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Current weekly ad Food Town - Father's Day 2023 - Valid from 06/16 to 06/22 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Food Town 06/16/2023 - 06/22/2023


Products in this weekly ad

1Lb. Cont. Fresh Blackberries 6 oz. Cont. ry Fresh Strawberries Fresh Raspberries s oz. Cont. Rancher's Legend Dole Salad Kits or Blends 51207. Bag, Assorted PRICE Premium Black Angus Tly Beef Loin oe E>4 Porterhouse or 2 Ss TBone Steaks ped, Venoty ‘ 5 In The Bone or Orange uper $92 | Bot reppere a men G Imported Lb._lears Lb. > - Grilled Chicken & R s % pete) Mexican Street Corn — Pi Green or es 99 Yellow Grape s Sweet ¢ Plantains Tomatoes Potatoes lit offer per family with $50 aditonal purchase | Dry Pint Fresh Lo. | Green Way vee — | Great , Natural @ American Sacre | Cooked Seafood = 7 Boneless & Skinless Yellowfin A =| Shrimp aa Raw Shrimp fied er ts, Chicken Breasts Tuna or Snow 26/30 Ct/Lb. & Bv40c oi For Cutlets Swordfish Crab individualy Peckaa etosor More Steaks Clusters $ 99 ee 9° Deveined, $4 48 Frozen or Frozen, No Water Added, Individually Center Cut Thawed Lb. 15-802. Lb. | No Antibiotics Ever Ea. | Quick Frozen Pork Loin Chops On The Bone, ¢ 7 3.Lbs. or More j ay - ee. zo. Alpine Lace sile. ee Cheese S Swiss, Provolone $8 99 Deluxe Ham Cheese 4° 9 or Muenster Lb. | Sliced To Order Yellow or White Lb. 49 ie, Maple Turkey Breast Sliced To Order $99? New York State Sally Lidice [UT -} Sherman Sharp Rotisserie FRE) A y Cheddar Chicken [J twet Fresh 89 ¢ ¢ Cheese ssorted Varieties FES Chicken Chicken Leg 59 y The ee caren oF Drumsticks Lb. |Quarters ‘Yellow or White Potato Salad Ea. Hormel iz Potatoes or Macaroni f Sie Dishes © Mentaty 4 oz. Cheesecake’ ' Select 599 Prairie Fresh 99\*.. Sheet oF Plain, Pork Loin Filets $ Mini Cu , Strawberry Swirl or " jpcakes 1) celebration Cake Chocolate Brownie, - * $399 er lenceron . 599 12 Count Gold or Chocolate, The Father's Table, Select Varieties Vanilla or Chocolate Unfilled Ea. | 16 02. Pkg. Ea. [net Cobalt? DADS & GRADS cs | Kingsford |e octown Heinz Charcoal ‘Aluminum Foil ¢ 3ag, Select Varieties | 75 Sq. Ft. Roll All Purpose or Tomato or2Lb Bag 5050 F RolHeoy Duy ceca x Match Light Charcoal \Foodtown 2002. ioe CLUB C. Designer Nathan’s ¢ § CARD PRICE RICE Paper Plates Beef Arnold Rolls ¢ 99 )z28c2 ssorted Varieties Franks 99 8 Pack cadicien 10-12 02. Pkg. 12-16 oz. Pkg. MFR | Napkins Assorted 9 Select Varieties Eg”. ‘offers pr family | 200 Pe. limit 4 offers per ay Foodtown oon one, ‘Sreaded General Mills Cereals tw nee 108 0z. Honey Nut Cheerios, : 12 oz. Cinnamon Toast Crunch, a 105 oz. Lucky Charms or 11.5 02. Reese's Putts a “ORS Post tian Honey Bunches of Oats Cereal ‘1.02. Strawberry, 12 02. Almond, Honey Roasted, Vanilla, Maple Pecan or Cinnamon Chobani Flip or BAGELS ‘sxe Thomas’ (S21) Bagels Zero Sugar CLUB CARD PR ke Ad BAGELS | 15-22 oz. Pkg. Nature Valley Granola Bars or Fage clu PR adinaaear $: Varieties 67-8.94 oz. Pkg., Select Varieties Re Greek Yogurt S =e 99 Fiber One Bars £553 02 Cont. 44-7 02. Pkg,, Select Varieties nln IS | Select Varieties Chock Si wr % imply —— full o” Nuts - Procaiai Tropicana Coffee : i Twister 40.2113 02. Cont, Orange Juice Select Varieties, 52 fl. oz. Cont., Punches ll Exclucing Colombian ——s)) Assorted Varieties 59 1 oz. Carton, and Decaf ‘Simply CLUB CARD PRICE Assorted Varieti qc 399 - Orange CLUB,CARD PRICE Eriairianiee 's Loaf Cakes 115-16 02. Pkg., Select Varieties $2 $329 3a? Coca-Cola 6 Pack (Plus Dep) 101.4 fl oz. Pkg., 16.9 fl. 02. Btls. Select Varieties, Diet Coke, Sprite or Caffeine Free Snapple 1 : % Teas or Drinks i 104, 6 Pack i { belreg Seitz PS cual Deer Park aeons canada Diy; — oS Spring Water CLUB CARD PRICE | 49 pack $ Bw Beck 24 Pack (Plus Dep.) Mini Cans mini©& cans 1S 4 10 Pack Poco 4:9 een ip Pkg., $4 bao ce $529 16.9 fl. oz. Btls. Select Varieties y ee 2? i eo or Brooklyn eS Howest Gove a ae Market Canned i gmne 1 Preserves Beans Peas Milk Bor. Con, Rozen 50x can, tBon.con, Viesmunea| 1251. 02.Can Regul or Assotied Varieties Select Varieties Ganduies $926 iSwsedim [Goya $ 99 ~ 2/85 | OB 4/85) 2/83| (55 $229 ee = a3 ste Mf See fait eer iw $8 ed poise Carnation 2 Evaporated Baldom mh & me Milk Real Constanzera \ (GED Reguar tow Fat Mayonesa Gartic Paste 4 Sa or Fat Free en aie z Constanzera = (4 . Constanzera Brown ~~ 2/54] 9 $369] 2/84) 8 8329|sxrs 70 Bae 609 2b 309 'G » Shop Online at Follow us on facebook a and Instagram instacart in Pana ae eee re eee Get your groceries FRI. || sat. || sun. || won. || ques. |[ wen. || THurs. * te || 17 | 18 |_19 | 20 || 21 | 22 delivered UALS ewe SMP ban EWHP ‘ene BWHP Pager

