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Current weekly ad Food Town - Valid from 11/18 to 11/24 - Page nb 7


Weekly ad Food Town 11/18/2022 - 11/24/2022


Products in this weekly ad

PACKAGED MEAT Country Crock Plant Butter Best’s Quarters Beef Franks 16 oz. Pkg., 14.02. Pkg. With Olive, Avocado Regular or King Size ‘or Almond Oil CLUB CARD PRICE $qs9 Breakstone’s ciue caro price ree Ripe i i Grove Select cius carp price Hormel Sour Cream Ss 99) coe" Orange Juice 99 Pepperoni | 16 0z. Cont., 1 59 fl. oz. Carton, 2 Hoy Ah Assorted Varieties 2/ sg MFR Assorted Varieties Sliced Pillow Packs, Including Turkey = Pepperoni Southern CLUB CARD PRICE ; Chobani Ce a comfort $qso |- Greek Yogurt CreamCheese gums) Eg9.Nog Chobani 4 Pack & — 321.02. Caton, rm 7: 12.02. Pkg, ar Hood, Lactaid or ae few an Hig elec atlas Recedbee eal cll so ‘CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE = (CLUB CARD PRICE 2/10 $249 TS id Jones ‘CLUB CARD PRICE Canadian - Le Bacon, $399) Sees Siggi's Tillamook ° 4 i Icelandic Style Shredded Simply Ades oe Yogurt Cheese — or Punches SP, 8.02. Pkg. Simo 521 oz. Bl, siggis Assorted Varieties ‘Assorted Varieties ‘Assorted Varieties F ‘CLUB CARO PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE <4 [$5 $399 Oscar Mayer oe cago price Turkey Bacon $999 1112 02. Pea, $399 Original or Uncured me siggl's Barden Sabrett = Icelandic Style Natural Cheese Tropicana Cocktail siggis Yogurt Slices Twister Punches Foe 24.02. Cont, 5-6 02. Pkg. 59 fl. 02. Carton, Franks Plain or Non-Fat Vanilla Assorted Varieties Assorted Varieties eae as ‘CLUB CARO PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE |, CLUB CARD PRICE Ghecas pace = $29 $299 ‘ 1s. sque 5 3 2/84 Siggi’s Cabot Turkey Hill Drinkable Shredded Iced Tea or Oscar Mayer Yogurt Cheese Lemonade Meat Franks siggis 8fl.02. BtL, 807. Pkg, 128 fl. 02. Jug, 16 02. Pkg. Select Varieties Assorted Varieties ‘Assorted Gallons CLUB CARD PRICE ‘CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE $399 q50 2/7 $349 Fage, Two Good \_v0cem) or Oikos Pro 1] , Greek Yoourt Galbani Dole RS Assorted Varieties, String Cheese Juice Blends Danimals == including Dannon 20. Pig. 591, 02. Carton, Smoothi Sexo Sugar Greek Yogurt Original o Reduced Fat Assorted Varieties 12 Poe k le CLUB CARD PRICE L\= CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE ac! s FahenPe. 2/541 “°° A/S5 $qso $349 ‘Assorted Varieties Simply “22> Dannon ey «Treasure Potatoes ome Ot Crumbled ad Best Quarts rane Organic Tea Anytime Hash Browns, DANNON Seren, Dannon Cheese SI roa. foe Beso Deed ae Assorted Varies Yogurt 4 Pack 56.02, Feta or Bue Assorted Varieties | Potatoes MRP") CLUBCARD PRICE 21202.Pkg. ‘CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARO PRICE CLUB CARO PRICE ‘Assorted Varieties, “GV SQ tee 2/85 $399 fals399 $999 Fruit