALLITEMS AVALABLE MALL STORES

Latest weekly ads

Ae Celebrate the Arrival of The Three Wise Men! . Rosca de Reyes, 48 oz Artisan Qualit Baked In Our Vl VG MARKET lity + Fresh Ingredients ir Stores + Traditional Recipe We also offer Small and Large gnc meal 3 ‘5 Lange Avocado FOR Navel Orange Los Altos Queso Fresco Bar-S Jamén Cocido Cooked Ham "19% Naranja\Navel M2 Frijol Peruano Peruvian Bean Z 299° | Drinks LAY as =| = Res) Sroe A 43) on us! AN \\ Paquete de 16 Piezas de Pierna y Muslo de Pollo con Artz, Frijles, Salsa y Tortillas ~ |GRATIS mi) E Refrescos Jarritos, A BSiours 6. on? o eo shee Frijoles Sun Vista Pi CARDENAS ewards a1 Elote Fresco Fresh Com Mango Extra Grande Extra Large Mango Tiras de Res Beet Chuck Short Fibs or Flanken Ribs Bone-tn Pan de Elote Com Bread, 20 02 Cans or Bottié’s Bud, Coors, Miller o Tecate ‘30 Pk, 2ozCans SN Costillac i =o | ik “6: 6 Comienza el aio con un regalito de nuestra parte... ar fresh with this digital offer $3 Tg ag Kola pele] St] oS OF $50 OR MORE « Key Lime 1Lb Bag wath your purchase Must clip coupon Limit coupon Chiles San Marcos Galletas Saladitas Gamesa Crackers, 162 02 eu 46 | TS. NOT ALLITEMS AVALABLE MALL STORES

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