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Current weekly ad Orscheln Farm & Home - Valid from 03/29 to 04/02 - Page nb 9

Weekly ad Orscheln Farm & Home 03/29/2023 - 04/02/2023


Products in this weekly ad

Red Brand Field Fence 39 in. x 330 ft. 12.5 ga. Class 1 galvanized wire. Graduated spacing that starts with small openings at the bottom. 107340209 47 in. x30 ft. 107340210... .269° Red Brand Sheep & Goat Fence 48 in. x 330 ft. 4 in. x 4in. spacing. 12.5 ga. inside wire. 10 ga. top and bottom wire. Class 1 galvanized. 107340214 219°° Red Brand Horse Fence 48 in. x 100 ft. 2 in. x 4 in. 12.5 ga. Class 1 galvanized. Expands or contracts under changing weather. 107340215 60 in. x 100 ft. orsoatr .269°° 19°° Fence Post Driver Designed to efficiently drive steel Posts into the ground. Easy to Priefert 10% OFF Priefert® Gates Galvanized, Poly & Plastic Stock Tanks grip handles. Heavy duty steel construction. 69°° 179° 103740067 b ’ cay t0-ume 4 10 Mile AC 10 Mile Solar CONCRETE MIX Powered Low Low Impedance Iexcia de Concrete Untn Porn Su Use lmpedante mt Charger 6V. Reliable solar 145V, 60 cycle; power operates pulsed output. up to two weeks t*:} Works in heavy without sunlight. 5 weed conditions. Works to contain Concrete Mix Made in the USA. animals andto | 107379224 ‘ep predators out. 80 Ibs. 4000 PSI. Add water and mix. ne 108240096 Country Lane® 20% All Natural Range Cubes 50 Ibs. 109507378 Sale ree ae gos unt expan cates ited ese ert oi quantities and coe! png enrs ng, Dt et mite to deserve an phsagrapi ears R HEL ieee pie ns Prices are subject to change without notice. Items may not be available due to high demand and/or shipping issues subsequent to ad print date. proudly accepted here "rod asatiment and brand may vary by str nation ae raat : FARM & HOME visa) Es 32923_8T_AAOIB Sale prices good March 29 - April 2, 2023.

Latest weekly ads

Red Brand Field Fence 39 in. x 330 ft. 12.5 ga. Class 1 galvanized wire. Graduated spacing that starts with small openings at the bottom. 107340209 47 in. x30 ft. 107340210... .269° Red Brand Sheep & Goat Fence 48 in. x 330 ft. 4 in. x 4in. spacing. 12.5 ga. inside wire. 10 ga. top and bottom wire. Class 1 galvanized. 107340214 219°° Red Brand Horse Fence 48 in. x 100 ft. 2 in. x 4 in. 12.5 ga. Class 1 galvanized. Expands or contracts under changing weather. 107340215 60 in. x 100 ft. orsoatr .269°° 19°° Fence Post Driver Designed to efficiently drive steel Posts into the ground. Easy to Priefert 10% OFF Priefert® Gates Galvanized, Poly & Plastic Stock Tanks grip handles. Heavy duty steel construction. 69°° 179° 103740067 b ’ cay t0-ume 4 10 Mile AC 10 Mile Solar CONCRETE MIX Powered Low Low Impedance Iexcia de Concrete Untn Porn Su Use lmpedante mt Charger 6V. Reliable solar 145V, 60 cycle; power operates pulsed output. up to two weeks t*:} Works in heavy without sunlight. 5 weed conditions. Works to contain Concrete Mix Made in the USA. animals andto | 107379224 ‘ep predators out. 80 Ibs. 4000 PSI. Add water and mix. ne 108240096 Country Lane® 20% All Natural Range Cubes 50 Ibs. 109507378 Sale ree ae gos unt expan cates ited ese ert oi quantities and coe! png enrs ng, Dt et mite to deserve an phsagrapi ears R HEL ieee pie ns Prices are subject to change without notice. Items may not be available due to high demand and/or shipping issues subsequent to ad print date. proudly accepted here "rod asatiment and brand may vary by str nation ae raat : FARM & HOME visa) Es 32923_8T_AAOIB Sale prices good March 29 - April 2, 2023.

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