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Current weekly ad ShopRite - Valid from 11/22 to 11/28 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad ShopRite 11/22/2024 - 11/28/2024


Products in this weekly ad

Crane st Sant) HAPPY Turkey or Ham FOR THANKSGIVING Spend $350 6 FROM FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18 THRU THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28 TO QUALIFY. Pees Bowl & Basket eres ty urkey, » 408 $999 ED Handi Foil Giant Oval Rack Roaster with Handles Heinz Home Style Gravy 4 $7 Stove Top Stuffing Mix SES Eerboctny vont | ss oD mE $7149 aE $949 gee Green Bowl & Basket Asparagus sweet Potatoes $ 599 Bowl & Basket White Mushrooms EES $999 Mandarins 3-Ib & Halos Mandarins -Ib. Bag $299 Glory Collard Greens 2-Ib. Bag $149 Fresh Cranberries Bruce's Cut Yams Princella Cut Green Giant Simply Sweet Potatoes feces Nocotablee mum $188 =m $999 King’s Hawaiian Dinner Rolls rere Se ocean Spray ea Sommer sauce Dad $999 Fe save 500] Paperbied Everyday Plates = ‘Wesson cajta Oil Gallon my Paborbird Napk Tastes of Fall $599, $629 Lohr's $149 i Shaw é 4 orchards Local Apples $129 mum $3999 mam $2999 2 colara oe zat Save Over $225 with Digital Coupons! ease Breyers Coke Bottles 8-Pack co ae Lay's (ms $949 Reddi Wip Whipped Topping (EEE $399 Bow! & Basket Ground Coffee New England Ground Cottee our app & quickly load coupons ‘Scan the OR code to download to start saving! Hellmann's Real Mayonnaise am 2-Liter Canada Dry SB f} Ginger Ale 2. Pa site bf : a wr Either Nabisco Shack crackers At) ene EES 4.99 Store Baked Apple of Pumpkin Pie $377 Chock full o’Nuts Ground Ce Coffee ‘mm $799 Maxwell House (EEE $199 General Mills Cereal ¢ (ED $799 § Fresh Premium , ED $799 Large Snow Green Giant Vegetables $999 = Bow! & Basket p Turney Breast As, = Philadelphia Brick Cream Cheese Ib. Center Cut Pe EE $1398 2-4b. Bag Bow! & Basket Extra Jumbo EZ-Peel Shrimp 2utb. Bag Bow! & Basket ‘Jumbo Cleaned Shrimp (EEE $125 Tuttorosso $249 Frelhofer’s Pepsi Cans Cube 24-Pack aD $ 499 Hershey's ae mE $949 Arizona Iced Tea pale 22 steak Polar Seltzer 12-Pack _| | HEED $6 99 ool St Sparkle Towels Tide Simply Laundry Detergent @ oO © YOUR NEXT — .... Order Pickup, Deliver aA | mon = notre tion ES Ea: on = ‘Save time and money. tena arie rm malin aa ra 1-ZBS Prices, programs and promotions offectve Fri, November 22 thru Thurs, November 28, 2024 in the ShopRite Stores in Maryland, Sunday sales subloct to local blue laws, No sales made to other rotllrs or wholesales. ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPEAR ON THE LAST PAGE.

Latest weekly ads

Crane st Sant) HAPPY Turkey or Ham FOR THANKSGIVING Spend $350 6 FROM FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18 THRU THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28 TO QUALIFY. Pees Bowl & Basket eres ty urkey, » 408 $999 ED Handi Foil Giant Oval Rack Roaster with Handles Heinz Home Style Gravy 4 $7 Stove Top Stuffing Mix SES Eerboctny vont | ss oD mE $7149 aE $949 gee Green Bowl & Basket Asparagus sweet Potatoes $ 599 Bowl & Basket White Mushrooms EES $999 Mandarins 3-Ib & Halos Mandarins -Ib. Bag $299 Glory Collard Greens 2-Ib. Bag $149 Fresh Cranberries Bruce's Cut Yams Princella Cut Green Giant Simply Sweet Potatoes feces Nocotablee mum $188 =m $999 King’s Hawaiian Dinner Rolls rere Se ocean Spray ea Sommer sauce Dad $999 Fe save 500] Paperbied Everyday Plates = ‘Wesson cajta Oil Gallon my Paborbird Napk Tastes of Fall $599, $629 Lohr's $149 i Shaw é 4 orchards Local Apples $129 mum $3999 mam $2999 2 colara oe zat Save Over $225 with Digital Coupons! ease Breyers Coke Bottles 8-Pack co ae Lay's (ms $949 Reddi Wip Whipped Topping (EEE $399 Bow! & Basket Ground Coffee New England Ground Cottee our app & quickly load coupons ‘Scan the OR code to download to start saving! Hellmann's Real Mayonnaise am 2-Liter Canada Dry SB f} Ginger Ale 2. Pa site bf : a wr Either Nabisco Shack crackers At) ene EES 4.99 Store Baked Apple of Pumpkin Pie $377 Chock full o’Nuts Ground Ce Coffee ‘mm $799 Maxwell House (EEE $199 General Mills Cereal ¢ (ED $799 § Fresh Premium , ED $799 Large Snow Green Giant Vegetables $999 = Bow! & Basket p Turney Breast As, = Philadelphia Brick Cream Cheese Ib. Center Cut Pe EE $1398 2-4b. Bag Bow! & Basket Extra Jumbo EZ-Peel Shrimp 2utb. Bag Bow! & Basket ‘Jumbo Cleaned Shrimp (EEE $125 Tuttorosso $249 Frelhofer’s Pepsi Cans Cube 24-Pack aD $ 499 Hershey's ae mE $949 Arizona Iced Tea pale 22 steak Polar Seltzer 12-Pack _| | HEED $6 99 ool St Sparkle Towels Tide Simply Laundry Detergent @ oO © YOUR NEXT — .... Order Pickup, Deliver aA | mon = notre tion ES Ea: on = ‘Save time and money. tena arie rm malin aa ra 1-ZBS Prices, programs and promotions offectve Fri, November 22 thru Thurs, November 28, 2024 in the ShopRite Stores in Maryland, Sunday sales subloct to local blue laws, No sales made to other rotllrs or wholesales. ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPEAR ON THE LAST PAGE.

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