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Current weekly ad Save a Lot - Valid from 08/31 to 09/06 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Save a Lot 08/31/2022 - 09/06/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Your locally owned hometown grocer. . - Farmington Bratwurst or Italian Sausage 93/°12 q Pepsi Products = Py 12-Packs . \ L Fama) 12.07 cons, Assorted Varieties 3 Beverage hen prices may not inckuce appsicatie Dottie Geposits, Tees, oF tenes. E 2% aa SY Zu Cglge ax: 2/88 99 cent or Jumbo Bi-Color 7 Nectarines Com Tomatoes a a ee 2°9 Fresh Chicken Fresh Boneless i Fresh Boneless Fresh Boneless Fresh Boneless Beef Beef London Broil Wings Pork Steaks Beef Stew Meat Top Round Steaks ee 99 State Street Poultry 9 Chicken Wings 99 Farmington 249 EC ene Lunchmeat Tray Famy Pack ee. 6-9 08. Assorted Vartettios 4 Portside 199) Porsice 99 Cocicd simp Gree. 2 imitation With Cocktail Sauce Wor, W-40ct jam hem Mor Feeds 4 for under "4 wits 5 = Ad prices good Aug 31- Sept6 © 100% Money Back Guarantee | We accept SNAP and EBT

Latest weekly ads

Your locally owned hometown grocer. . - Farmington Bratwurst or Italian Sausage 93/°12 q Pepsi Products = Py 12-Packs . \ L Fama) 12.07 cons, Assorted Varieties 3 Beverage hen prices may not inckuce appsicatie Dottie Geposits, Tees, oF tenes. E 2% aa SY Zu Cglge ax: 2/88 99 cent or Jumbo Bi-Color 7 Nectarines Com Tomatoes a a ee 2°9 Fresh Chicken Fresh Boneless i Fresh Boneless Fresh Boneless Fresh Boneless Beef Beef London Broil Wings Pork Steaks Beef Stew Meat Top Round Steaks ee 99 State Street Poultry 9 Chicken Wings 99 Farmington 249 EC ene Lunchmeat Tray Famy Pack ee. 6-9 08. Assorted Vartettios 4 Portside 199) Porsice 99 Cocicd simp Gree. 2 imitation With Cocktail Sauce Wor, W-40ct jam hem Mor Feeds 4 for under "4 wits 5 = Ad prices good Aug 31- Sept6 © 100% Money Back Guarantee | We accept SNAP and EBT

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