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Current weekly ad Acme - Valid from 02/21 to 02/27 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Acme 02/21/2025 - 02/27/2025


Products in this weekly ad

SALE PRICES wn C\/ ERG SALE thru Thursday, H@ = February 27, 2025 Valid for Delivery poem WE WANT T0 THANK ela DriveUp (“a clow Bias OUR ACME RELL A ae orders only ae CT Pipe ree PL DO me ee ere Se crchtommeabtamcieidticaniond re rcetere et sine’ Cah eur k cect ee ee soa v) SAVINGS! S on your total SAV Es online order of ES PlKelg more” ADD CODE CYBER20 AT | ‘CHECKOUT Avocados LIMIT 4 oF oniine Exclusive Honeycrisp FINAL PRICE Apples ‘after digital coupon savings” LIMIT 5 LBS. re LIMIT 1 OFFER ae Signature Farms® Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Value Pack Clementines 3 Ib. bag is, Extra Large 499 Raw Shrimp: 26-30 ct. EZ peel, Assorted Pork T 99 FINAL PRICE a 3 FINAL PRICE ater igtalcowpse eavege . after dal coupon savings” IB) Loin chop ib ' 1 99 es 299 Value Pack atapenutstnasseasites Avocados oo (EA Value Pack ‘in 2 bog for $1.98 en eer quantities $10.99 ‘res sa} 5 Cae we: 3 = Be y 3 : ifs # Tuna 2550. posch praris —— x + Chunk Light Tuna 5 o.can ‘or Banquet Pot Pies 7 0: iy FINAL PRICE FINAL PRICE FINAL PRICE ox Chetan of te Sea © rick neds bso ot eee ant * Original 25.2. Tuttorosso Tomatoes, + Rin Chur ight Low Sodium wes 349 a 699 ‘or Chunk Light Tuna 5 oe. an COG or Celeste Pizza For One ir. ‘a i + Sardines 375 02.<an SsSen = srr x OFFER a cus 3 orren 2”. + Ruffes Potato Chios + Toston Torta Chips ohn be + Ghatos Cheese Sac 1 Mias Vicki's 8 bop se Frito-Lay Creamy Dips Campbell Toas7sec he Peas armours. |. - ais * Chunky a Schinore: FINAL PRICE FINAL PRICE serie omer sre aga eng =. 85 Er ieee CuZD VEO | « Homestyle 1 99 Chunk or 99 99 wories ee. fort ‘Lump Shredded ea : umiriorreR | Crab Meat Limi 2 OFFERS. Cheese LIMIT 2 OFFERS: se ea 186-19 a2. con | TROP uae = 3202. pkg. es Ice Cream on aoe Soe et em te moe > oe « Haagen-Dazs on 1a feeecen. +1900 Sheet Bath Tue a + Comtr Ps Bath Taso ge + Choose-A Size Paper saad Sontane an | ‘Qoline Exctusive / i nee Ss ANAL PRICE He rmacomce Dietz & ihe hog conor We bgt men ea =. ae ~ eee Nabisco: (aliens hay ties Mark West Pinot 499 ea 2 Sock Crackers Noir, Roscato Rosso Oren oe UMTR OFFERS Testes Dolce or Cupcake Pasir Sauvignon Blanc, + Oreos 123-1873 04 Pinot Grigio or Chardonnay 750 ml. sect vats NAL PRICE = online Exclusive ewe ott PRICE nate PRICE 3$]0 | Bite pe nen veg Spt fog veg Instant Oatmeal 7.4-14.1 o:. pkg. 32 hoe cane i Pizza Quick Oats 18 oz. pho. Pizza. | UMITLOFFER | Pncenss tnirsorrm | Bags, usar 2 ofvens " : A i for 99 1292 * Oatmeal Squares Cereal ] €q * 4 Fashioned or ‘SELECT* COT sec g99 Par Size Tr 7 145 02. pkg, * Life Cereal 13 02. pko. * Cap'n Crunch Cereal « Instant Grits 98 or. pio. * Chewy Granola Bars 9-126 02. pkg. er sree, 63-74 02. pk. (02212025. WHO, ud_ACM_WC_CIROH_VO MUP ‘oc aos Wey, aby 2) rw Dry, Fbrery 27, 2025

