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Current weekly ad Cardenas Markets - Valid from 02/05 to 02/11 - Page nb 1


Weekly ad Cardenas Markets 02/05/2025 - 02/11/2025


Products in this weekly ad

ENTER FORA j Mm erent en TO WIN EAC esesacilts un Lr - . A 55” SMART TV Saute Se : FS er GIFT CARD a 4 o £4 3 % » Aguacate Chico Naranja Navel Small Hass Avocado FOR Navel Orange Bolonia oom =S Franks, 16 02 Mostaza Ss. Amarilla EED 4 5 | Yellow Mustard, 14 oz | Salsa México Lindo ce Cabeza o sin Cescat y Desvenado Fresh Whole Pox Value Pack or Set ae ee itos, Tostitos o Ruffles Chips, 8-13. $™=749 Whi en you by EA je purchase When you buy 4 When you buy 2 in single purchase in single purchase When you buy 2 single purchase — — Salchichas aaa Osear Mayer Knorr Bouillon, 32 02 , Néctares Be) Se Nectar, 12 Pk 9 | Re = [ hes | ae i SS ares freee at wa Gran Malo 4 § ong) Polvo Klass; eS B wos. o's Fcred Drkocia a Fon GRAN ce ont ar Purified Water a lamburger 0 PIGS Mahatma Handinad ‘Bud, Coo! Hot Dog Buns, 8 ct 20 Panes 3510” Ext Long Gain i? “16” nillero Tecate 21° me orca e, EA —t EA) 30% 1202Cans EA ase = ) Tortilla Polvo para Fruta Tajin os soak Moz Ee aK couse > Bandido ef etky, 202 inos Grandes Large Cucumbers Elote Fresco 3 52 Guacamole Fresh Com FOR Fresh Guacamole, 16 oz Bistecic ‘OWT rozo) de Diezmilld de Res” Beef Chuck SI Modelo, Heineken © Dos Equis 24 Pk, 12 07 Bottles

Latest weekly ads

ENTER FORA j Mm erent en TO WIN EAC esesacilts un Lr - . A 55” SMART TV Saute Se : FS er GIFT CARD a 4 o £4 3 % » Aguacate Chico Naranja Navel Small Hass Avocado FOR Navel Orange Bolonia oom =S Franks, 16 02 Mostaza Ss. Amarilla EED 4 5 | Yellow Mustard, 14 oz | Salsa México Lindo ce Cabeza o sin Cescat y Desvenado Fresh Whole Pox Value Pack or Set ae ee itos, Tostitos o Ruffles Chips, 8-13. $™=749 Whi en you by EA je purchase When you buy 4 When you buy 2 in single purchase in single purchase When you buy 2 single purchase — — Salchichas aaa Osear Mayer Knorr Bouillon, 32 02 , Néctares Be) Se Nectar, 12 Pk 9 | Re = [ hes | ae i SS ares freee at wa Gran Malo 4 § ong) Polvo Klass; eS B wos. o's Fcred Drkocia a Fon GRAN ce ont ar Purified Water a lamburger 0 PIGS Mahatma Handinad ‘Bud, Coo! Hot Dog Buns, 8 ct 20 Panes 3510” Ext Long Gain i? “16” nillero Tecate 21° me orca e, EA —t EA) 30% 1202Cans EA ase = ) Tortilla Polvo para Fruta Tajin os soak Moz Ee aK couse > Bandido ef etky, 202 inos Grandes Large Cucumbers Elote Fresco 3 52 Guacamole Fresh Com FOR Fresh Guacamole, 16 oz Bistecic ‘OWT rozo) de Diezmilld de Res” Beef Chuck SI Modelo, Heineken © Dos Equis 24 Pk, 12 07 Bottles

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