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Current weekly ad Michaels - Memorial Day 2023 - Valid from 05/26 to 06/03 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Michaels 05/26/2023 - 06/03/2023


Products in this weekly ad

50% 50% ow ny e Red, White & Bias Baking an X’. Blue DĂ©cor Red, White & Blue Wearable Decorating Supplies Lyle Acces by Celebrate It" & asta Excludes flags & Specie re ‘Sweet Tooth Fairy" flag accessories. my it f 50% ‘Summer Celebrations 50% 50°; Collection Summer Red, White & Blue bby Ashlandℱ & Floral by Party Supplies = Celebrate Itt Ashland 1228, Artist's Loft: Super Value Canvas Packs 228, 50% Gildan’ Crew Neck T-Shirts 8" x10" - 18" Reg. 4.99 Pack count varies by size, ‘Summer Stems by Ashland” Project idea shown, Reg. 19.99 Cricut Materials, Mats & Tools BUY TWO GET TWO FREE j Artist's Loft” Back-Stapled & ary Wra JY THREE, BUY ONE, GET - Sr cane Cet eenoee ONE FREE" BUY ONE, GET Level 3: Professional AL strung Beads by Bead Landing” fy Studio Decors ns Shadow Bowes Camp Creatology" Kits “Aart tat Wee OT GT VE by eeepc ete srl a ese ae eae re. BOM GT MESO OF By ent ete san ee al ft xs csc 2 GTZ FREE: tegatana ere be xe cance Seton web ‘Sore BU, GET 3FREBy Dees egret ot nae Sah tea lest we ne fle Gasce Satan aes sor, us

Latest weekly ads

50% 50% ow ny e Red, White & Bias Baking an X’. Blue DĂ©cor Red, White & Blue Wearable Decorating Supplies Lyle Acces by Celebrate It" & asta Excludes flags & Specie re ‘Sweet Tooth Fairy" flag accessories. my it f 50% ‘Summer Celebrations 50% 50°; Collection Summer Red, White & Blue bby Ashlandℱ & Floral by Party Supplies = Celebrate Itt Ashland 1228, Artist's Loft: Super Value Canvas Packs 228, 50% Gildan’ Crew Neck T-Shirts 8" x10" - 18" Reg. 4.99 Pack count varies by size, ‘Summer Stems by Ashland” Project idea shown, Reg. 19.99 Cricut Materials, Mats & Tools BUY TWO GET TWO FREE j Artist's Loft” Back-Stapled & ary Wra JY THREE, BUY ONE, GET - Sr cane Cet eenoee ONE FREE" BUY ONE, GET Level 3: Professional AL strung Beads by Bead Landing” fy Studio Decors ns Shadow Bowes Camp Creatology" Kits “Aart tat Wee OT GT VE by eeepc ete srl a ese ae eae re. BOM GT MESO OF By ent ete san ee al ft xs csc 2 GTZ FREE: tegatana ere be xe cance Seton web ‘Sore BU, GET 3FREBy Dees egret ot nae Sah tea lest we ne fle Gasce Satan aes sor, us

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