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Current weekly ad Rite Aid - Valid from 12/18 to 12/24 - Page nb 28

Weekly ad Rite Aid 12/18/2022 - 12/24/2022


Products in this weekly ad

FREE Secctting Sao $10°9 FREE Sues: uy . ~~ . Select hub Size Condy Bags Craving savory savings wt hol es nel 5‘ rite Novehy Candy 50% OFF \t I Nen-crscotate i : =) Candy Bags Buy! GET! 50% OFF 2/87 ike Cubes, Mentos oF Wrigiey's Brand BUY IGET! FREE Ben and Jerry's 50% OFF secremnroom $219 3/86 2/7 Tropicana, OF Sie Mili 6 Single Serve eo Red Bul = Mott's

Latest weekly ads

FREE Secctting Sao $10°9 FREE Sues: uy . ~~ . Select hub Size Condy Bags Craving savory savings wt hol es nel 5‘ rite Novehy Candy 50% OFF \t I Nen-crscotate i : =) Candy Bags Buy! GET! 50% OFF 2/87 ike Cubes, Mentos oF Wrigiey's Brand BUY IGET! FREE Ben and Jerry's 50% OFF secremnroom $219 3/86 2/7 Tropicana, OF Sie Mili 6 Single Serve eo Red Bul = Mott's

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