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Current weekly ad ACME Fresh Market - Valid from 10/06 to 10/12 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad ACME Fresh Market 10/06/2022 - 10/12/2022


Products in this weekly ad

SUMMIT/PORTAGE/STARK Fresh Market WWwW.acmestores:com Fresh Marhet Porterhouse Saeeagner ME 31/40 count Steaks a eaed bl Deveined | Tail On 4 1 Ib. 16.95: TekE pick up! Orders Over $35 Responsibly raised in waters off Patagonia Troeabl «Sustainable - Antibiotic Fee VERLASSO : Cooked Shrimp ms FREE DELI VERY! Cold Water Salmon Ib. Canadian Crab Legs Ib. 13/5 Count . 4 FREE Stock Up Deliveries) Orders Over $100 oe 7" . a lll Pe —— fp). 2 ZN i 4 CR en Zs Pe arousiciin Selects Side Dishes a 5 1525 02. Cake 46106202 Package > Seicted vores 2 ‘Buy ONE) ( Fresh Marbat cer Ice Cream JUSTS3.00€ ACH 4802 SAVE $12.90 one eae SAVE $1.71 WITH CARD | SAVE $5.99 ON 2 WITH CARD 4 ees i WEE a =z sel ce, on ae kK Cheese 8 Piece Chicken ‘ea, | American, Hot Pepper, Ib, | Seedless Grapes with Jo-Jo's Dinner Colby, or Co-Jack Red, Green, or Black SAVE $1.00 WITH CARD SAVE UP TO $1.00/18. WITH CARD SAVE $2.1 1/18. WITH CARD =e Kraft Cheese G6to8oz. Shredded or Chunks Pasta Pasta (Git sauce Soft Drinks 6k./ 163902. Bottles 4 SAVE $9.96 ON 4 WITH CARD en (7 (lays) Pp D G23 (e $3 Honey Bunches of Oats _ ‘robin oss qe. or Pebbles Cereal 1810 195 02.Box Ue yee a Pe SAVE $8.67 0N 3 WITH CARD =, = / By i ., spring Water 24 pk./ 16.9 02. : SAVE 2.58 0N 2 WITH CARD SAVE UP TO $4.98 ON 2 WITH CARD : . $5 OFF Your Next Grocery ARB 2 _ o Purchase of $50 or More gaa Gy ARE conacra Bags and Wraps When You Join! as . Seid Products 1010 150. Bogs, 1005g. ft Ck a D) c¢051 eee A dion mNeseae” I FREE Pumpkin Roll Soft Drinks — Se 8pk./ 12 oz Bottles (or 12pk./ 1202. Cans with $30 Purchase! saveurrosesconswirucaro | $10 OFF Your $50 Purchase EI Tey ey $10 Tree SES from Our Meat Department! ci UPS HuGciEs Penile U 48 seme Deven ploy] i) SAVE $10.97 ON 3 WITH CARD Sy SAVE UPTO $4.96 ON 4 WITH CARD Pull-Ups Goodnites, | Gzasscaam UlMorer 0 fell lick Tampon ror : _LilSnuggler Giga Packs naturaicare Baby Wipes ort Ti Pads oBsct — 168 0 192 ct. 6% 749 EY save sio.cowirn caro SAVE $1.00 WITH CARD SAVE $1.20 WITH CARD TODAY! 10” SAVE $6.00 WITH CARD Stay Healthy witha FREE 'Flu Shot! Now Available! t Fresh Market + Earn $5.00 FREE Groceries!" en a PHARMACY z= =a ¥ | SCAN QR CODE Inte romeo ore han 575 te pete anal Pte Resco Se phan as Vt 31.2. lola VAT isi it MCA oat)

Latest weekly ads

SUMMIT/PORTAGE/STARK Fresh Market WWwW.acmestores:com Fresh Marhet Porterhouse Saeeagner ME 31/40 count Steaks a eaed bl Deveined | Tail On 4 1 Ib. 16.95: TekE pick up! Orders Over $35 Responsibly raised in waters off Patagonia Troeabl «Sustainable - Antibiotic Fee VERLASSO : Cooked Shrimp ms FREE DELI VERY! Cold Water Salmon Ib. Canadian Crab Legs Ib. 13/5 Count . 4 FREE Stock Up Deliveries) Orders Over $100 oe 7" . a lll Pe —— fp). 2 ZN i 4 CR en Zs Pe arousiciin Selects Side Dishes a 5 1525 02. Cake 46106202 Package > Seicted vores 2 ‘Buy ONE) ( Fresh Marbat cer Ice Cream JUSTS3.00€ ACH 4802 SAVE $12.90 one eae SAVE $1.71 WITH CARD | SAVE $5.99 ON 2 WITH CARD 4 ees i WEE a =z sel ce, on ae kK Cheese 8 Piece Chicken ‘ea, | American, Hot Pepper, Ib, | Seedless Grapes with Jo-Jo's Dinner Colby, or Co-Jack Red, Green, or Black SAVE $1.00 WITH CARD SAVE UP TO $1.00/18. WITH CARD SAVE $2.1 1/18. WITH CARD =e Kraft Cheese G6to8oz. Shredded or Chunks Pasta Pasta (Git sauce Soft Drinks 6k./ 163902. Bottles 4 SAVE $9.96 ON 4 WITH CARD en (7 (lays) Pp D G23 (e $3 Honey Bunches of Oats _ ‘robin oss qe. or Pebbles Cereal 1810 195 02.Box Ue yee a Pe SAVE $8.67 0N 3 WITH CARD =, = / By i ., spring Water 24 pk./ 16.9 02. : SAVE 2.58 0N 2 WITH CARD SAVE UP TO $4.98 ON 2 WITH CARD : . $5 OFF Your Next Grocery ARB 2 _ o Purchase of $50 or More gaa Gy ARE conacra Bags and Wraps When You Join! as . Seid Products 1010 150. Bogs, 1005g. ft Ck a D) c¢051 eee A dion mNeseae” I FREE Pumpkin Roll Soft Drinks — Se 8pk./ 12 oz Bottles (or 12pk./ 1202. Cans with $30 Purchase! saveurrosesconswirucaro | $10 OFF Your $50 Purchase EI Tey ey $10 Tree SES from Our Meat Department! ci UPS HuGciEs Penile U 48 seme Deven ploy] i) SAVE $10.97 ON 3 WITH CARD Sy SAVE UPTO $4.96 ON 4 WITH CARD Pull-Ups Goodnites, | Gzasscaam UlMorer 0 fell lick Tampon ror : _LilSnuggler Giga Packs naturaicare Baby Wipes ort Ti Pads oBsct — 168 0 192 ct. 6% 749 EY save sio.cowirn caro SAVE $1.00 WITH CARD SAVE $1.20 WITH CARD TODAY! 10” SAVE $6.00 WITH CARD Stay Healthy witha FREE 'Flu Shot! Now Available! t Fresh Market + Earn $5.00 FREE Groceries!" en a PHARMACY z= =a ¥ | SCAN QR CODE Inte romeo ore han 575 te pete anal Pte Resco Se phan as Vt 31.2. lola VAT isi it MCA oat)

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