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Current weekly ad ShopRite - Valid from 08/30 to 09/05 - Page nb 1


Weekly ad ShopRite 08/30/2024 - 09/05/2024


Products in this weekly ad

A-Z8S 3 DIGITAL doorbusters Savings all week. =—_- SCAN TO DOWNLOAD OVER $275.00 in Digital Coupon savings this week! laa eee Va ey PER ect ee ee ey 30-1 ee CLIP COUPONS OR LOAD THEM DIGITALLY TO REDEEM OFFER. COUPONS MAY NOT BE COMBINED. $5 OFF S$ CODE: FALL 2 < Pickup. ” - ONLINE ORDERS $50 ‘ at ‘x A VALID 8/30- 9/5/z4.¢ LIMIT} Deliver. > 2 Limit 1 offer Bowl & Basket Rotisserie Chicken ‘55-0, Store Prepared, New Jamaican Jerk Flaver, Select Varieties oF With an adattions (excluding fuel an turchase of $10.00 or mere Items prohibited bylaw ae es wea FINAL PRICE Ready Pac Bistro Bowl Salads 445t07275-02, Selected Voneties E68 unr «per variery With an aditional purchase of $10.00 or more (excluding fuel and items prohibited by fa). Kellogg’s Cereal Medium Size bs, Crumb Chessy Chip Cookie, 881002 bo. 126 0 St. Cocan Krups toe Ay Vry. Frosted ERS unr aven vamery With an adltionat purchase of $10.00 or more (excluding fuel and items prohibited by la Haagen-Dazs Novelties ‘or oe, Any ty xg te Cote Cone Outshine Fruit Bars Oreo Ice Cream Novelties 712 Limit 1 offer When You Buy 2 Limit 1 offer FOR When You Buy 2 ERB unr aven vant Limit 1 offer With an adtionlpurenase of $10.00 oF more {erloing os andes prohibited by law . a = wo saler= 4 $ . i 488 1 $400 Canada Dry Ginger Ale 2-Liter or Core FINAL PRICE Hydration Water 1 Ps ep or Fee Were Ra) Where Ale) Sryenger le steror 204 Core ygravon ter EB unr sorrens With an adltional purchase of $10.00 oF more {excluding fuel and items prohibited by law) FOR When You Buy 4 Limit 1 offer sale $%49 =! se, $342 Pore) Ba aie FINAL PRICE Frozen Baby Back Ribs D $249 Fay caecum Ib. Lait Pre secre ata rs Sale (<= nae sas Digitar $50 Cire FINAL PRICE Panera Soup Cups $999 Wor, Select Vries ea. Limit 1 offer With an adational purchase of $10.00 or more {excluding fel and items prohibited by lov), $ Bo bao Digital $200 cr Pa FINAL PRICE Almond Breeze 2 Almond Milk i S210 64 os. cont, Ay Vey When You Buy 2 Limit 1 offer With an adaiton (excluding fu purchase of $10.00 or more tems prohibited by law). eeee Digitar $200 Ct rr FINAL PRICE Wonderful Pistachios $ 99 6-2 bao, ASsortea Varies Ba Limit 1 With an additional purchase of $10.00 or more (excluding fuel and items prohibited by law. BE Digital $400 [on Nabisco Chips Ahoy! FINAL PRICE Cookies 3 $ Tio B-0z pha. Eicluding Thins Bites, Gluten Fre, Limited tion & Chewy Smeves ny Varety ee When You Buy 3 Limit 1 offer With an additional purchase of $10.00 or more (excluding fuel and items prohibited by lw. / $389 Sole Price: ae Digital $01 Cre r 5-lb. Bag Bowl & Basket Yellow Potatoes FINAL PRICE 12 usa Limit 1 offer ith an adationl purchase of $1.00 o more texclacing ue anders prohibited by lw satef= $599 fag” SOR Digital $498 eee 7 FINAL PRICE Snapple Iced Tea 6-Pack Seon tat wt psi bis s ‘Gis dep. 1 Fe Where eq) 602 Past ottes Any Variety, Drinks or led Tea When You Buy 2 Limit 1 offer LUMIT 4 PER VARIETY With an additional purchase of $10.00 or more {excluding fuel and items prohibited by law). For i Gi belVita FINAL PRICE Breakfast Biscuits 3 704toae-cx bon FOR Any Vanity, Nabisco nen Exe nr soreens Limit fer 1 purchase of $10.00 or mare tems prohibited by lav). ya rl carr) sale (10! 