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Current weekly ad United Supermarkets - Memorial Day 2023 - Valid from 05/24 to 05/30 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad United Supermarkets 05/24/2023 - 05/30/2023


Products in this weekly ad

United supermarkets IS MAY 29TH » kee ff, ~~ Sale Price DIGITAL DEAL Select Beef ; Pork Baby Back . g= County Post Brisket Ribs or Spareribs a \ Leg Quarters Sold Whole in the Bag, Regular or Seasoned; or a Sold In Approximately Cry Oe Honeysuckle White 99% Lean PR 1010. Bags for = Ground Turkey Breast, 19.20z. QF MY LB. 83.70% “9 cos aaa halle . UCE Fresh Cut mT f |r Sweet Fresh Sweet California Fresh Red Watermelon 1 Red Cherries i Sweet Corn Bowl ba Bo Large Size sacks 4 ct. pkg. 40 oz. A, A (itis is (oe) ¢ ai uF 3 $ Sale WHEN YOU 7s Price BUY 3 DIGITAL Coke, 71.00 beac Dr Pepper DEAL 4 or Pepsi Doritos, Fritos, Cheetos, Kettle Ae or Frito Bean Dip Selected Varieties 6.5 - 10.75 oz. Blue Bell Ice Cream and Cups Selected Varieties, 28 oz. Selected Varieties, 64 oz. and 12 pk. ‘ <AAIT TE = crm Daisya (ITTsi) ATS OWEST soUR ‘~ SPRICE ‘ER CREAM Pure @ Natura” Price ‘| 25.9 -2.00 352" Ball Park or Wonder Daisy Sour al _ Hamburger ’ Miller or Cream or FY pal and Hot Dog PQ @ I Red y . Budweiser rs Dean’s Dip p I Buns 7 MM Diamond Tea) | P % e. MMM Selected Varieties r Selected Varieties ) Selected Varieties ‘ 12-16 02 ‘ BF Galion Py ™=B Coors, EVEN MORE DEALS ONLINE $"R sare Sale 2.97 = are 2.83 = 3.47% ° Price ° Price DIGITAL DIGITAL a | 00 DIGITAL =1 5 DIGITAL DEAL -O 5O cea e DEAL DEAL a cha ae Pump Kraft Deluxe b \sS ) v Mac & Cheese _ Ball Park ad ” McCormick a = or Velveeta ranks | , ey FOR Gig Grill Mates | Ma EA Shells & farieties = ~ ” Yo Quiero ) Original Guacamole dnitedsdpermarketsicom - side We Accept: MWIC EBT rl Some ad items may not be available due to manufacturing and shipping delays beyond our| control. We apologize for any inconvenien EXPRESS ‘Digital Deals are not valid unless clipped to your Rewards account. Digital Deal can only be used on’a Siigle Gansaction. See website or app for details.

Latest weekly ads

United supermarkets IS MAY 29TH » kee ff, ~~ Sale Price DIGITAL DEAL Select Beef ; Pork Baby Back . g= County Post Brisket Ribs or Spareribs a \ Leg Quarters Sold Whole in the Bag, Regular or Seasoned; or a Sold In Approximately Cry Oe Honeysuckle White 99% Lean PR 1010. Bags for = Ground Turkey Breast, 19.20z. QF MY LB. 83.70% “9 cos aaa halle . UCE Fresh Cut mT f |r Sweet Fresh Sweet California Fresh Red Watermelon 1 Red Cherries i Sweet Corn Bowl ba Bo Large Size sacks 4 ct. pkg. 40 oz. A, A (itis is (oe) ¢ ai uF 3 $ Sale WHEN YOU 7s Price BUY 3 DIGITAL Coke, 71.00 beac Dr Pepper DEAL 4 or Pepsi Doritos, Fritos, Cheetos, Kettle Ae or Frito Bean Dip Selected Varieties 6.5 - 10.75 oz. Blue Bell Ice Cream and Cups Selected Varieties, 28 oz. Selected Varieties, 64 oz. and 12 pk. ‘ <AAIT TE = crm Daisya (ITTsi) ATS OWEST soUR ‘~ SPRICE ‘ER CREAM Pure @ Natura” Price ‘| 25.9 -2.00 352" Ball Park or Wonder Daisy Sour al _ Hamburger ’ Miller or Cream or FY pal and Hot Dog PQ @ I Red y . Budweiser rs Dean’s Dip p I Buns 7 MM Diamond Tea) | P % e. MMM Selected Varieties r Selected Varieties ) Selected Varieties ‘ 12-16 02 ‘ BF Galion Py ™=B Coors, EVEN MORE DEALS ONLINE $"R sare Sale 2.97 = are 2.83 = 3.47% ° Price ° Price DIGITAL DIGITAL a | 00 DIGITAL =1 5 DIGITAL DEAL -O 5O cea e DEAL DEAL a cha ae Pump Kraft Deluxe b \sS ) v Mac & Cheese _ Ball Park ad ” McCormick a = or Velveeta ranks | , ey FOR Gig Grill Mates | Ma EA Shells & farieties = ~ ” Yo Quiero ) Original Guacamole dnitedsdpermarketsicom - side We Accept: MWIC EBT rl Some ad items may not be available due to manufacturing and shipping delays beyond our| control. We apologize for any inconvenien EXPRESS ‘Digital Deals are not valid unless clipped to your Rewards account. Digital Deal can only be used on’a Siigle Gansaction. See website or app for details.

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