on the Bottom Tropicana mae ent Pure Violife ir Kraft Grated Vegan Premium. EEE Kozy Shack §=— Ff) } Claussen Parmesan Cheese Grange Juice: Pudding L Pickles Cheese 705-8 oz. Pkg., Assorted Varieties, 22.02. Cont. [EAN 20-228 2.4, B02.Cin, eee] Select Varieties, Including Trop 50 Assorted Varieties IREGRI Assorted varieties Assorted Varieties FE Sheds oF Slices opica With Calcium CLUB CARD ae meng CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE big CLUB CARD Q CLUB CARD PRICE $329 WA s399 Us 5599 $42? $649 OUR BRAND, YOUR SAVINGS! aw Foodtown Foodtown Yogurt Shredded Foodtown Quarts Cheese Whipped 32 02. Cont, Boz. Pkg., Cream Assorted Varieties Select Varieties Toz.Can CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE ‘CLUB CARO PRICE $279 2/56 $299 c= Green Way ee Fleischmann’s Stok i, i my 99 Whites or sot im — Axelrod Friendship Lewd Eggs Dry Yeast Cold-Brew ~ Sour Cream Keto 1602. Cont, 3 Packs Iced Coffee @ 16.02. Cont, Regular, Sour Cream Cholesterol and 7502. Pkg. 48 fl.oz. Bt, Light or Onion Dip $602. Cont. Fat Free Original or Rapid Rise Assorted Varieties \ CLUB CARO PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE : 7 $919 229 $999 $499 2 /340 Activia Plus Califia 3 Yogurt LandO e Farms Califia I Drinks Friendship Lakes Better Half Farms ACTIVAs 18.6 fl oz. BtL, Sour Cream Half & Half 2 Creamers Almondmilk Strawberry of 1602. Cont, 321.02. Cont, eP 16.91. 02 Bt, 48 fl 02. Bt, ee Regular or Light AssonedVorcies — gg seiec vaetes Ascorted Vaietes CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE cLuBcarD price = ARE CLUBCARD PRICE © AL ompMuuK CLUB CARD PRICE $349 2/710 = Te Sin <= 1Can’t Eisekatene’s International Believe t's Whipped Delight Dunkin’ Not Butter é a fon Flavored Coffee 8 02. Pkg., TREN. Select Varieties, Creamers Creamer ‘Assorted Varieties, Includes Spreadable 32 02. Btl, 32 fL.o7. Bil, Excludes Organic oF Sticks Assorted Varieties ‘Assorted Varieties CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE ‘CLUB CARD PRICE 2 / SQ $349 $399 $399 Breakstone’s vices {Fy Cottage Reddi Wip Silk i Cheese Whipped Imperial San. Topping Almond Spread Select Varieties, 13.02. Can, Creamer 45.02. Cont. Includes Light & Lively Assorted Varieties CEP) 32.02. BL CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE ‘CLUB CARD PRICE 2/S7 Chobani Oat Milk 32-52 fl, oz. Carton, Select Varieties CLUB CARD PRICE $qso A2 Milk 59 fl.oz. Carton, Whole, 2% or Hershey's Chocolate CLUB CARD a. 99 99 = semen aE 55 $a? Pillsbury Ready- To-Bake! sn a pinks Cookies rescents or illsbury Pillsbury desorted Ve <anamon CLUB CARD PRICE erncs! CLUB CARD PRICE Billsbury clus caro price Pizza Crust — caro price Bee] Ciuc caro price ‘ol iscui 1 8138c2.Pig.c8 3-13 02. Can, oz. Can, Pie Crusts readsticks, se, 20 sae 226mo" 542. Zier 2/38 11/18 NYDC Page 6 NYDC NYDC §yo° NYDC

