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Current weekly ad Harmons Grocery - Valid from 05/21 to 05/27 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad Harmons Grocery 05/21/2024 - 05/27/2024


Products in this weekly ad

Guo sa | FRESH MEAT AND SEAFOOD S&S ZS seg - o ca “ PCM teecs his SN UC | a a a rs PV WO NPV i fl = af? . Original, jalapeno or garlic chicken a 11 oz. Hand-dipped in local Lehi 7 ITIL CelO am xsl aN @nelaNVae) mele] @ nod aaT=nate\e (assole Lf fe BEEF SKEWERS MARINATED CHICKEN BREASTS Assorted 6 oz. Assorted marinades i =, : NUS) Piet Ri 15 oz. Fry Sauce, Honey Barbecue, Southern Honey Mustard, or Buffalo i Cc (on = bs a pea -_ Se Ty 4 AG eae, ele Ce OFF ¢ CENTERCUI=— WTR NAY UML Na A ann aay3 ani 29 mG IU BT WIN Great with Pepperlane Preserves Bone-in eS ha 6 oz. MEAT DELI PERO ee Harmons oe iva Mi LADELPHIA ~ ee) ME Se CU Tay) i 5 te ginal ? r ESN LA AFT RyAU a dios Es Pings es PEELE LiCl Assorted 15 02. yA aY) TIM y Lo Wen) Assorted 25-32 02. AIP Vereen ee BEETS

Latest weekly ads

Guo sa | FRESH MEAT AND SEAFOOD S&S ZS seg - o ca “ PCM teecs his SN UC | a a a rs PV WO NPV i fl = af? . Original, jalapeno or garlic chicken a 11 oz. Hand-dipped in local Lehi 7 ITIL CelO am xsl aN @nelaNVae) mele] @ nod aaT=nate\e (assole Lf fe BEEF SKEWERS MARINATED CHICKEN BREASTS Assorted 6 oz. Assorted marinades i =, : NUS) Piet Ri 15 oz. Fry Sauce, Honey Barbecue, Southern Honey Mustard, or Buffalo i Cc (on = bs a pea -_ Se Ty 4 AG eae, ele Ce OFF ¢ CENTERCUI=— WTR NAY UML Na A ann aay3 ani 29 mG IU BT WIN Great with Pepperlane Preserves Bone-in eS ha 6 oz. MEAT DELI PERO ee Harmons oe iva Mi LADELPHIA ~ ee) ME Se CU Tay) i 5 te ginal ? r ESN LA AFT RyAU a dios Es Pings es PEELE LiCl Assorted 15 02. yA aY) TIM y Lo Wen) Assorted 25-32 02. AIP Vereen ee BEETS

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