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Current weekly ad Ruler Foods - Valid from 09/18 to 10/01 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad Ruler Foods 09/18/2024 - 10/01/2024


Products in this weekly ad

QUICK AND EASY MEAL OPTIONS! Digiorno Select Varieties 7 VOiCe SKILLET ‘Chicken Burrito | | ¥ q Kroger } ce % 4 PastaSauce / Kroger Meatballs Select Varieties, 26 oz ld aan Nee) faagg E Kroger Grated} Parmesean _/ Cheese _// Bar Kroger Meat Lasagna Pa care. aoe FN hae SIZE & see . Rana Family Size 5 Cheese Tortellini 20 oz SAMNH €ebz LOL

Latest weekly ads

QUICK AND EASY MEAL OPTIONS! Digiorno Select Varieties 7 VOiCe SKILLET ‘Chicken Burrito | | ¥ q Kroger } ce % 4 PastaSauce / Kroger Meatballs Select Varieties, 26 oz ld aan Nee) faagg E Kroger Grated} Parmesean _/ Cheese _// Bar Kroger Meat Lasagna Pa care. aoe FN hae SIZE & see . Rana Family Size 5 Cheese Tortellini 20 oz SAMNH €ebz LOL

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