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Current weekly ad ACME Fresh Market - Valid from 10/06 to 10/12 - Page nb 5

Weekly ad ACME Fresh Market 10/06/2022 - 10/12/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Nature’s Own Crafted Bread, Buns, or Rolls 2202. 0r8to 12ct 2$ SAVE WITH CARD Bread 200z.ltalian, Split Top Wheat, ‘or 100% Wheat SAVE WITH CARD Lucky Leaf Ple Filling | Hunt's Snack Pack Select Votes ot ©] compleats 7.5 to 1002. Package 295 Big Bowls 3.50502. Package 2$ for SAVE WITH CARD SAVE WITH CARD A \ evian Simply Done f Spring Water Dryer Sheets ake Titer a0ct | for =! SAVEWITH CARD SAVE WITH CARD _— on Pt Chobani CRE ajoyo Cold Brew Coffee I * | ‘Almond Milk 3202. asia * 2 S — a oe $7 | for 9 : a SAVE WITH CARD SAVEWITH CARD a Say Hello to our Crunchy, QUAKER Delicious Rice Snacks! est 1877 Gelatin or Pudding for WITH CARD S&S or WITH CARD Food Club Es Zatarain’s Croutons ee Rice Mixes $02. Bag 8 0z.Box 2 $3 = 2 294 SAVE WITH CARD for WITH CARD Di re es Hormel Kraft or Velveeta he Quaker Chewy Granola Bars 6.3 107.4 02, Box Selected Varieties 349 General Mills Cereal Treat Bars — 681084802. Box SAVE WITH CARD ‘SAVE WITH CARD \s a 2 Cascadian Farms Pop:Secret nD Cerea Popcorn 1355t0 14002. Box Selected Varieties Selected Varieties SAVE WITH CARD SAVE WITH CARD Reeolog & Healthy Choice Campbell's ‘Choice Sou Well Yes! Soup 16.1 to 16.3 02.Can Selected Varieties 219 SAVE WITH CARD 150z.Can Selected Varieties SAVEWITH CARD = Kikkoman [heroez| Herdez Sauces 4 Salsa 1010 12.10.03 15,7t016 02. Jar Selected Varieties El Rive ere | SAVE WITH CARD SAVE WITH CARD Scott Paper Towels or Bath Tissue ‘6 Mega Roll Towel or 12 Roll Comfort Plus Bath Tissue Arm & Hammer Laundry Detergent 118.1 to 1445 02. Bottle SAVE WITH CARD SAVE WITH CARD Florida's Natural = a Dannon Premium Orange —_ Greek Yogurt , or Grapefruit Juice 9 a v 5.3.08. Oikos Triple Zero ait for 5 SAVE WITH CARD Darn Tasty!

Latest weekly ads

Nature’s Own Crafted Bread, Buns, or Rolls 2202. 0r8to 12ct 2$ SAVE WITH CARD Bread 200z.ltalian, Split Top Wheat, ‘or 100% Wheat SAVE WITH CARD Lucky Leaf Ple Filling | Hunt's Snack Pack Select Votes ot ©] compleats 7.5 to 1002. Package 295 Big Bowls 3.50502. Package 2$ for SAVE WITH CARD SAVE WITH CARD A \ evian Simply Done f Spring Water Dryer Sheets ake Titer a0ct | for =! SAVEWITH CARD SAVE WITH CARD _— on Pt Chobani CRE ajoyo Cold Brew Coffee I * | ‘Almond Milk 3202. asia * 2 S — a oe $7 | for 9 : a SAVE WITH CARD SAVEWITH CARD a Say Hello to our Crunchy, QUAKER Delicious Rice Snacks! est 1877 Gelatin or Pudding for WITH CARD S&S or WITH CARD Food Club Es Zatarain’s Croutons ee Rice Mixes $02. Bag 8 0z.Box 2 $3 = 2 294 SAVE WITH CARD for WITH CARD Di re es Hormel Kraft or Velveeta he Quaker Chewy Granola Bars 6.3 107.4 02, Box Selected Varieties 349 General Mills Cereal Treat Bars — 681084802. Box SAVE WITH CARD ‘SAVE WITH CARD \s a 2 Cascadian Farms Pop:Secret nD Cerea Popcorn 1355t0 14002. Box Selected Varieties Selected Varieties SAVE WITH CARD SAVE WITH CARD Reeolog & Healthy Choice Campbell's ‘Choice Sou Well Yes! Soup 16.1 to 16.3 02.Can Selected Varieties 219 SAVE WITH CARD 150z.Can Selected Varieties SAVEWITH CARD = Kikkoman [heroez| Herdez Sauces 4 Salsa 1010 12.10.03 15,7t016 02. Jar Selected Varieties El Rive ere | SAVE WITH CARD SAVE WITH CARD Scott Paper Towels or Bath Tissue ‘6 Mega Roll Towel or 12 Roll Comfort Plus Bath Tissue Arm & Hammer Laundry Detergent 118.1 to 1445 02. Bottle SAVE WITH CARD SAVE WITH CARD Florida's Natural = a Dannon Premium Orange —_ Greek Yogurt , or Grapefruit Juice 9 a v 5.3.08. Oikos Triple Zero ait for 5 SAVE WITH CARD Darn Tasty!

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