10910 Digital $200 FINAL PRICE Powerade 10 $ Sports Drink os 8 261. UL (Escving Ut) Any Variety When You Buy 10 Limit 1 offer ES univ s orrers With an additional purchase of $10.00 or more (excluding fuel and items prohibited by law). cemlog Pm Cora Frito Lay Snacks FINAL PRICE varep sarc, = ea. Limit 1 With an additional purchase of $10.00 or more. (excluding fuel and items pronibited by law. ShopR4 DIGITAL DOORBUSTERS sate fo $1499 Tee | Scott Bath Tissue 20-Pack 1,650-tt.sht. ct pi, Equals 72-Reguar Rol Comfort Pus Mega Rol 8-Pack or 20.000-tt. ht ct, HPly20-Pack ES unr 4 per variery Cheez-It Snack Crackers 5750 75-02 pka. Any Variety Put or Snag Bakee Sacks ce to 12-02, box Excluding Large Size Snape) Snack Crackers ES unre aver variery YoCrunch Yogurt jon Drinks Kellogg’s Snack Bars 56 06202 box Excluding Poppers & Homestyle) Any Variety, Rice Hise Treat, 528-02, (acluing Protein Meal Bars, Keto {Friendly & Pumpkin) Special K Bars (FCrsps of 7 0104-02, Excluding Purple & Bes) Nutr Gran Bars Es umraen vanery es upon Ore FINAL PRICE $13%9 Limit 1 pat’ $48 “—D oa FINAL PRICE When You Buy 2 When You Buy 4 salel= $999 sel? 322 on When You Buy 2 Sale E> Price: $599 $200 ig FINAL PRICE 332 Limit 1 Digital fren) Hellmann’s Real Mayonnaise 20-02 squeeze bilo 241 30-0 ja Any Variety 38 unit 4 per variety Bee 012 ra fo FINAL PRICE 3510 When You Buy 3 cane Pure Life Purified Water 24-Pack 405.6-02. tot. wt. bis (Pus Dep. or Fee Whore Rea) 69-02. Botes $299 id ious WiFi " aut ia ia FINAL PRICE $199 Mir & ‘Swix Thomas’ Muffin Tops 6-Pack BARE 105-00 to wi. oha, Any Vrety ri Thomas’ Swirl Bread 2 F Kinder. 16-01 fat Any Variety $700 as a 7 iin @ Se 25%. Mir 4 Kinder Chocolate Broz pk. X4 Bars Bae” 4518 $400 OFF 4 FINAL PRICE Pred i] Coupon Pepsi Bottles or Mini Cans 6-Pack 1OL4-0z.tot wl. tls, (Plus Dep or Fee Where Rea) 16.902 Boles or 45-02 tot. wt cans, 75-02 Cin, “Any Variety, Schweppes, tary, Min Dew o Peps ES unr orrers Thomas’ English Muffins 12-Pack 24 10 25/02 tot. wt pig. Any Variety When You Buy 4 LIMIT 4 OFFERS $449 Digital $400) Cone aae init 4 sae 389 i FINAL PRICE Digital Coupon Keebler Cookies 77 to W4.-02, pkg. Excluding Family & Party Size) ‘ny Variety, Mothers or Keebler ES unr orrens ‘When You Buy 3 eee 12 Digital $750 aie lis FINAL PRICE oo" Limit 1 Colgate Toothpaste ror, Any Variety E42 unr aver variery A-Z8S_ Prices, programs and promotions effective Fri., August 30, thru Thurs., September 5, 2024 in ShopRite’ Stores. ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPEAR ON THE LAST PAGE.

