Products in this weekly ad 2% 4%. Tree-Ripened Peaches or Nectarines Sweet Cherries Chilean-Grown, Fresh-Flown for Peak Chilean-Grown, Extra Large Flavor and Freshness and Extra Sweet ‘SURPRISINGLY LOW PRICE ‘SURPRISINGLY LOW PRICE ste mM S fro mM octet ay the heart. Add a romantic touch with . beautiful blooming bouquets. Delivery or curbside pickup available. Powered by Instacart. Item prices vary from item prices in physical store locations. Fees, tips & taxes may apply. Subject to ——\ Nl LENTINE 5 wD 449 One Dozen Rose Vase Arrangement 199, % Beautifully Arranged With Ib 1 599 Long Stem Roses, each Red Seedless Grapes SURPRISINGLY LOW PRICE Only the Most Flavorful Varieties Selected Publix Premium Floral Bouquet ‘SURPRISINGLY LOW PRICE 20-Stem, In Seasonal Colors and Styles, each 799 (Organic White Seedless Grapes... 3.99 Ib) ‘SURPRISINGLY LOW PRICE Tulip Bouquet Assorted Colors to Choose From, each SURPRISINGLY LOW PRICE a 3 for 50° Organic Blueberries Mangos Great for Snacking, 11-02 pkg. Great in Smoothies, each ‘SURPRISINGLY LOW PRICE ‘SURPRISINGLY LOW PRICE (Blackberries, 6-02 pkg. ... 3/10.00) (Limes, each ...4/2.00) 17% Cosmic Crisp Apples’ Large, Washington State-Grown, An Excellent Source of Fiber SAVE UP TO 1.30 LB 499 3 for 10° Mandarins* Red Raspberries Ag Sweet, Flavorful, and Easy-to-Peel, 3-b bag Great for Snacking we 3 for 10° SAVE UPTO 1.00 or Desserts, 6-02 pkg. Strawberries (Organic Mandarins, 2-Ib bag ... 4.99) SURPRISINGLY LOW PRICE or Heart-Shaped Strawberries 12 or 16-02 pkg. ‘SURPRISINGLY LOW PRICE (6)CQUNO}-02/09/23] Quantityimits per household apply. Notalitems ar avilable atallstores. tems shown preparedwith addtionalingredients, which are notincluded. Free itemotequalotlessr price.
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