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Current weekly ad Family Dollar - Valid from 12/22 to 12/28 - Page nb 17

Weekly ad Family Dollar 12/22/2024 - 12/28/2024


Products in this weekly ad

©) Pedigree Dentastix Dog Treats 5.08 oz, 24 ct. or 5.57 or, 10ct. Sr ] frE3 nie DS ca Canine Carry Outs Dog Ashland Farms a Treats 28-45 oz oe ; a abe fae = Ee ey. Ashland Farms Dog Training Treats 4.5 02, ) tres MilkeBone Ta Pup-Peroni Soft & Chewy min Dos Tees Starting at tA ‘ ei Family Pet Cat Seratcher Vin. x45 in. or Pet Toys ‘Aided Ware Starting at Starting at bo Gourmet Deg hiseaic 38 cn, Family Pet Pig Ears 3 02 Family Pet Leashes, Adjustable Pork Femur Bone, or Beefeaters Pet Collars, Harnesses, Tie-Out Filled Shin Bone 6 oz. Cables, or Tie-Out Stakes ta] =a 7 mm ZN i ” Starting at oe a sain . E Temptations Creamy Purrrreée Fresh Step Pouches «25 0n,4 ct. Purina Tidy Cats : M Gain Scent NNon-clumping en Clumping Cat Clay cat Lit hy ta3 Lieter bs “— Lib als Starting at © om fal aaah dy s e ESSENTIALS : oy sand gS > miecndaianun Sheba Perfect Portions ¢ Wet Cat or Kitten Food Litter Pan or kt Esco <i Ona a names ecnt necr nas

Latest weekly ads

©) Pedigree Dentastix Dog Treats 5.08 oz, 24 ct. or 5.57 or, 10ct. Sr ] frE3 nie DS ca Canine Carry Outs Dog Ashland Farms a Treats 28-45 oz oe ; a abe fae = Ee ey. Ashland Farms Dog Training Treats 4.5 02, ) tres MilkeBone Ta Pup-Peroni Soft & Chewy min Dos Tees Starting at tA ‘ ei Family Pet Cat Seratcher Vin. x45 in. or Pet Toys ‘Aided Ware Starting at Starting at bo Gourmet Deg hiseaic 38 cn, Family Pet Pig Ears 3 02 Family Pet Leashes, Adjustable Pork Femur Bone, or Beefeaters Pet Collars, Harnesses, Tie-Out Filled Shin Bone 6 oz. Cables, or Tie-Out Stakes ta] =a 7 mm ZN i ” Starting at oe a sain . E Temptations Creamy Purrrreée Fresh Step Pouches «25 0n,4 ct. Purina Tidy Cats : M Gain Scent NNon-clumping en Clumping Cat Clay cat Lit hy ta3 Lieter bs “— Lib als Starting at © om fal aaah dy s e ESSENTIALS : oy sand gS > miecndaianun Sheba Perfect Portions ¢ Wet Cat or Kitten Food Litter Pan or kt Esco <i Ona a names ecnt necr nas

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