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Current weekly ad Acme - Valid from 03/14 to 03/20 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Acme 03/14/2025 - 03/20/2025


Products in this weekly ad

SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE Friday, March 14 thru Thursday, March 20, 2025 éJ Official Supermarket of the Philadelphia Eagles T 99 ~' Wr Boneless Pork Loin Roast or Bone-In Pork Shoulder Roast Red or Green Seedless Grapes Raw Shrimp 26-30 ct., EZ peel, sold in a 2 tb. bag for $9.98; lesser quantities $6.99 Ib. Extra Large Cooked Tail On Shrimp, 26-30 ‘eld in a 2 tb, bag for $17.98 en; lesser 55 Ze 7° Weel aa ae" ttl Price $1.90 08 4 Primo Taglio® M: Vea = Ham off ecm bene a em the Bone Basic Lunchables 3 Pascoe sap anh ate (UMIT 2 OFFERS: P oO Ss = Peters barca ea OE a, AID - chericy TQ oxera.vessi, ‘Chin 7S-ten bop 3525-183 40 bewte Perors or Hewichen + Smertond Popenr CG | F190 con Oster. eter iee tos + Homestyle satect wares + Towthos Salsa CLoIa 161-162 0 Io or Surfside 8 ea ieee uae | OFFER 12 oe. ct crete: 1 Gaiden Grahams 327 ot 1 Wx Cereat 107-208 on 12 Cookie Crap 10:6 08 + Lipton Pure Leaf Tes 18:5 fon. be + Pepsi. Diet Pepsi or Mtn Drew 1.25 Mt + Rockstar Energy Drink 16 6 os. came + Propel Fitness Water 20 foe. bes (or Gatorade + Poried Water 23.7 on. ba. + Sports Orin 28 & a. be FINAL PRICE on Set coger taregt DIGITAL ONLY fe} a 45k “Coupon mat be downloaded to your ACHE for U account prior Ce ee tee eed 169.293 08 oh * Croissant Crust 222-235 or. pop, UMIT 1 OFFER en FINAL PRICE ie igh coger egy SEE S10 287-1202 oe. pp ‘oF Lean Cuisine Features or Favorites FINAL PRICE after Sgital coupon tavings rs LIMIT 1 OFFER LIMIT 4 OFFERS FINAL PRICE athe Sgt mi coupon savings 14°2 LIMIT 1 OFFER ees FINAL PRICE Tethame renee Re that Sng pee = 9°2 * Uniepaes Seam Bands 182 ot. UMIT 1 OFFER * Fac Softener Ug 99-160 fo. + Re & Rates Fake Re 8 6 ot (Co Ug Fae Sater Toot ee ta Bource Put Yai 8 Unt ad Fatete Shes 2p. Order online. We do the rest. eens ernest one ACME &) Unlock hundreds of deals. CCN Rea eel Pl0yp.) @ DIGITAL ONLY OFFER te. &~ PRICE ® 99 LIMIT 3 OFFERS SONU Nae} = FINAL PRICE ater digital coupen savings le LIMIT 2 OFFERS Fresh Express Salad Blends 5-11 07. pkg. ~® DIGITAL ONLY OFFER FINAL PRICE after digital coupon savings” 343 (al ‘ FINAL PRICE RS otter digital coupon savings om 99 Baltimore Crab or Eastern Cove ea Lump Crab Meat LIMIT 2 OFFERS 16 02. can @ DIGITAL ONLY OFFER . - a Swirl Bread 14-16 07. pig. -@ DIGITAL ONLY OFFER LIMIT 4 OFFERS FINAL PRICE after digital coupon savings 422 LIMIT 4 OFFERS FINAL PRICE after digital coupen savings” Turkey Hill 2$ Ice Cream for * Premium A 46 fl, oz. ctn, WHEN YOU BUY 2 Late Ni; , 14 fl. oz. = UMIT 1 OFFER Tt hemor are tts “nn a rbd OME tr Usman wd eet Ut pr Same-day Delivery or free Pickup!” (03142025_WK11_MID_ACM_WC_CIRO!_VOL-BFMLP Prices Uectne Fediny, Monch 14 they Therviay, March 20, 2025

