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Current weekly ad Food King - Valid from 09/21 to 09/27 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad Food King 09/21/2022 - 09/27/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Sweet, Plump California 735135 02 ORS Eastern Grown White Or Red Jumbo Seedless Grapes ¥ Cantaloupes é 3.98 Z ht by Sweet Yellow Onions Joy. 1.28.7 7 ~~ TESS Hothouse Grown , Tangy Acorn, Butternut BA mas" ras a > BETS 128. WC 10-0z, Selected Farmers Finest Fresh Express Large Slicing Caesar Kit Cucumbers => 2 6 8 8 te Old-Fashioned, Fresh Florist Quality 10-Stem Petite Sweet Year Bouquet oat cy ean eee 9-02 Zesty Ranch Or Pe acd Re kes 1067 To 12-02, Selects ‘ 1602, Regular Or Unsold aoe ag 2402, Mini Or Round x. American Singles E $3 ‘Morning Fresh Farms ‘Celentano: r rn Ss RO Or Food Club Butter Cheese Ravioli 3.98 | 3.98 Bee termes conage Choose — 2/59 Simone Mi 3.48 1210260 Selected coke Pextoot 7a. sos MCA ety

Latest weekly ads

Sweet, Plump California 735135 02 ORS Eastern Grown White Or Red Jumbo Seedless Grapes ¥ Cantaloupes é 3.98 Z ht by Sweet Yellow Onions Joy. 1.28.7 7 ~~ TESS Hothouse Grown , Tangy Acorn, Butternut BA mas" ras a > BETS 128. WC 10-0z, Selected Farmers Finest Fresh Express Large Slicing Caesar Kit Cucumbers => 2 6 8 8 te Old-Fashioned, Fresh Florist Quality 10-Stem Petite Sweet Year Bouquet oat cy ean eee 9-02 Zesty Ranch Or Pe acd Re kes 1067 To 12-02, Selects ‘ 1602, Regular Or Unsold aoe ag 2402, Mini Or Round x. American Singles E $3 ‘Morning Fresh Farms ‘Celentano: r rn Ss RO Or Food Club Butter Cheese Ravioli 3.98 | 3.98 Bee termes conage Choose — 2/59 Simone Mi 3.48 1210260 Selected coke Pextoot 7a. sos MCA ety

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