Latest weekly ads

A-Z8S 3 DIGITAL doorbusters Savings all week. =—_- SCAN TO DOWNLOAD OVER $275.00 in Digital Coupon savings this week! laa eee Va ey PER ect ee ee ey 30-1 ee CLIP COUPONS OR LOAD THEM DIGITALLY TO REDEEM OFFER. COUPONS MAY NOT BE COMBINED. $5 OFF S$ CODE: FALL 2 < Pickup. ” - ONLINE ORDERS $50 ‘ at ‘x A VALID 8/30- 9/5/z4.¢ LIMIT} Deliver. > 2 Limit 1 offer Bowl & Basket Rotisserie Chicken ‘55-0, Store Prepared, New Jamaican Jerk Flaver, Select Varieties oF With an adattions (excluding fuel an turchase of $10.00 or mere Items prohibited bylaw ae es wea FINAL PRICE Ready Pac Bistro Bowl Salads 445t07275-02, Selected Voneties E68 unr «per variery With an aditional purchase of $10.00 or more (excluding fuel and items prohibited by fa). Kellogg’s Cereal Medium Size bs, Crumb Chessy Chip Cookie, 881002 bo. 126 0 St. Cocan Krups toe Ay Vry. Frosted ERS unr aven vamery With an adltionat purchase of $10.00 or more (excluding fuel and items prohibited by la Haagen-Dazs Novelties ‘or oe, Any ty xg te Cote Cone Outshine Fruit Bars Oreo Ice Cream Novelties 712 Limit 1 offer When You Buy 2 Limit 1 offer FOR When You Buy 2 ERB unr aven vant Limit 1 offer With an adtionlpurenase of $10.00 oF more {erloing os andes prohibited by law . a = wo saler= 4 $ . i 488 1 $400 Canada Dry Ginger Ale 2-Liter or Core FINAL PRICE Hydration Water 1 Ps ep or Fee Were Ra) Where Ale) Sryenger le steror 204 Core ygravon ter EB unr sorrens With an adltional purchase of $10.00 oF more {excluding fuel and items prohibited by law) FOR When You Buy 4 Limit 1 offer sale $%49 =! se, $342 Pore) Ba aie FINAL PRICE Frozen Baby Back Ribs D $249 Fay caecum Ib. Lait Pre secre ata rs Sale (<= nae sas Digitar $50 Cire FINAL PRICE Panera Soup Cups $999 Wor, Select Vries ea. Limit 1 offer With an adational purchase of $10.00 or more {excluding fel and items prohibited by lov), $ Bo bao Digital $200 cr Pa FINAL PRICE Almond Breeze 2 Almond Milk i S210 64 os. cont, Ay Vey When You Buy 2 Limit 1 offer With an adaiton (excluding fu purchase of $10.00 or more tems prohibited by law). eeee Digitar $200 Ct rr FINAL PRICE Wonderful Pistachios $ 99 6-2 bao, ASsortea Varies Ba Limit 1 With an additional purchase of $10.00 or more (excluding fuel and items prohibited by law. BE Digital $400 [on Nabisco Chips Ahoy! FINAL PRICE Cookies 3 $ Tio B-0z pha. Eicluding Thins Bites, Gluten Fre, Limited tion & Chewy Smeves ny Varety ee When You Buy 3 Limit 1 offer With an additional purchase of $10.00 or more (excluding fuel and items prohibited by lw. / $389 Sole Price: ae Digital $01 Cre r 5-lb. Bag Bowl & Basket Yellow Potatoes FINAL PRICE 12 usa Limit 1 offer ith an adationl purchase of $1.00 o more texclacing ue anders prohibited by lw satef= $599 fag” SOR Digital $498 eee 7 FINAL PRICE Snapple Iced Tea 6-Pack Seon tat wt psi bis s ‘Gis dep. 1 Fe Where eq) 602 Past ottes Any Variety, Drinks or led Tea When You Buy 2 Limit 1 offer LUMIT 4 PER VARIETY With an additional purchase of $10.00 or more {excluding fuel and items prohibited by law). For i Gi belVita FINAL PRICE Breakfast Biscuits 3 704toae-cx bon FOR Any Vanity, Nabisco nen Exe nr soreens Limit fer 1 purchase of $10.00 or mare tems prohibited by lav). ya rl carr) sale (10! 