Latest weekly ads

SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE Friday, March 14 thru Thursday, March 20, 2025 éJ Official Supermarket of the Philadelphia Eagles T 99 ~' Wr Boneless Pork Loin Roast or Bone-In Pork Shoulder Roast Red or Green Seedless Grapes Raw Shrimp 26-30 ct., EZ peel, sold in a 2 tb. bag for $9.98; lesser quantities $6.99 Ib. Extra Large Cooked Tail On Shrimp, 26-30 ‘eld in a 2 tb, bag for $17.98 en; lesser 55 Ze 7° Weel aa ae" ttl Price $1.90 08 4 Primo Taglio® M: Vea = Ham off ecm bene a em the Bone Basic Lunchables 3 Pascoe sap anh ate (UMIT 2 OFFERS: P oO Ss = Peters barca ea OE a, AID - chericy TQ oxera.vessi, ‘Chin 7S-ten bop 3525-183 40 bewte Perors or Hewichen + Smertond Popenr CG | F190 con Oster. eter iee tos + Homestyle satect wares + Towthos Salsa CLoIa 161-162 0 Io or Surfside 8 ea ieee uae | OFFER 12 oe. ct crete: 1 Gaiden Grahams 327 ot 1 Wx Cereat 107-208 on 12 Cookie Crap 10:6 08 + Lipton Pure Leaf Tes 18:5 fon. be + Pepsi. Diet Pepsi or Mtn Drew 1.25 Mt + Rockstar Energy Drink 16 6 os. came + Propel Fitness Water 20 foe. bes (or Gatorade + Poried Water 23.7 on. ba. + Sports Orin 28 & a. be FINAL PRICE on Set coger taregt DIGITAL ONLY fe} a 45k “Coupon mat be downloaded to your ACHE for U account prior Ce ee tee eed 169.293 08 oh * Croissant Crust 222-235 or. pop, UMIT 1 OFFER en FINAL PRICE ie igh coger egy SEE S10 287-1202 oe. pp ‘oF Lean Cuisine Features or Favorites FINAL PRICE after Sgital coupon tavings rs LIMIT 1 OFFER LIMIT 4 OFFERS FINAL PRICE athe Sgt mi coupon savings 14°2 LIMIT 1 OFFER ees FINAL PRICE Tethame renee Re that Sng pee = 9°2 * Uniepaes Seam Bands 182 ot. UMIT 1 OFFER * Fac Softener Ug 99-160 fo. + Re & Rates Fake Re 8 6 ot (Co Ug Fae Sater Toot ee ta Bource Put Yai 8 Unt ad Fatete Shes 2p. Order online. We do the rest. eens ernest one ACME &) Unlock hundreds of deals. CCN Rea eel Pl0yp.) @ DIGITAL ONLY OFFER te. &~ PRICE ® 99 LIMIT 3 OFFERS SONU Nae} = FINAL PRICE ater digital coupen savings le LIMIT 2 OFFERS Fresh Express Salad Blends 5-11 07. pkg. ~® DIGITAL ONLY OFFER FINAL PRICE after digital coupon savings” 343 (al ‘ FINAL PRICE RS otter digital coupon savings om 99 Baltimore Crab or Eastern Cove ea Lump Crab Meat LIMIT 2 OFFERS 16 02. can @ DIGITAL ONLY OFFER . - a Swirl Bread 14-16 07. pig. -@ DIGITAL ONLY OFFER LIMIT 4 OFFERS FINAL PRICE after digital coupon savings 422 LIMIT 4 OFFERS FINAL PRICE after digital coupen savings” Turkey Hill 2$ Ice Cream for * Premium A 46 fl, oz. ctn, WHEN YOU BUY 2 Late Ni; , 14 fl. oz. = UMIT 1 OFFER Tt hemor are tts “nn a rbd OME tr Usman wd eet Ut pr Same-day Delivery or free Pickup!” (03142025_WK11_MID_ACM_WC_CIRO!_VOL-BFMLP Prices Uectne Fediny, Monch 14 they Therviay, March 20, 2025

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