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2241_COMTG 4 x Kroger ( Russet Potatoes Sib Bag With Card Ts With Card Fuji, Gala or Granny Smith Apples erento Fresh Tyson Natural Boneless Chicken Breasts — With Card Boneless Beef Roast Sale Shoulder,Top Round, or Bottom Round Roast Marcangelo Skewers, Select Varieties, 9.8-16 oz, $7.99 Donut Shop or McCafé Coffee $599 With Card caer ssf 2 EyWra Ps maron ag BUY 2, GET 1 Select Varieties, 10-12 ct K-Cups Limit 1 with Additional $25 Purchase FREE Case Rg ea oly Spice Islands Spices With Card ‘store for exclusions. Select Varieties, 0.1-13 oz Lay's Potato or Kettle Cooked Potato Chips $199 JEA With Card With Card Cc -Col Classic Niaeeires 4.188 07 ios Com Chips 92510016 i or Frito-Lay Simply Snacks, 7.5-9 0z of Frito Lay psi or 71 itor eSroct 9 cea 2P . aad When you buy 4 of more in the same transaction with Card, | Si - ‘Quonttes less than 4 are upto $4.99 each with Cord en ‘When you buy 3 or more inthe same transaction with Cord, ‘Quontities less than 3 are $7.99 each. Kroger Deluxe Ice Cream Select Varieties, 48 fl oz 2/5 With Card SAVE | WHEN YOU BUY 6 OR MORE. 2.99 wer -50° &. 3.99 ee Seana | a -50° wy Y-\ a : , ’ on > 249 Gun: Si a i a < _ Swanson Broth DiISDULYCICROS) iy a Tero oe DeReaiehc RSE Biscuits Coffee-Mate Creamer 14515 02 oF Compbels Gravy 105 07 or Creamette Pasta 32 f1 oz or Simply Orange Juice, 52 fl oz; Select Varieties 12-16 02; Select Varieties or Crescent or y eee Be o 299 i 8 ct oF Philadelphia ‘ 1.99 Sits 50° Cream Cheese, -50° ee 8 07 Bar, =, — . 1@ Select Varieties RAN = i - ae + a 2 a ? a Le )) — 7 — a! © yea* WINS ea Sees: Kroger Sour Cream x or Cottage Cheese “=== % Nabisco Snack Crackers 16 07 or Kroger Salad Dressing. 16 f! oz or Hidden Valley l= | 3.5-9 02 oF Ritz Crackers, 7-13.7 07: Ranch Seasoning or Dip Mix, 0.4-1.1 02; Select Varieties Select Varieties Prices and items are effective with a Kroger Plus Card at your Mt Gilead Kroger Store. NONE SOLD TO DEALERS. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES AND CORRECT PRINTED ERRORS. COPYRIGHT 2022. KROGER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP I. SALE DATES: Wednesday, November 9 through Tuesday, November 15, 2022 SELECTION MAY VARY BY STORE, LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND. BDO1
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