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Current weekly ad Los Altos Ranch Market - Valid from 02/05 to 02/11 - Page nb 4

Weekly ad Los Altos Ranch Market 02/05/2025 - 02/11/2025


Products in this weekly ad

Doritos, Tostitos o Ruffles S"y4o eae Sa Selected Varieties 813.02 Botanas Sabritas eee Varieties ——— Salsas Lay’s ° Tostitoe sences Varieties 65:10 $ 5° Papitas Lay’s Party Size Potato Chips, 125-13 oz EA ie yg ‘Uber Eats - 2 getsee Pequerio Sect Vis 10 EA —— de Pollo Chicken Drumsticks Flores” A Gres $99) cicsaee $§B29) | ele ata ee See eee FRUITS & VEGETABLES se FRUTAS Y VERDURAS - A v ~—S ¢ ) Papa Blanca o ¢ Brocolio ¢ mane BOE” QGE = QO Green Cabbage LB) White or Red Potatoes LB sx0ccoti or Cauliflower 1B Z ep 4 OB fa ‘Gol Ps & € * 4 pune fae © 4 a : Nectarinas_ "AL Manzana X ¢ Mandarina’ Amarilla o Blanco’ ‘Ambrosia 99 Sumo 39” Yellow or White “9° Ambrosia Apple EB Sumo Mandarin LB Peaches or Nectarines LB Se Zanahorias yen Bolsa d ~~ » = Carrots, § Lbs Bag Betabel] i ie) Jicama 79° Kale Vere 99° Suelto 95% | Nt 2 °6 Crispy Jicama LB Green Kale EA Beets Loose LB y ? | FOR Cebolla Café Cacahuate Quemado Roasted Peanuts, 16 02 “eo. Nopales When you buy 2 iced or Whole in single purchase Ieactus, 24.02 Zo Ranchera Pork County Style Fibs Bone-In one i Niner Rest cesta ne > lg 9 Cut Bone-in Regular or Marinated A on Beet Chuck Short Ribs or Flanken ibs Bone-tn SEAFOOD 6 MARISCOS Bagre Entero Fresco $7.49 sin cascara Fresh Whole Peeled & Deveined Gutted Catfish Raw Shrimp 26/30 ct Mates White Shrimp 99 mite 36/40 ctor Raw Broken ‘Shrimp for Ceviche LB in hi et o— > od mlb eens Swai Swai Fish Fillet 4 on Jumbo Shrimp 13/5 ct Charola de’ Caldo Mix o Elote' Vegetable bic for Soup oF Com Tray 4 ct Chicken Leg Meat Regula or Marinated vileneere S Beef Sirloin Tip Steak 4 om. Blanco’sin Cabeza’ Headless White Shrimp 26/30 ct 3 Y para onibhe 5° Cooked Broken Shrimp Raw Oct ewan Botanas Frito Lay Variety Snacks $ 5 Howes Botanas Frito Lay Selected Varieties, 18 ct Galletas Marias Gamesa Cookies Box, 127 02 $ {0S ALTOS VIS STORES PHOENIK, GLENDALE, MESA PAGE 4 B in single purchase [- rok io Salsas Mexicanas $3 Mexican Hot Sauces 1B Del Real Chile Verde o a Mini Pupusas BD chile Verde or win’ Bag Pu0us25, 15168 07 Taquitos,1e-20 ct When you buy 2 _ DELI s& CREMERIA Cremas a Mexicanasjoy pay Centroamericana: Bulk Mexican & Central American Sour Creams Burritos or Chimichangas, 304-32 a2 When you buy 2 in single purchase 2°12 Pala > Spicy Chicken™ Butalo Wings Guacasalsa $"R99 Bulk Guacasalsa LB 3 = y< LosAltos 22 } Queso Fresco} Fresh Cheese Guandbana AEs i TG) Se" rae pen Pulp)

Latest weekly ads

Doritos, Tostitos o Ruffles S"y4o eae Sa Selected Varieties 813.02 Botanas Sabritas eee Varieties ——— Salsas Lay’s ° Tostitoe sences Varieties 65:10 $ 5° Papitas Lay’s Party Size Potato Chips, 125-13 oz EA ie yg ‘Uber Eats - 2 getsee Pequerio Sect Vis 10 EA —— de Pollo Chicken Drumsticks Flores” A Gres $99) cicsaee $§B29) | ele ata ee See eee FRUITS & VEGETABLES se FRUTAS Y VERDURAS - A v ~—S ¢ ) Papa Blanca o ¢ Brocolio ¢ mane BOE” QGE = QO Green Cabbage LB) White or Red Potatoes LB sx0ccoti or Cauliflower 1B Z ep 4 OB fa ‘Gol Ps & € * 4 pune fae © 4 a : Nectarinas_ "AL Manzana X ¢ Mandarina’ Amarilla o Blanco’ ‘Ambrosia 99 Sumo 39” Yellow or White “9° Ambrosia Apple EB Sumo Mandarin LB Peaches or Nectarines LB Se Zanahorias yen Bolsa d ~~ » = Carrots, § Lbs Bag Betabel] i ie) Jicama 79° Kale Vere 99° Suelto 95% | Nt 2 °6 Crispy Jicama LB Green Kale EA Beets Loose LB y ? | FOR Cebolla Café Cacahuate Quemado Roasted Peanuts, 16 02 “eo. Nopales When you buy 2 iced or Whole in single purchase Ieactus, 24.02 Zo Ranchera Pork County Style Fibs Bone-In one i Niner Rest cesta ne > lg 9 Cut Bone-in Regular or Marinated A on Beet Chuck Short Ribs or Flanken ibs Bone-tn SEAFOOD 6 MARISCOS Bagre Entero Fresco $7.49 sin cascara Fresh Whole Peeled & Deveined Gutted Catfish Raw Shrimp 26/30 ct Mates White Shrimp 99 mite 36/40 ctor Raw Broken ‘Shrimp for Ceviche LB in hi et o— > od mlb eens Swai Swai Fish Fillet 4 on Jumbo Shrimp 13/5 ct Charola de’ Caldo Mix o Elote' Vegetable bic for Soup oF Com Tray 4 ct Chicken Leg Meat Regula or Marinated vileneere S Beef Sirloin Tip Steak 4 om. Blanco’sin Cabeza’ Headless White Shrimp 26/30 ct 3 Y para onibhe 5° Cooked Broken Shrimp Raw Oct ewan Botanas Frito Lay Variety Snacks $ 5 Howes Botanas Frito Lay Selected Varieties, 18 ct Galletas Marias Gamesa Cookies Box, 127 02 $ {0S ALTOS VIS STORES PHOENIK, GLENDALE, MESA PAGE 4 B in single purchase [- rok io Salsas Mexicanas $3 Mexican Hot Sauces 1B Del Real Chile Verde o a Mini Pupusas BD chile Verde or win’ Bag Pu0us25, 15168 07 Taquitos,1e-20 ct When you buy 2 _ DELI s& CREMERIA Cremas a Mexicanasjoy pay Centroamericana: Bulk Mexican & Central American Sour Creams Burritos or Chimichangas, 304-32 a2 When you buy 2 in single purchase 2°12 Pala > Spicy Chicken™ Butalo Wings Guacasalsa $"R99 Bulk Guacasalsa LB 3 = y< LosAltos 22 } Queso Fresco} Fresh Cheese Guandbana AEs i TG) Se" rae pen Pulp)

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