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Current weekly ad Harvey's Supermarkets - Valid from 12/25 to 12/31 - Page nb 11

Weekly ad Harvey's Supermarkets 12/25/2024 - 12/31/2024


Products in this weekly ad

Green Boiling Peanuts Save upto 51¢ Ib cman eye Blueberries, Blackberries or Raspberries 6 oz Save upto $1.71 Sg : IG Srete pes ¥ a ER: ucchini Squash, Broccoli Crown : SEGrocersWholeor | : Sliced White Mushrooms 80 : =~ . | a Red Seediess or Red Globe Grapes b $3.28 lbs Save rte ib ite | Save more E with our store brands Fisherman's Wharf Cod, Flounder, | Smithfield Smoked Center Sliced Tilapia or Swai Fillets 12-16 Ham Steaks SE Grocers Pineapple Chunks - meme | [:10\C(®) | snak 2OGC Totine’s Pizza Rolls )O0 ct Red Baron Premium Pizza —« “HOME (: {0 STYLES a Tyres Premium Chichen 2 ct or Campbell's Homestyle Soup 10 07 Chex Mix or Bugles 7-6 Planters Peanots 6 Marinela Products | Diitallane Italian’ 2L Chek, 7UP, Diet Rite or Funables Freit Sacks 10 $E Grocers Resealable Boge RC Cola SE Grocers Microwave Popcorn ¢ ashbage 14-35 ct Each buy 1 get 1 Free item is sold for half the advertised price. $Q5%| _-ssgyes| sg (sya PD < ie & 2 z " < i= Moon (5. Bue Corks Cocks 24 Pk Michelob Ultra 6 Pk Blue Moon, Cayman Jack. LaMarca Prosecee Cook’ iorcans | Smirnoff ice or Angry Orchard 750) Save upte $16.01 Seve upto $4.01 —*4 oO? Prestige Premium Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt 48 oz Savewpte$i.ot 12 Pk Busch, Miller High Life or lechouse 12 0: Dias All prices valid with Rewards) | ‘Quantity rights reserved. None sold to dealers. ‘i - i We gladly accept WIC and EBT Prices and items good in the following Georgia Location: he ul te cree mrt of OS Soprano Agere ‘Augusta: 1631 Gordon Mwy revo anes na nao Sopp 4 ERIE —= 60 vx

Latest weekly ads

Green Boiling Peanuts Save upto 51¢ Ib cman eye Blueberries, Blackberries or Raspberries 6 oz Save upto $1.71 Sg : IG Srete pes ¥ a ER: ucchini Squash, Broccoli Crown : SEGrocersWholeor | : Sliced White Mushrooms 80 : =~ . | a Red Seediess or Red Globe Grapes b $3.28 lbs Save rte ib ite | Save more E with our store brands Fisherman's Wharf Cod, Flounder, | Smithfield Smoked Center Sliced Tilapia or Swai Fillets 12-16 Ham Steaks SE Grocers Pineapple Chunks - meme | [:10\C(®) | snak 2OGC Totine’s Pizza Rolls )O0 ct Red Baron Premium Pizza —« “HOME (: {0 STYLES a Tyres Premium Chichen 2 ct or Campbell's Homestyle Soup 10 07 Chex Mix or Bugles 7-6 Planters Peanots 6 Marinela Products | Diitallane Italian’ 2L Chek, 7UP, Diet Rite or Funables Freit Sacks 10 $E Grocers Resealable Boge RC Cola SE Grocers Microwave Popcorn ¢ ashbage 14-35 ct Each buy 1 get 1 Free item is sold for half the advertised price. $Q5%| _-ssgyes| sg (sya PD < ie & 2 z " < i= Moon (5. Bue Corks Cocks 24 Pk Michelob Ultra 6 Pk Blue Moon, Cayman Jack. LaMarca Prosecee Cook’ iorcans | Smirnoff ice or Angry Orchard 750) Save upte $16.01 Seve upto $4.01 —*4 oO? Prestige Premium Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt 48 oz Savewpte$i.ot 12 Pk Busch, Miller High Life or lechouse 12 0: Dias All prices valid with Rewards) | ‘Quantity rights reserved. None sold to dealers. ‘i - i We gladly accept WIC and EBT Prices and items good in the following Georgia Location: he ul te cree mrt of OS Soprano Agere ‘Augusta: 1631 Gordon Mwy revo anes na nao Sopp 4 ERIE —= 60 vx

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