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IRY MARKET BASKET “MORE FOR YOUR DOLLAR” o- siggis o& siggis er siggit & &, (any variety 5.30z.,4.40z.,and 40z) (any variety, 4 ctmultipack pouch) oe 5 3 $5 crafted with ee 4.89 Chobani Oikos Dannon Silk YoCrunch Greek Yogurt Triple Zero Light & Fit ___ Almond = se. Yogurt SZ s30ncur Greek Yogurt | ¢ Yogurt AR) Yogurt Ponte 4 PACK /16 07. Veme J mes) | enpossy) | QW) | eveupess 9 fixasc° pe 1322| ee 2°4 [feo 5°5 ten 2” toon | 4PACK/212 oz 53 oz. CUP for a Fage Noosa xx Oui Heluva Good! | Yucatan Greek Yogurt Finest Yoghurt _ French Style French Onion Authentic ge 53 oz. CUP Sencur jfpU es <a Dip === Guacamole 435 52 | $A 4) ¥ 79 |S 99 oVatietiog for for a PKG: = ell-O Sweet Loren’s Good Culture Cabot , JELLO. puddin B cookie Dough wer Organic Cheddar Bars g eae Spread WEE 2 rack /135 07. 3 Varieties eae alia ‘Cheese |S 802. BAR [Saves] good ‘Txes=0] [avez] mw 255 49 || Saal 3°° | Alen 322 5 a a Boz PKG. , ifez. ae PKG | shredded Cheddar wm Tropicana | @» _ SunnyD | «> Califia | Country Crock Tropicana Orange Juice » Citrus Punch | & Iced Coffee oer ad Premium 9 Varieties *TANGY TE EES) *Calcium Drinks [Bavesse] [ESemesposton] [Bavea0e] 9 «253 a = Qe SNE 48 oz. BIL. Freschetta Tony’s Bibigo FarmRich InnovAsion Brick Oven Aa. eee 6: formich Appetizers Meals Pizza : + Wonton 14.3 - 22 07. 18 oz. PKG. an a [Save30e] [Bave30e] j2026- | one Af 5° ns oa Al Varieties 5 =—,5 Gorton’s McCain’s } Van de Kamp’s Stouffer’s Mama Rosie’s Fish Fillets French Fries Fish Sticks Satisfying Ravioli Gite) v-4- | 9 19-26 oz. 7 sana 12-145 07. PKG. _ Concur sun Save Up to $150] a amare , 4° : 2°4 ihe 20 oz. 4 Varieties for Family Eee Helados Turkey Hill Gifford’s a Waffles Mini Bars Ice Cream Sm Cream 493-58 07, <= 3 Varieties 46 02. PKG. Al Varieties Z [Gavezoe] nem] [xeaee] PKG. 18 oz. PKG. Sed q = Rae aess 223 Le’ a ee 13 | new dad abarg aed Planet Sve Be eaney = bs rae Oat ies is a at oatmilk er <r x 52 oz. PKG. sei iown NACKS & EB BEVERAGE B Utz Wise a mee July peel Potato Chi Potato Chips eet retzels Sutz ae ne 7.75 -7.8 7. ae uly Style us 9-16 oz. BAG [Baves200) ae [Bave38e] (Baesi3] 2°6 255 | acd wv. 257 | LER xx.2°6 Planters Poland Spring Pure Life Marker Basket Dry Roasted ater Distilled By Alkaline Peanuts 24 PACK e Water aWater [Bavesse] [Bavesi50] @. f& [Saved] 2285 83510| @ .253 | Be 5 Old ze |F a BodyArmor P ste’ oak Mots sel 00-hoo uice Drinks Sports Drink | 4 4 100 fo e Chocolate J 64 oz. BTL. MR gees » £ ice B be _ Drink —_ [Gxexie] [Gavesies] = 3138 (Pack) aa ie|! i 455 a5 2°5| & ee us . 64 07. = 2 js ee °Coke ° Cc da D: Polar °Sprite . ae * Gisclies Seltzer ORES aay LITER BTL. 4 12 PACK 1 LTR. BTL. ae - a a (Savesi.00) re [Bavedee] S114 455 | ¥.63957| S453 8-12 07. BTLS. for 12-12 0. CANS Pg. 5 Effective 2-11-24 to 2-17-24 Quantity Rights Reserved. Not Responsible for Typographic or Illustration Errors. Bottle Deposit and Tax where Applicable
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