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ROUSES MARKETS Prices good January 24th thru February 28th, 2024. Supplies may be limited. AMERICAN HEART HEALTH MONTH GUT arn hus: (RT HEALTH MONTH AMERICAN HEAH MU Waser aa Ue Oe Dam TeG ne) ONE i cei) 14-24.40Z 1202 16.902 160z Prego Tinkyada Pasta DaVinci Pom Wondeful Lower Sodium Brown Rice Extra Virgin Juice $7 Dies $349 $7 $499 25% less sodium No Added Sugar than traditional Prego. Gluten Free Cold Pressed 6-702 8.45 0Z 1202 4.750Z ee International my «(Al Dente 2. Carrington Farms eke ibe Collections Toasted jf Pasta Crounons pricots or Prunes Sesame Oil $ 9 Qe $599 > = Unrefined Expeller Pressed Gluten Free me p CANNED FOOD MONTH (Ne reba Lek ase) OOD MONTH CANNED FOOD MONTH CANNED FOOD MONTH ene ene Wh ne eM ke akae ee eRe NL eh LE Re nee ne La) ON aL ke sah et en Lukes a ne ee) 40Z 145-15 0Z 50Z 10.5-150Z Louisiana Red Gold Safecatch Wild Caught Bar Harbor Pepper Exchange Tomatoes Tuna or Salmon Lobster Bisque Pepper Puree or Clam Chowder go a $ 4 y oes Rec = $249 $299 | Ube sos aS Lobster Mercury Tested = Ready to Heat & Serve 2002 507 1502 my 15 OZ. CAN Rouses Cadia Tuna Cadia Organic = Capi@ — Cadia Organic Pineapple as Canned Beans Black Vegetables $979 % f 2 tas ns $9GORM =: $92% soe +) CADIA CADI re Packed in Pea Albacore Sy 2 CORN, SWEET PEAS 100% Juice nm ef ® ou OR GREEN BEANS ae Packed in Water, Regular and Unsalted © 1c10us \ HEALTHY 8 2 od affordable ™ aR ay PENA Cla Mee OM Ale Ccse M DUEL N featuring canned domestic tomato ingredients. RTBU CeCe (ata) ol
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