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Marker Basket ¢. “MORE FOR YOUR DOULAR™ Campbell’s ; Le Sueur Green Giant college Inn Cream Of Peas iblets roth Mushroom { | 15 oz. CAN ican 32 oz. PKG. tooz, [Eavesze] | [SaeSi00] [Saves] [Baxesi00) i 2 455 |W 355 253| Be 254 11 oz. *Cream of Chicken CAN ninnccee Stove Top Bell’s Rachael = College Inn , Marker Basker Stuffing Stuffing Sto roth | gases Turke' TWIN PACK Mix 32 oz. PKG. 14.5 07. CAN — Stoc [Bavesi00] [Savesi.00] (eae) (Bavese] a! 257 ad..2°5| fy 2° 4 | Ge 3: 3 |. 2° Marker Basket Heinz idahoan Knorr ravy Gravy Cocktail ae ) Potatoes Sides 32 oz. JAR 12. 07. JAR *Chili Sauce ee 43-5.6 02. [Baeaoe] [Seesi00] fe Fs (Sxest00) $5 | OF 254 |i. 294 | BY 455 |555 B25 | Sy 294 | ag ex 75 |e Barilla Barilla Barilla Prince Filippo Berio Pasta Pasta Sauce Lasagna Lasagna Extra in 16 02. PKG. 24 oz. JAR iéor PKG. 16 oz. PKG. Olive Oil PN (Bavesaq] (Bavesi00] H pqconbae a San prince J ([Bave3se] [Bave32200) 9 7°3|S 2°5 0 29 254 Me 16% + Oven Ready 507 07. 9 oz PKG. Marconi Bertolli Mazola Wesson California Die aA Extra Virgin F Corn Oil Vegetable ove Renee OL Olive Oi ONE GALLON Oil live Oil wo =| & <a [Savess00] Varieties B02. 3°? iw 622 we 9 = .,.. ao 99. - BIL. Newman’s Own i Cubbison’s . Pearls = Pearls Mt. Olive = Salad Croutons Pitted Olives =e Specialties Kosher Spears ee rs 5 oz. PKG. anal 6 0z. CAN ¢ 6-7 07.JAR 2402. JAR ([Bavesse] Siac [GWarieties] 9 é (Gear) (axes) [Save ose] & «297 1 253 Fs83°5 3 225 Cains a Pam French’s French’s Aunt Nellie’s Mayonnaise Cooking CHEpy, Fried Mustard Onions go0z.Jar | fe Spray mions + Creamy 12 02. 14.02. JAR Eazamy | PM eS z eS P Ld ia 39 |) 39 ES 322 |) 12? [a 2” Pea PRE. 3c |e Dole Eagle | Marker Basker Lucky Leaf Lucky Leaf Mott’s Pineapple _Condensed | Baking Cocoa Pie Filling Premium Applesauce SS) 2002 CAN Milk Boz. PKG. | SE 21 0z.can | Ww Pie Filling | GBp 46-4802. fe vars Gass] eed oe (eve) eS “ [Baveose] SEXTET =3°5 8255 1955 | 255 |S. 797 || 956 Fisher South Keebler Jell-O Libby’s Walnuts Scorala Pie Crust Pudding Pumpkin 16 oz. BAG ecans 4-6 07. PKG 3.4 oz. PKG. 15 oz. CAN Fp Otc 5%? 3.99 NS 254 laa 455 [es 255 ' BAG for Diamond Ghirardelli Ghirardelli _ Truvia Truvia Walnuts Morsels = Baking Baking Blend Sweet = S: 16 oz. PKG. 10-12 oz. BAG Bars 24 07. PKG. eeiitin, 3 Jeempae Save [Compare & Save] (Savesse] (Savesse] Save ([Bavease] Save [Baves0e] Save [Saves0e] ia Pe iy, = n2°5| a 62 |-86 Chocolate ‘s Nestle tt Pong AY ocolate ™ Morsels Crystals 5 aking Here eee. | Sees Morsels vices | DOmiaee Sugar Ld Aye eae [Baesi35] [BaveS133] (sg [aves] Fees) °4 | See 95 56 ie $ —s A ieee Emeril’s Gillian’s Po King’s Hawaiian 9 Organic Gluten Free Bagels Rolls Stocks Stuffing =... 20 02. PKG. oe Rolls Varieties [Eavesi35] 2 a as [Bavesa35] (Gaeaae] $ 99 | ble be $ $ 24 Oo #93 81 2057 Woodstock Farmer’s Market ~~ _ Nature’s Own _ MARKET ‘Basket Cranberry Pumpkin Mix Craft Butter Dinner Rolls Sauce 15 0z. CAN Rolls +Snowflake Rolls be (Bavesz53] (SaveSi.00] [Baves298] (Savesse] m4 $1256 | BH 295 ER 295 1407. CAN “ellied = IEEE Oe Pg. 7 Effective 11-12-23 to 11-25-23 Quantity Rights Reserved. Not Responsible for Typographic or Illustration Errors. Bottle Deposit and Tax where Applicable
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