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Current weekly ad Hy-Vee - Valid from 02/22 to 02/28 - Page nb 5

Weekly ad Hy-Vee 02/22/2023 - 02/28/2023


Products in this weekly ad

ox Ry Bounce or Downy fabric sheets Bota aa te al a Sg 1: 12.97 Gillette Fusion, ProGlide Cold eosin he yo) g Brora elk) ex 10° RAR Ap, Safeguard hand soap Via ‘manufacturer's digital coupon available on the Hy-Vee app aCe 73 oa yA) i 8.94 2/*6 Downy, Dreft Palmolive dish detergent prea la ae ora or Gain fabric beads Broa ee Cera s ray! - 1.00 off* - 2.00 off* 1 1 e y e bo) e C 4 Tide Simply Clean or Era Downy fabric softener laundry detergent Peon einer select varieties 154 or 165 fl.oz. ra riot: ey eo : fe Head & Shoulders or Pantene hair care select varieties 6.6 to 17.9 oz. Salonpas pain reliever select varieties 6 to 60 ct. or 3.02. © GET COUPONS

Latest weekly ads

ox Ry Bounce or Downy fabric sheets Bota aa te al a Sg 1: 12.97 Gillette Fusion, ProGlide Cold eosin he yo) g Brora elk) ex 10° RAR Ap, Safeguard hand soap Via ‘manufacturer's digital coupon available on the Hy-Vee app aCe 73 oa yA) i 8.94 2/*6 Downy, Dreft Palmolive dish detergent prea la ae ora or Gain fabric beads Broa ee Cera s ray! - 1.00 off* - 2.00 off* 1 1 e y e bo) e C 4 Tide Simply Clean or Era Downy fabric softener laundry detergent Peon einer select varieties 154 or 165 fl.oz. ra riot: ey eo : fe Head & Shoulders or Pantene hair care select varieties 6.6 to 17.9 oz. Salonpas pain reliever select varieties 6 to 60 ct. or 3.02. © GET COUPONS

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