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Current weekly ad Rosauers - Valid from 12/27 to 01/02 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad Rosauers 12/27/2023 - 01/02/2024


Products in this weekly ad

Dr Pepper Products Senco Vr 2189 mM Pr Coki i 5 ie fe te roducts, Products je a avr m Ne sen Te az PPS “a coe om to kakaa 284 ww 1810 | PS SL | srappl Polat = | | Boayarm Re ae Sptlg ey. | io , Bien et ite or Superb (= te BodyArmor Sia “Paes a San ei lie } Seorater ed ted Varieties Purified : tes & ted Variebes ici Varies Coe B7-00 i Bi Pd 0 | rinking Water $499) 2S a) fag |3/8Q 187 S787) 8 (xo a z Divan Ww — Straight 2. : > = Bourbon 101°—— ‘ Non-Alcoholic | or Browne - iil 10 Barrel, No-Li, Rogue, Big Sky, Athletic, Heineken, Lagunitas, Woodbridge, \ Bourbon Whiskey a Daschates, Georgetown Gorend, Descuntes or Bee oe ota Box 750-ml or New Belgium amuel Adams or Barefoot On Ta Gt 7 $939 6-ct $939 3-Liters , | 7% Tito’s $3539 Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Selected Varieties 1.75-Liters General MERCHANDISE Red Button Vintage Nature’s Truth © Simply Done Creamery Dietary Batteries Candy Supplements 4-ct 40 8,75-0z AA or AAA ais Selected Sizes & Varieties Ea Selected Varieties ass am trometer on — ra RE - omatherapy © ats aseline = 7 to4-0 a = 5 Intensive Care | | a, Skittles Seketed Vas Lotion moisture or Starburst Pa andy 10-02. 2° er Soothing Hydration or 3.45 or 4-07, Share Size $oMY/aq F Nourishing Moisture | NM Selected Varieties 3 $499 7) | 284 ha 3" eye TopCare ome once Premium Saline TopCare Haribo = Nasal Moisturizing Body Wash ( oe Gurmmi Candy | Spray = = 23.6 of 24-02. ~s * oF 5-0 15-07. $Pisturtzieg Bkbrains Selected Varieties ™ Saeed Varies : $9 Sag ) $489 Flipz Ball, otis gatisle Cariaax Batiste 8 J uy wo prooele Lip Care bry ‘Shampoo a = ra Ee 15 to 95-07. a So Milk Chocolate Selected Varieties 5 Selected Varieties a @ xs or White Fudge = i $99 aa = 87 EUS NATURAL * MARKET CR i 1) & ¢€ A 1 abhi an wt ree | Dotegea ioe $5.99 $5.99

Latest weekly ads

Dr Pepper Products Senco Vr 2189 mM Pr Coki i 5 ie fe te roducts, Products je a avr m Ne sen Te az PPS “a coe om to kakaa 284 ww 1810 | PS SL | srappl Polat = | | Boayarm Re ae Sptlg ey. | io , Bien et ite or Superb (= te BodyArmor Sia “Paes a San ei lie } Seorater ed ted Varieties Purified : tes & ted Variebes ici Varies Coe B7-00 i Bi Pd 0 | rinking Water $499) 2S a) fag |3/8Q 187 S787) 8 (xo a z Divan Ww — Straight 2. : > = Bourbon 101°—— ‘ Non-Alcoholic | or Browne - iil 10 Barrel, No-Li, Rogue, Big Sky, Athletic, Heineken, Lagunitas, Woodbridge, \ Bourbon Whiskey a Daschates, Georgetown Gorend, Descuntes or Bee oe ota Box 750-ml or New Belgium amuel Adams or Barefoot On Ta Gt 7 $939 6-ct $939 3-Liters , | 7% Tito’s $3539 Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Selected Varieties 1.75-Liters General MERCHANDISE Red Button Vintage Nature’s Truth © Simply Done Creamery Dietary Batteries Candy Supplements 4-ct 40 8,75-0z AA or AAA ais Selected Sizes & Varieties Ea Selected Varieties ass am trometer on — ra RE - omatherapy © ats aseline = 7 to4-0 a = 5 Intensive Care | | a, Skittles Seketed Vas Lotion moisture or Starburst Pa andy 10-02. 2° er Soothing Hydration or 3.45 or 4-07, Share Size $oMY/aq F Nourishing Moisture | NM Selected Varieties 3 $499 7) | 284 ha 3" eye TopCare ome once Premium Saline TopCare Haribo = Nasal Moisturizing Body Wash ( oe Gurmmi Candy | Spray = = 23.6 of 24-02. ~s * oF 5-0 15-07. $Pisturtzieg Bkbrains Selected Varieties ™ Saeed Varies : $9 Sag ) $489 Flipz Ball, otis gatisle Cariaax Batiste 8 J uy wo prooele Lip Care bry ‘Shampoo a = ra Ee 15 to 95-07. a So Milk Chocolate Selected Varieties 5 Selected Varieties a @ xs or White Fudge = i $99 aa = 87 EUS NATURAL * MARKET CR i 1) & ¢€ A 1 abhi an wt ree | Dotegea ioe $5.99 $5.99

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