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Current weekly ad Grant's Supermarkets - Valid from 07/24 to 07/30 - Page nb 4

Weekly ad Grant's Supermarkets 07/24/2024 - 07/30/2024


Products in this weekly ad

73% ean Fes Hormel Aways Tender Hormel Always Tender round. Boneless Center Cut Or | Boneless Center Cut beet Paes Tenderized Pork Chops Pork Roast 398. 298. 218. ’ “a - ‘Black Canyon Angus Choice 4 4 : — oS ; — Boneless Bottom mj Round Steak 2670 32.02, Selected x While Supplies Last 18.402, Selected Butterball liami Bee! Grant's Fresh Homemade | _ Prairie Fresh Prime Market Fresh Sausage Pork Tenderloin Lb = im "le $1.50 off inci ‘Wit ‘ 74 couponon | = ! = Whole : . | Hock yen ng ctnce 40x, Selected ‘20 Oro imino Zatarain's ‘Armour Sliced John Morell ‘Cubed Sleek Smoked Sausage Pepperoni Smoked Sausage 438. 3.98 3.98 168 Ga Teo ac 108 soci 32.02, Cole Slaw, Me Delt fresh Lunch Meats Carving Boa Board Linch Meat Star's Deli Salad 3.98 3b, Great Dogs Or Meat Franks Off The Hook Sau! tl Jocelsevine rt nace a ny veut yy 598 <= D is S 5.98 | y g = Pie : « i wD A sap sola fine Sea ‘998. 2'] ae 1398S 298 Hands-on Approach GRAB-N-GO a MEAL SOLUTIONS © 11. 198. 6. 98. a 7 . Gf itn Meat Sauce 5 80z, Selected Dip ny ‘Lb. Day is July 29" 2024 y ) Sats - z ! 16Ct Garlic Toast Or 12-Cf Gallon, Lemonade Or c fut cee Garlic Sticks i Sweet Tea 3.98 2.18 ae BAGEL CRISPS Vi piss ie pri rd, Grants Supermarkets is committed to serving our Sheri Coe EaTARA WIG communities with the highest quality product at the p lowest possible price. Due to product availability, we are expecting limited quantities of certain items. Sale prices are good while supplies last. No Rain checks. Apply within store or 072494 gs GSM \ at

Latest weekly ads

73% ean Fes Hormel Aways Tender Hormel Always Tender round. Boneless Center Cut Or | Boneless Center Cut beet Paes Tenderized Pork Chops Pork Roast 398. 298. 218. ’ “a - ‘Black Canyon Angus Choice 4 4 : — oS ; — Boneless Bottom mj Round Steak 2670 32.02, Selected x While Supplies Last 18.402, Selected Butterball liami Bee! Grant's Fresh Homemade | _ Prairie Fresh Prime Market Fresh Sausage Pork Tenderloin Lb = im "le $1.50 off inci ‘Wit ‘ 74 couponon | = ! = Whole : . | Hock yen ng ctnce 40x, Selected ‘20 Oro imino Zatarain's ‘Armour Sliced John Morell ‘Cubed Sleek Smoked Sausage Pepperoni Smoked Sausage 438. 3.98 3.98 168 Ga Teo ac 108 soci 32.02, Cole Slaw, Me Delt fresh Lunch Meats Carving Boa Board Linch Meat Star's Deli Salad 3.98 3b, Great Dogs Or Meat Franks Off The Hook Sau! tl Jocelsevine rt nace a ny veut yy 598 <= D is S 5.98 | y g = Pie : « i wD A sap sola fine Sea ‘998. 2'] ae 1398S 298 Hands-on Approach GRAB-N-GO a MEAL SOLUTIONS © 11. 198. 6. 98. a 7 . Gf itn Meat Sauce 5 80z, Selected Dip ny ‘Lb. Day is July 29" 2024 y ) Sats - z ! 16Ct Garlic Toast Or 12-Cf Gallon, Lemonade Or c fut cee Garlic Sticks i Sweet Tea 3.98 2.18 ae BAGEL CRISPS Vi piss ie pri rd, Grants Supermarkets is committed to serving our Sheri Coe EaTARA WIG communities with the highest quality product at the p lowest possible price. Due to product availability, we are expecting limited quantities of certain items. Sale prices are good while supplies last. No Rain checks. Apply within store or 072494 gs GSM \ at

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