10910 Digital $200 FINAL PRICE Powerade 10 $ Sports Drink os 8 261. UL (Escving Ut) Any Variety When You Buy 10 Limit 1 offer ES univ s orrers With an additional purchase of $10.00 or more (excluding fuel and items prohibited by law). cemlog Pm Cora Frito Lay Snacks FINAL PRICE varep sarc, = ea. Limit 1 With an additional purchase of $10.00 or more. (excluding fuel and items pronibited by law. ShopR4 DIGITAL DOORBUSTERS sate fo $1499 Tee | Scott Bath Tissue 20-Pack 1,650-tt.sht. ct pi, Equals 72-Reguar Rol Comfort Pus Mega Rol 8-Pack or 20.000-tt. ht ct, HPly20-Pack ES unr 4 per variery Cheez-It Snack Crackers 5750 75-02 pka. Any Variety Put or Snag Bakee Sacks ce to 12-02, box Excluding Large Size Snape) Snack Crackers ES unre aver variery YoCrunch Yogurt jon Drinks Kellogg’s Snack Bars 56 06202 box Excluding Poppers & Homestyle) Any Variety, Rice Hise Treat, 528-02, (acluing Protein Meal Bars, Keto {Friendly & Pumpkin) Special K Bars (FCrsps of 7 0104-02, Excluding Purple & Bes) Nutr Gran Bars Es umraen vanery es upon Ore FINAL PRICE $13%9 Limit 1 pat’ $48 “—D oa FINAL PRICE When You Buy 2 When You Buy 4 salel= $999 sel? 322 on When You Buy 2 Sale E> Price: $599 $200 ig FINAL PRICE 332 Limit 1 Digital fren) Hellmann’s Real Mayonnaise 20-02 squeeze bilo 241 30-0 ja Any Variety 38 unit 4 per variety Bee 012 ra fo FINAL PRICE 3510 When You Buy 3 cane Pure Life Purified Water 24-Pack 405.6-02. tot. wt. bis (Pus Dep. or Fee Whore Rea) 69-02. Botes $299 id ious WiFi " aut ia ia FINAL PRICE $199 Mir & ‘Swix Thomas’ Muffin Tops 6-Pack BARE 105-00 to wi. oha, Any Vrety ri Thomas’ Swirl Bread 2 F Kinder. 16-01 fat Any Variety $700 as a 7 iin @ Se 25%. Mir 4 Kinder Chocolate Broz pk. X4 Bars Bae” 4518 $400 OFF 4 FINAL PRICE Pred i] Coupon Pepsi Bottles or Mini Cans 6-Pack 1OL4-0z.tot wl. tls, (Plus Dep or Fee Where Rea) 16.902 Boles or 45-02 tot. wt cans, 75-02 Cin, “Any Variety, Schweppes, tary, Min Dew o Peps ES unr orrers Thomas’ English Muffins 12-Pack 24 10 25/02 tot. wt pig. Any Variety When You Buy 4 LIMIT 4 OFFERS $449 Digital $400) Cone aae init 4 sae 389 i FINAL PRICE Digital Coupon Keebler Cookies 77 to W4.-02, pkg. Excluding Family & Party Size) ‘ny Variety, Mothers or Keebler ES unr orrens ‘When You Buy 3 eee 12 Digital $750 aie lis FINAL PRICE oo" Limit 1 Colgate Toothpaste ror, Any Variety E42 unr aver variery A-Z8S_ Prices, programs and promotions effective Fri., August 30, thru Thurs., September 5, 2024 in ShopRite’ Stores. ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPEAR ON THE LAST PAGE.

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