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TICE Due to the COVIO-19 virus and unexpected sales volume, sales prices and items cannot be guaranteed and will be subject to availability, We inconvenience, and thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we work through this unexpected challenge. For more than 50 years, we io earn your trust by providing you with honest pricing, fresh products and a rewarding will continue todo 0, now and forthe next 50 years. i REDNER SINCE 1970 Sweet & Juicy Mandarin Oranges by *3.99DBE eS 3b, bag Bone-In Pork pee ® Center Cut Chops ‘ es Rott sl . cme or Country Style Classic, Diet, Sprite Spare Ribs family pack, Ib. . or Coke Zero Sugar ewe Mopkviznae . SI White \ - Mushrooms, Bone-In Beef Porterhouse or By") $2. 99... 50 ct. Easy Peel, a T-Bone Steak Medium Shrimp ¥ w $11.98 88° 11-15 oz. Exclusions Apply 8.98. 32 0z. bag family pack, Ib. ve REDNER’S : i F N < “Pre-Sliced" z Jeli Sliced" >. White or Yellow cS inia Brand Ham , —_ American Cheese a In-Store Baked! $ 5 t, 8 Steak Rolls a $ 5 4 8 . $2.98 = s Lipton Ib. Set. -_ Ib. 64 flloz. oO All 32-40 fl.oz. Liquid or 16-24 ct. Mighty Pacs «1 Detergent 32 fl.oz. or 80 ct. Sheets Fabric Softener Included Haagen-Dazs ‘HBogen-Daxs Give & Go 14 floz. Ice Cream Mini Cupcakes ae ae : or 3 pk. Ice Cream Bars o,.0008) 2/7 es 12 pk. 31.7-32 fl.oz. Liquid ° or 70-80 ct. Sheets Fabric Softener, @ 7, Spk. Regular Ice Cream Bars °6.99 " 20ct. Scent Booster Included CONNECT WITH US: ON SOCIAL MEDIA ‘ost Stores Open am-I0pm Oaiy + We Reserve The Fight To Lint Quantities» No Dealers Please « Not Al Products Avalabie Al Stores «Not Responsible For Typographical ors «mages are for ustrave purpeses, and may not represent the product in stores. «Prices Effective Thrsday SAM “evptone 0-67-2804 «Lepr 042822 Pampa TA et Gy! PHA RI MACY _ ‘Schyl ve S70-985 4227 Srna 7-02-9681 Redners_V1_P1_08182022
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