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ave upt Hass Avocados from Mexico $423 93 Red or Black Seedless Grapes _ Saveupto Sic ib LareeConttoupes SOPYB pte $t.02 Pag SE Grocers Fruit or Pa oe een. st rocersAmrtecicer | EID soneycrispapses RB i 6402 $4.88-Seve$t01 F $1.98 th Savest,20 1b Ks $12.98 +S we $t.0 % 1more great savings Buy 1 Get 1 FREE Save oat more with our store brands SE Grocers Pineapple Chunks ream or Frozen Dairy <Lwighs Ralianiceor | St Grocers Cor ne 10-10,7 02 Entenmann’s Baker's +1402 Thomas’ Swirl Bread or Winh-Bome Salad Dressing !5-\ 070" | Mott's Applesauce 6c 4A-8.9 08 Muffin Tops 10-16 Pompeian Olive Ol 8-68 ‘Skippy Peanut Butter 15-16.3 $ Fresh Baked Cookies }5 6 Pu 7UP, A&W. Diet Rit 21 Chek of Zapp's, Utz or Golden 5-50 or. Paks 24 ct ¢ Inthe bakery RC Cola or Sun Drop Flakes Potate Chips 75-8 z boosters 18 0 SE Grocers Assorted Spices Each buy 1 get 1 Free item is sold for half the advertised price. Osa . — $5 Grocers Designer Pet or Brilta Prosecco or Know & Love 10-50 ct oF napkins 250.ct 12 Pk White Claw or Tak Beesies Miller, Coors or Chardonnay or Sauvignon Blanc eve ep to $1.01 Truly 12 oF ital St 7 : Save upto $4.01 | s 5% j 510% 12Pk Corona, Melneken, Modelo er | 15 Pk Natural Pacific Saveup HARVEYS ; om All prices valid with Rewards) | Racatrolahaptins ia Send Leeman AES ORC SC ESL) ‘Quantity rights reserved. None sold to dealers. at . Wogeay ‘antcctine Prices and items good in the following Georgia Location: De gusiopas weer nes es Copeman Agate ‘Augusta: 1631 Gordon Mwy mek soonest mao sey geome tereom = en 4 EN-=<
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