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SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE Friday, March 14 thru Thursday, March 20, 2025 éJ Official Supermarket of the Philadelphia Eagles T 99 ~' Wr Boneless Pork Loin Roast or Bone-In Pork Shoulder Roast Red or Green Seedless Grapes Raw Shrimp 26-30 ct., EZ peel, sold in a 2 tb. bag for $9.98; lesser quantities $6.99 Ib. Extra Large Cooked Tail On Shrimp, 26-30 ‘eld in a 2 tb, bag for $17.98 en; lesser 55 Ze 7° Weel aa ae" ttl Price $1.90 08 4 Primo Taglio® M: Vea = Ham off ecm bene a em the Bone Basic Lunchables 3 Pascoe sap anh ate (UMIT 2 OFFERS: P oO Ss = Peters barca ea OE a, AID - chericy TQ oxera.vessi, ‘Chin 7S-ten bop 3525-183 40 bewte Perors or Hewichen + Smertond Popenr CG | F190 con Oster. eter iee tos + Homestyle satect wares + Towthos Salsa CLoIa 161-162 0 Io or Surfside 8 ea ieee uae | OFFER 12 oe. ct crete: 1 Gaiden Grahams 327 ot 1 Wx Cereat 107-208 on 12 Cookie Crap 10:6 08 + Lipton Pure Leaf Tes 18:5 fon. be + Pepsi. Diet Pepsi or Mtn Drew 1.25 Mt + Rockstar Energy Drink 16 6 os. came + Propel Fitness Water 20 foe. bes (or Gatorade + Poried Water 23.7 on. ba. + Sports Orin 28 & a. be FINAL PRICE on Set coger taregt DIGITAL ONLY fe} a 45k “Coupon mat be downloaded to your ACHE for U account prior Ce ee tee eed 169.293 08 oh * Croissant Crust 222-235 or. pop, UMIT 1 OFFER en FINAL PRICE ie igh coger egy SEE S10 287-1202 oe. pp ‘oF Lean Cuisine Features or Favorites FINAL PRICE after Sgital coupon tavings rs LIMIT 1 OFFER LIMIT 4 OFFERS FINAL PRICE athe Sgt mi coupon savings 14°2 LIMIT 1 OFFER ees FINAL PRICE Tethame renee Re that Sng pee = 9°2 * Uniepaes Seam Bands 182 ot. UMIT 1 OFFER * Fac Softener Ug 99-160 fo. + Re & Rates Fake Re 8 6 ot (Co Ug Fae Sater Toot ee ta Bource Put Yai 8 Unt ad Fatete Shes 2p. Order online. We do the rest. eens ernest one ACME &) Unlock hundreds of deals. CCN Rea eel Pl0yp.) @ DIGITAL ONLY OFFER te. &~ PRICE ® 99 LIMIT 3 OFFERS SONU Nae} = FINAL PRICE ater digital coupen savings le LIMIT 2 OFFERS Fresh Express Salad Blends 5-11 07. pkg. ~® DIGITAL ONLY OFFER FINAL PRICE after digital coupon savings” 343 (al ‘ FINAL PRICE RS otter digital coupon savings om 99 Baltimore Crab or Eastern Cove ea Lump Crab Meat LIMIT 2 OFFERS 16 02. can @ DIGITAL ONLY OFFER . - a Swirl Bread 14-16 07. pig. -@ DIGITAL ONLY OFFER LIMIT 4 OFFERS FINAL PRICE after digital coupon savings 422 LIMIT 4 OFFERS FINAL PRICE after digital coupen savings” Turkey Hill 2$ Ice Cream for * Premium A 46 fl, oz. ctn, WHEN YOU BUY 2 Late Ni; , 14 fl. oz. = UMIT 1 OFFER Tt hemor are tts “nn a rbd OME tr Usman wd eet Ut pr Same-day Delivery or free Pickup!” (03142025_WK11_MID_ACM_WC_CIRO!_VOL-BFMLP Prices Uectne Fediny, Monch 14 they Therviay, March 20, 2025
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