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Current weekly ad Rural King - Valid from 10/01 to 12/31 - Page nb 4


Weekly ad Rural King 10/01/2023 - 12/31/2023


Products in this weekly ad

4A October 1st - December 31st | Quarter 4 2023 4A aia BUSTERS Look For The Green Tags Around The Store! Me: MT Moh aCe tae NAT | Was $34.99 Farm & Ranch Duty Hose 5 Was *44.99 Was *36.99 Aluminum Scoop 27" 5071199 E Ene a PROVIDENCE 1 } Was $3.99 Was *4.99 ESS rao Providence Heavy B'laster Non- Duty Penetrating Chlorinated ibricant Brake Cleaner 1402 311000 Was 2.49 Roach Motel Black Flag 2 Pack 74440023 SS ar BRI re BUSTER Rea rere ee Was $149.9: Was £19.99 Evergear Spek Single Row Light Bar Heavy Duty Tow Strap Or 6 4" x 30" 57150027 0 = = so014i10 4 ; 1 — 7 i | MannaPro Scratch Fs * _, Was *6.99 Was $34.99 t + yc arainwite Chicken Soup Squirrel B Be x ie Purple Corn » For The Soul 7 . 1016 +g 6-1202z, Assorted ay moos oF "Green, « Fla as , 072 fo Was $11.99 |) Was $13.99 Was £28.99 Ralco Strong | NatureServe Nature’: ae Best Animals Flock | Medicated Chick Organic Fiser ry | Starter/Grower Layer pele | Chick Feed 40lb 54263002 October 1st - December 31st 2023 Price Busters 4A

Latest weekly ads

4A October 1st - December 31st | Quarter 4 2023 4A aia BUSTERS Look For The Green Tags Around The Store! Me: MT Moh aCe tae NAT | Was $34.99 Farm & Ranch Duty Hose 5 Was *44.99 Was *36.99 Aluminum Scoop 27" 5071199 E Ene a PROVIDENCE 1 } Was $3.99 Was *4.99 ESS rao Providence Heavy B'laster Non- Duty Penetrating Chlorinated ibricant Brake Cleaner 1402 311000 Was 2.49 Roach Motel Black Flag 2 Pack 74440023 SS ar BRI re BUSTER Rea rere ee Was $149.9: Was £19.99 Evergear Spek Single Row Light Bar Heavy Duty Tow Strap Or 6 4" x 30" 57150027 0 = = so014i10 4 ; 1 — 7 i | MannaPro Scratch Fs * _, Was *6.99 Was $34.99 t + yc arainwite Chicken Soup Squirrel B Be x ie Purple Corn » For The Soul 7 . 1016 +g 6-1202z, Assorted ay moos oF "Green, « Fla as , 072 fo Was $11.99 |) Was $13.99 Was £28.99 Ralco Strong | NatureServe Nature’: ae Best Animals Flock | Medicated Chick Organic Fiser ry | Starter/Grower Layer pele | Chick Feed 40lb 54263002 October 1st - December 31st 2023 Price Busters 4A

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