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Current weekly ad Lunardi's Market - Valid from 09/27 to 10/03 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad Lunardi's Market 09/27/2022 - 10/03/2022


Products in this weekly ad

BONE-IN (CENTER 'CUT NEWYORK “#4 PORK LOIN ‘STRIP STEAK MEATLOAF. CHOPS PORK RIBS Delicious flavor. Meaty cuts Boneless cuts from the Made fresh. Our own Fresh eastern. Your choice of NEW YORK STRIP. deliciously seasoned recipe REGULAR or DOUBLE THICK CUT. So tender the meat Cut with a fork tenderness. of USDA CHOICE, Very lean and flavorful flakes right off the bone. Fully trimmed. Outstanding Lb, BEEF, VEAL and PORK. Lb, Delicious barbecued, Lb, Our finest ribs. Log] for weekend barbecues. So convenient and versatile. 2sliparats THICK CUTBACON 99 BAVARIAN BRATWURST © 99 Lb. Double thick cut. Very lean. Lunardi’s finest. Fantastic for Niman ranch. A traditional steamed cooked bratwurst seasoned weekend breakfast, BLT's or adding zest to weekend recipes. Lb. _ with pepper, sage and marjoram in a natural pork casing. .. Finest HE ii OE FRESH FANS LEGS” CHICKEN BREAST PETRALESOLE PRAWNS Mois 100% antibiotic free, Our own recipe of wild rice and partes Fresh Peta is cut Ready peeled & deveined for your xy] ‘no hormones, all natural mushroom or with apple-almond stuffing, LOCALLY ofthe HAL NOON BAY COAST. convenience! Our Large Prawns y ‘meat are mild and sweet flavored. Lb. Lb. Lb. 2 whole chicken legs. ‘Gourmet convenience! So delicious Our Petre Sole is sweet witha slightly ‘eater favor wt, Great marinated for and easy to prepare. thane oe sls. The meas txizeis madera fm The flesh is firm and tender, the weekend BBQ. Just pop in the oven! buted ated Sl cane sated ile, It turns pink & tender when cooked blackened, aks or poached. ‘Superb on the weekend barbeque. (GROUND TURKEY 49 SMALL SHRIMP MEAT 99 DARK MEAT. Fresh ground daily! Extra lean (less than 5% fat). Oregon's finest. Cooked, peeled and cleaned. The meat is firm but fragile. The flavor is very sweet. Lb Naturally low in fat and cholesterol. Tasty for burger patties or stuffings. SAVE!!! Lb. Fantastic used in salads, quiches, omelettes or in your seafood dishes. For more store information visit Printed by FISHER 833-572-1578 «www fisherwest.com_ ‘Grob fee gradi oct species on fi sore purchases only. Lunardl’s 9/27/2022 - Page 4

Latest weekly ads

BONE-IN (CENTER 'CUT NEWYORK “#4 PORK LOIN ‘STRIP STEAK MEATLOAF. CHOPS PORK RIBS Delicious flavor. Meaty cuts Boneless cuts from the Made fresh. Our own Fresh eastern. Your choice of NEW YORK STRIP. deliciously seasoned recipe REGULAR or DOUBLE THICK CUT. So tender the meat Cut with a fork tenderness. of USDA CHOICE, Very lean and flavorful flakes right off the bone. Fully trimmed. Outstanding Lb, BEEF, VEAL and PORK. Lb, Delicious barbecued, Lb, Our finest ribs. Log] for weekend barbecues. So convenient and versatile. 2sliparats THICK CUTBACON 99 BAVARIAN BRATWURST © 99 Lb. Double thick cut. Very lean. Lunardi’s finest. Fantastic for Niman ranch. A traditional steamed cooked bratwurst seasoned weekend breakfast, BLT's or adding zest to weekend recipes. Lb. _ with pepper, sage and marjoram in a natural pork casing. .. Finest HE ii OE FRESH FANS LEGS” CHICKEN BREAST PETRALESOLE PRAWNS Mois 100% antibiotic free, Our own recipe of wild rice and partes Fresh Peta is cut Ready peeled & deveined for your xy] ‘no hormones, all natural mushroom or with apple-almond stuffing, LOCALLY ofthe HAL NOON BAY COAST. convenience! Our Large Prawns y ‘meat are mild and sweet flavored. Lb. Lb. Lb. 2 whole chicken legs. ‘Gourmet convenience! So delicious Our Petre Sole is sweet witha slightly ‘eater favor wt, Great marinated for and easy to prepare. thane oe sls. The meas txizeis madera fm The flesh is firm and tender, the weekend BBQ. Just pop in the oven! buted ated Sl cane sated ile, It turns pink & tender when cooked blackened, aks or poached. ‘Superb on the weekend barbeque. (GROUND TURKEY 49 SMALL SHRIMP MEAT 99 DARK MEAT. Fresh ground daily! Extra lean (less than 5% fat). Oregon's finest. Cooked, peeled and cleaned. The meat is firm but fragile. The flavor is very sweet. Lb Naturally low in fat and cholesterol. Tasty for burger patties or stuffings. SAVE!!! Lb. Fantastic used in salads, quiches, omelettes or in your seafood dishes. For more store information visit Printed by FISHER 833-572-1578 «www fisherwest.com_ ‘Grob fee gradi oct species on fi sore purchases only. Lunardl’s 9/27/2022 - Page 4

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