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Current weekly ad Grant's Supermarkets - Valid from 07/24 to 07/30 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad Grant's Supermarkets 07/24/2024 - 07/30/2024


Products in this weekly ad

CELEBRATE ons Or White Flesh fay 7 anported = Sweet Peaches Navel Oranges FRESHEST FLAVOR Or Nectarines ENTER TODAY for your chance to Sweet ea raT Cs comer sonaiens ones & July Is National ICE CREAM MONTH 3.CLP KG. Vine Ripe eat Large Slicing Tomatoes Fresh Blackbories noose hoxomgaciaoc i wsarnase all a ‘tek Yellow Mangoes Premium Romaine Salad | Fou Fresh a (4 £8.02 South Fresh Crisp Green la, > ‘Cabbage a wa 15210 1602, Selected Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream 4.78 160%, Caso orcom = ioe E I$ HUSH cn Series Or 410 Fatboy = Novelties 53.10 607, Selected — ! 32:02, Peach Or Apple 10To 12.02, Selected Devour 13.8To 14-02, Selected Stouffer's Daisy Single Serve Marie Callender's ‘Che H 1 38 a 6.48 ‘COTTAGE 2 Te a pce 3202 ote sereo . Food Club Heavy Whipping Cream Fish sticks Or Flt 2 2820 Fy Cooked 1602, Orginal Or hick ‘Oscar Mayer Daily's Sliced Bacon ‘Smoked Bacon 12.61, Gluten Fee Cups Or Joy Sugar Cor ‘8 6.98 ag 10ATo bats seleed 22100e siected Malt O'M breaktas!Sencuriches 5.98 3:78 Mills Coes Links Or Paes 4.A8 84, Crnamon Rots, Crescent - ouitr Renehsh h style Failte Pillsbury 455 18286 9.910 10507, Selected Maxwell House 072493 gs GSM

Latest weekly ads

CELEBRATE ons Or White Flesh fay 7 anported = Sweet Peaches Navel Oranges FRESHEST FLAVOR Or Nectarines ENTER TODAY for your chance to Sweet ea raT Cs comer sonaiens ones & July Is National ICE CREAM MONTH 3.CLP KG. Vine Ripe eat Large Slicing Tomatoes Fresh Blackbories noose hoxomgaciaoc i wsarnase all a ‘tek Yellow Mangoes Premium Romaine Salad | Fou Fresh a (4 £8.02 South Fresh Crisp Green la, > ‘Cabbage a wa 15210 1602, Selected Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream 4.78 160%, Caso orcom = ioe E I$ HUSH cn Series Or 410 Fatboy = Novelties 53.10 607, Selected — ! 32:02, Peach Or Apple 10To 12.02, Selected Devour 13.8To 14-02, Selected Stouffer's Daisy Single Serve Marie Callender's ‘Che H 1 38 a 6.48 ‘COTTAGE 2 Te a pce 3202 ote sereo . Food Club Heavy Whipping Cream Fish sticks Or Flt 2 2820 Fy Cooked 1602, Orginal Or hick ‘Oscar Mayer Daily's Sliced Bacon ‘Smoked Bacon 12.61, Gluten Fee Cups Or Joy Sugar Cor ‘8 6.98 ag 10ATo bats seleed 22100e siected Malt O'M breaktas!Sencuriches 5.98 3:78 Mills Coes Links Or Paes 4.A8 84, Crnamon Rots, Crescent - ouitr Renehsh h style Failte Pillsbury 455 18286 9.910 10507, Selected Maxwell House 072493 gs GSM

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