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PACKAGED MEAT Country Crock Plant Butter Best’s Quarters Beef Franks 16 oz. Pkg., 14.02. Pkg. With Olive, Avocado Regular or King Size ‘or Almond Oil CLUB CARD PRICE $qs9 Breakstone’s ciue caro price ree Ripe i i Grove Select cius carp price Hormel Sour Cream Ss 99) coe" Orange Juice 99 Pepperoni | 16 0z. Cont., 1 59 fl. oz. Carton, 2 Hoy Ah Assorted Varieties 2/ sg MFR Assorted Varieties Sliced Pillow Packs, Including Turkey = Pepperoni Southern CLUB CARD PRICE ; Chobani Ce a comfort $qso |- Greek Yogurt CreamCheese gums) Eg9.Nog Chobani 4 Pack & — 321.02. Caton, rm 7: 12.02. Pkg, ar Hood, Lactaid or ae few an Hig elec atlas Recedbee eal cll so ‘CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE = (CLUB CARD PRICE 2/10 $249 TS id Jones ‘CLUB CARD PRICE Canadian - Le Bacon, $399) Sees Siggi's Tillamook ° 4 i Icelandic Style Shredded Simply Ades oe Yogurt Cheese — or Punches SP, 8.02. Pkg. Simo 521 oz. Bl, siggis Assorted Varieties ‘Assorted Varieties ‘Assorted Varieties F ‘CLUB CARO PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE <4 [$5 $399 Oscar Mayer oe cago price Turkey Bacon $999 1112 02. Pea, $399 Original or Uncured me siggl's Barden Sabrett = Icelandic Style Natural Cheese Tropicana Cocktail siggis Yogurt Slices Twister Punches Foe 24.02. Cont, 5-6 02. Pkg. 59 fl. 02. Carton, Franks Plain or Non-Fat Vanilla Assorted Varieties Assorted Varieties eae as ‘CLUB CARO PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE |, CLUB CARD PRICE Ghecas pace = $29 $299 ‘ 1s. sque 5 3 2/84 Siggi’s Cabot Turkey Hill Drinkable Shredded Iced Tea or Oscar Mayer Yogurt Cheese Lemonade Meat Franks siggis 8fl.02. BtL, 807. Pkg, 128 fl. 02. Jug, 16 02. Pkg. Select Varieties Assorted Varieties ‘Assorted Gallons CLUB CARD PRICE ‘CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE $399 q50 2/7 $349 Fage, Two Good \_v0cem) or Oikos Pro 1] , Greek Yoourt Galbani Dole RS Assorted Varieties, String Cheese Juice Blends Danimals == including Dannon 20. Pig. 591, 02. Carton, Smoothi Sexo Sugar Greek Yogurt Original o Reduced Fat Assorted Varieties 12 Poe k le CLUB CARD PRICE L\= CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE ac! s FahenPe. 2/541 “°° A/S5 $qso $349 ‘Assorted Varieties Simply “22> Dannon ey «Treasure Potatoes ome Ot Crumbled ad Best Quarts rane Organic Tea Anytime Hash Browns, DANNON Seren, Dannon Cheese SI roa. foe Beso Deed ae Assorted Varies Yogurt 4 Pack 56.02, Feta or Bue Assorted Varieties | Potatoes MRP") CLUBCARD PRICE 21202.Pkg. ‘CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARO PRICE CLUB CARO PRICE ‘Assorted Varieties, “GV SQ tee 2/85 $399 fals399 $999 Fruit on the Bottom Tropicana mae ent Pure Violife ir Kraft Grated Vegan Premium. EEE Kozy Shack §=— Ff) } Claussen Parmesan Cheese Grange Juice: Pudding L Pickles Cheese 705-8 oz. Pkg., Assorted Varieties, 22.02. Cont. [EAN 20-228 2.4, B02.Cin, eee] Select Varieties, Including Trop 50 Assorted Varieties IREGRI Assorted varieties Assorted Varieties FE Sheds oF Slices opica With Calcium CLUB CARD ae meng CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE big CLUB CARD Q CLUB CARD PRICE $329 WA s399 Us 5599 $42? $649 OUR BRAND, YOUR SAVINGS! aw Foodtown Foodtown Yogurt Shredded Foodtown Quarts Cheese Whipped 32 02. Cont, Boz. Pkg., Cream Assorted Varieties Select Varieties Toz.Can CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE ‘CLUB CARO PRICE $279 2/56 $299 c= Green Way ee Fleischmann’s Stok i, i my 99 Whites or sot im — Axelrod Friendship Lewd Eggs Dry Yeast Cold-Brew ~ Sour Cream Keto 1602. Cont, 3 Packs Iced Coffee @ 16.02. Cont, Regular, Sour Cream Cholesterol and 7502. Pkg. 48 fl.oz. Bt, Light or Onion Dip $602. Cont. Fat Free Original or Rapid Rise Assorted Varieties \ CLUB CARO PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE : 7 $919 229 $999 $499 2 /340 Activia Plus Califia 3 Yogurt LandO e Farms Califia I Drinks Friendship Lakes Better Half Farms ACTIVAs 18.6 fl oz. BtL, Sour Cream Half & Half 2 Creamers Almondmilk Strawberry of 1602. Cont, 321.02. Cont, eP 16.91. 02 Bt, 48 fl 02. Bt, ee Regular or Light AssonedVorcies — gg seiec vaetes Ascorted Vaietes CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE cLuBcarD price = ARE CLUBCARD PRICE © AL ompMuuK CLUB CARD PRICE $349 2/710 = Te Sin <= 1Can’t Eisekatene’s International Believe t's Whipped Delight Dunkin’ Not Butter é a fon Flavored Coffee 8 02. Pkg., TREN. Select Varieties, Creamers Creamer ‘Assorted Varieties, Includes Spreadable 32 02. Btl, 32 fL.o7. Bil, Excludes Organic oF Sticks Assorted Varieties ‘Assorted Varieties CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE ‘CLUB CARD PRICE 2 / SQ $349 $399 $399 Breakstone’s vices {Fy Cottage Reddi Wip Silk i Cheese Whipped Imperial San. Topping Almond Spread Select Varieties, 13.02. Can, Creamer 45.02. Cont. Includes Light & Lively Assorted Varieties CEP) 32.02. BL CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE CLUB CARD PRICE ‘CLUB CARD PRICE 2/S7 Chobani Oat Milk 32-52 fl, oz. Carton, Select Varieties CLUB CARD PRICE $qso A2 Milk 59 fl.oz. Carton, Whole, 2% or Hershey's Chocolate CLUB CARD a. 99 99 = semen aE 55 $a? Pillsbury Ready- To-Bake! sn a pinks Cookies rescents or illsbury Pillsbury desorted Ve <anamon CLUB CARD PRICE erncs! CLUB CARD PRICE Billsbury clus caro price Pizza Crust — caro price Bee] Ciuc caro price ‘ol iscui 1 8138c2.Pig.c8 3-13 02. Can, oz. Can, Pie Crusts readsticks, se, 20 sae 226mo" 542. Zier 2/38 11/18 NYDC Page 6 NYDC NYDC §yo° NYDC

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