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Current weekly ad Morton Williams - Bronx - Memorial Day 2023 - Valid from 05/26 to 06/01 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Morton Williams 05/26/2023 - 06/01/2023


Products in this weekly ad

Memorial Day ye / 3 Lbs. or More Fresh e Grade ‘A’ Bone-In re = s with esidional DHA ap Chicken Thighs _—__ Pureiase or Mare Limit 1 Per Family 74 20 Lb Bag Be Carolina Long Grain Rice Lb. a net bn, lazalap 9 a 3/$ 40 oz. Bottle = Tropical Mazola Ft ete 3 Lbs. or More $ 9 Equal Amounts of Bonetn Center & End Cuts Pork Chops . i». _Chayote Corn, Canola or Vegetable Oil Combination Pack ‘Whole, Half or Quartered Only * Seedless Red Ripe ub. Watermelon Lb. 15-15.5 oz. Can « Alll Varieties Best Yet Beans USI Choice Chuck Steak - Sliced To Order 23.9-24 oz. Jar ¢ All Varieties R Boar’s Head aga Maple Glazed Honey Coat Pasta Sauce Ham B | 46-48 oz. Package Sliced To Order (Excludes By The Piece) Turkey Hill ; Morton Williams Ice Cream "be Jack Cheese ¥ — 38399 FT $699 | ae acka * "2S : 59 oz, Carton # All Varieties za as Wn a Package im | Sbbs Or More « Fresh » Grade ‘A’ i Ssips < Galhani Jumbo " Fruit Drinks or Iced Tea ’ - =x Mozzarella Chicken Wings I 2 2/% as $299 < 99 , . h * a x hued ne Lb. 12.5-15.5 oz. Package * 4 Pack : rs 7-8 oz. Package ¢ All Varieties = Jell-O aS Kraft @ A 2 } Shredded Cheese a ; eee Gelatin or Pudding i jee @ 5.3 0z.Cup Selett Varieties eae Dannon Parking ee Light & Fit or Oikos Greek Yogurt {Hora 0M. Parease rr. (am to 1] 5 $ Delivery ) 5am tO / ) 15/26/23 - Morton Wil Not responsible for typographical or photo errors. We reserve the right to limit quantities.

Latest weekly ads

Memorial Day ye / 3 Lbs. or More Fresh e Grade ‘A’ Bone-In re = s with esidional DHA ap Chicken Thighs _—__ Pureiase or Mare Limit 1 Per Family 74 20 Lb Bag Be Carolina Long Grain Rice Lb. a net bn, lazalap 9 a 3/$ 40 oz. Bottle = Tropical Mazola Ft ete 3 Lbs. or More $ 9 Equal Amounts of Bonetn Center & End Cuts Pork Chops . i». _Chayote Corn, Canola or Vegetable Oil Combination Pack ‘Whole, Half or Quartered Only * Seedless Red Ripe ub. Watermelon Lb. 15-15.5 oz. Can « Alll Varieties Best Yet Beans USI Choice Chuck Steak - Sliced To Order 23.9-24 oz. Jar ¢ All Varieties R Boar’s Head aga Maple Glazed Honey Coat Pasta Sauce Ham B | 46-48 oz. Package Sliced To Order (Excludes By The Piece) Turkey Hill ; Morton Williams Ice Cream "be Jack Cheese ¥ — 38399 FT $699 | ae acka * "2S : 59 oz, Carton # All Varieties za as Wn a Package im | Sbbs Or More « Fresh » Grade ‘A’ i Ssips < Galhani Jumbo " Fruit Drinks or Iced Tea ’ - =x Mozzarella Chicken Wings I 2 2/% as $299 < 99 , . h * a x hued ne Lb. 12.5-15.5 oz. Package * 4 Pack : rs 7-8 oz. Package ¢ All Varieties = Jell-O aS Kraft @ A 2 } Shredded Cheese a ; eee Gelatin or Pudding i jee @ 5.3 0z.Cup Selett Varieties eae Dannon Parking ee Light & Fit or Oikos Greek Yogurt {Hora 0M. Parease rr. (am to 1] 5 $ Delivery ) 5am tO / ) 15/26/23 - Morton Wil Not responsible for typographical or photo errors. We reserve the right to limit quantities.

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