Latest weekly ads

SALE PRICES wn C\/ ERG SALE thru Thursday, H@ = February 27, 2025 Valid for Delivery poem WE WANT T0 THANK ela DriveUp (“a clow Bias OUR ACME RELL A ae orders only ae CT Pipe ree PL DO me ee ere Se crchtommeabtamcieidticaniond re rcetere et sine’ Cah eur k cect ee ee soa v) SAVINGS! S on your total SAV Es online order of ES PlKelg more” ADD CODE CYBER20 AT | ‘CHECKOUT Avocados LIMIT 4 oF oniine Exclusive Honeycrisp FINAL PRICE Apples ‘after digital coupon savings” LIMIT 5 LBS. re LIMIT 1 OFFER ae Signature Farms® Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Value Pack Clementines 3 Ib. bag is, Extra Large 499 Raw Shrimp: 26-30 ct. EZ peel, Assorted Pork T 99 FINAL PRICE a 3 FINAL PRICE ater igtalcowpse eavege . after dal coupon savings” IB) Loin chop ib ' 1 99 es 299 Value Pack atapenutstnasseasites Avocados oo (EA Value Pack ‘in 2 bog for $1.98 en eer quantities $10.99 ‘res sa} 5 Cae we: 3 = Be y 3 : ifs # Tuna 2550. posch praris —— x + Chunk Light Tuna 5 o.can ‘or Banquet Pot Pies 7 0: iy FINAL PRICE FINAL PRICE FINAL PRICE ox Chetan of te Sea © rick neds bso ot eee ant * Original 25.2. Tuttorosso Tomatoes, + Rin Chur ight Low Sodium wes 349 a 699 ‘or Chunk Light Tuna 5 oe. an COG or Celeste Pizza For One ir. ‘a i + Sardines 375 02.<an SsSen = srr x OFFER a cus 3 orren 2”. + Ruffes Potato Chios + Toston Torta Chips ohn be + Ghatos Cheese Sac 1 Mias Vicki's 8 bop se Frito-Lay Creamy Dips Campbell Toas7sec he Peas armours. |. - ais * Chunky a Schinore: FINAL PRICE FINAL PRICE serie omer sre aga eng =. 85 Er ieee CuZD VEO | « Homestyle 1 99 Chunk or 99 99 wories ee. fort ‘Lump Shredded ea : umiriorreR | Crab Meat Limi 2 OFFERS. Cheese LIMIT 2 OFFERS: se ea 186-19 a2. con | TROP uae = 3202. pkg. es Ice Cream on aoe Soe et em te moe > oe « Haagen-Dazs on 1a feeecen. +1900 Sheet Bath Tue a + Comtr Ps Bath Taso ge + Choose-A Size Paper saad Sontane an | ‘Qoline Exctusive / i nee Ss ANAL PRICE He rmacomce Dietz & ihe hog conor We bgt men ea =. ae ~ eee Nabisco: (aliens hay ties Mark West Pinot 499 ea 2 Sock Crackers Noir, Roscato Rosso Oren oe UMTR OFFERS Testes Dolce or Cupcake Pasir Sauvignon Blanc, + Oreos 123-1873 04 Pinot Grigio or Chardonnay 750 ml. sect vats NAL PRICE = online Exclusive ewe ott PRICE nate PRICE 3$]0 | Bite pe nen veg Spt fog veg Instant Oatmeal 7.4-14.1 o:. pkg. 32 hoe cane i Pizza Quick Oats 18 oz. pho. Pizza. | UMITLOFFER | Pncenss tnirsorrm | Bags, usar 2 ofvens " : A i for 99 1292 * Oatmeal Squares Cereal ] €q * 4 Fashioned or ‘SELECT* COT sec g99 Par Size Tr 7 145 02. pkg, * Life Cereal 13 02. pko. * Cap'n Crunch Cereal « Instant Grits 98 or. pio. * Chewy Granola Bars 9-126 02. pkg. er sree, 63-74 02. pk. (02212025. WHO, ud_ACM_WC_CIROH_VO MUP ‘oc aos Wey, aby 2) rw Dry, Fbrery 27, 2025

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