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Current weekly ad Sentry - Labor Day - Valid from 09/01 to 09/07 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Sentry 09/01/2022 - 09/07/2022


Products in this weekly ad

AND D anes CLIPLESS SUPER COUPON Fe ‘00 8380 BEST PICKED fag UIE 85% Lean Bi-Color 2/ Ground Chuck Corn \ USDA Inspected, Fresh Sweet SX Sold in 3 tb pkg or more Pork Back Ribs USDA Inspected, ‘ Tender & Juicy Watermelon Whole Seedless Oscar Mayer J COUPON Gold’n Plump Meat Wieners Chicken Drumsticks AG : crsmories or Thighs £ 14-160zphs, 2 4 3 Selected Varieties COUPON Red Grapes California, Seedless 1 4G Boneless g9) New York Strip Steak USDA Choice Angus Beef 4 ae fray Fresh, Small Pack : Essential Everyday : Chunk or Shredded 102-144 oz pk, King’s Hawaiian 2 Cheese Selected Varieties Mini Sub Rolls $ 80x Chunk or 6-8 07 Shredded, 6ctpkg Selected Varieties 5.302 cup, 6,49-10.25 02 pks, 3 10-108 ozpkg, Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Selected Varieties AFTER Selected Varieties i"" 10/49 =. 5/4Q = Blue Bunny a : Ice Cream 499 = 1280zpail, i Classic Kettle if Ui : jC cokeaaa aN ite i’. y } piito-ay =—— : < A i : S ? coors Light or Coors Old Orchard : Lay's Potato or i i ile 100% Apple Juice Kettle Cooked Chips Pepsi } MED or Miller 64 or Juice Blends or Poppables Snacks Products 3/ i ip 640, 475-90r bog, 12pk, 1207 cans oe ‘49 Selected Varieties } Selected Varieties 2 Selected Vorities $900k Ee Ke ‘COUPON PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1 THRU SEPTEMBER 7, 2022 Limit Rights Reserved. Some Items or Varieties Not Available In All Stores. We Reserve the Right To Limit Quantities And Correct Alll Printed Errors. © 2022 UNFI ING, all rights reserved. May not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without expressed written permission. No Rain Checks. 2501 W CourtSt, Janesville, WI 53548-3306 608-752-0501 1200_01K_852_ SENTRY_O901 852-0901

Latest weekly ads

AND D anes CLIPLESS SUPER COUPON Fe ‘00 8380 BEST PICKED fag UIE 85% Lean Bi-Color 2/ Ground Chuck Corn \ USDA Inspected, Fresh Sweet SX Sold in 3 tb pkg or more Pork Back Ribs USDA Inspected, ‘ Tender & Juicy Watermelon Whole Seedless Oscar Mayer J COUPON Gold’n Plump Meat Wieners Chicken Drumsticks AG : crsmories or Thighs £ 14-160zphs, 2 4 3 Selected Varieties COUPON Red Grapes California, Seedless 1 4G Boneless g9) New York Strip Steak USDA Choice Angus Beef 4 ae fray Fresh, Small Pack : Essential Everyday : Chunk or Shredded 102-144 oz pk, King’s Hawaiian 2 Cheese Selected Varieties Mini Sub Rolls $ 80x Chunk or 6-8 07 Shredded, 6ctpkg Selected Varieties 5.302 cup, 6,49-10.25 02 pks, 3 10-108 ozpkg, Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Selected Varieties AFTER Selected Varieties i"" 10/49 =. 5/4Q = Blue Bunny a : Ice Cream 499 = 1280zpail, i Classic Kettle if Ui : jC cokeaaa aN ite i’. y } piito-ay =—— : < A i : S ? coors Light or Coors Old Orchard : Lay's Potato or i i ile 100% Apple Juice Kettle Cooked Chips Pepsi } MED or Miller 64 or Juice Blends or Poppables Snacks Products 3/ i ip 640, 475-90r bog, 12pk, 1207 cans oe ‘49 Selected Varieties } Selected Varieties 2 Selected Vorities $900k Ee Ke ‘COUPON PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1 THRU SEPTEMBER 7, 2022 Limit Rights Reserved. Some Items or Varieties Not Available In All Stores. We Reserve the Right To Limit Quantities And Correct Alll Printed Errors. © 2022 UNFI ING, all rights reserved. May not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without expressed written permission. No Rain Checks. 2501 W CourtSt, Janesville, WI 53548-3306 608-752-0501 1200_01K_852_ SENTRY_O901 852-0901

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