Latest weekly ads

1Lb. Cont. Fresh Blackberries 6 oz. Cont. ry Fresh Strawberries Fresh Raspberries s oz. Cont. Rancher's Legend Dole Salad Kits or Blends 51207. Bag, Assorted PRICE Premium Black Angus Tly Beef Loin oe E>4 Porterhouse or 2 Ss TBone Steaks ped, Venoty ‘ 5 In The Bone or Orange uper $92 | Bot reppere a men G Imported Lb._lears Lb. > - Grilled Chicken & R s % pete) Mexican Street Corn — Pi Green or es 99 Yellow Grape s Sweet ¢ Plantains Tomatoes Potatoes lit offer per family with $50 aditonal purchase | Dry Pint Fresh Lo. | Green Way vee — | Great , Natural @ American Sacre | Cooked Seafood = 7 Boneless & Skinless Yellowfin A =| Shrimp aa Raw Shrimp fied er ts, Chicken Breasts Tuna or Snow 26/30 Ct/Lb. & Bv40c oi For Cutlets Swordfish Crab individualy Peckaa etosor More Steaks Clusters $ 99 ee 9° Deveined, $4 48 Frozen or Frozen, No Water Added, Individually Center Cut Thawed Lb. 15-802. Lb. | No Antibiotics Ever Ea. | Quick Frozen Pork Loin Chops On The Bone, ¢ 7 3.Lbs. or More j ay - ee. zo. Alpine Lace sile. ee Cheese S Swiss, Provolone $8 99 Deluxe Ham Cheese 4° 9 or Muenster Lb. | Sliced To Order Yellow or White Lb. 49 ie, Maple Turkey Breast Sliced To Order $99? New York State Sally Lidice [UT -} Sherman Sharp Rotisserie FRE) A y Cheddar Chicken [J twet Fresh 89 ¢ ¢ Cheese ssorted Varieties FES Chicken Chicken Leg 59 y The ee caren oF Drumsticks Lb. |Quarters ‘Yellow or White Potato Salad Ea. Hormel iz Potatoes or Macaroni f Sie Dishes © Mentaty 4 oz. Cheesecake’ ' Select 599 Prairie Fresh 99\*.. Sheet oF Plain, Pork Loin Filets $ Mini Cu , Strawberry Swirl or " jpcakes 1) celebration Cake Chocolate Brownie, - * $399 er lenceron . 599 12 Count Gold or Chocolate, The Father's Table, Select Varieties Vanilla or Chocolate Unfilled Ea. | 16 02. Pkg. Ea. [net Cobalt? DADS & GRADS cs | Kingsford |e octown Heinz Charcoal ‘Aluminum Foil ¢ 3ag, Select Varieties | 75 Sq. Ft. Roll All Purpose or Tomato or2Lb Bag 5050 F RolHeoy Duy ceca x Match Light Charcoal \Foodtown 2002. ioe CLUB C. Designer Nathan’s ¢ § CARD PRICE RICE Paper Plates Beef Arnold Rolls ¢ 99 )z28c2 ssorted Varieties Franks 99 8 Pack cadicien 10-12 02. Pkg. 12-16 oz. Pkg. MFR | Napkins Assorted 9 Select Varieties Eg”. ‘offers pr family | 200 Pe. limit 4 offers per ay Foodtown oon one, ‘Sreaded General Mills Cereals tw nee 108 0z. Honey Nut Cheerios, : 12 oz. Cinnamon Toast Crunch, a 105 oz. Lucky Charms or 11.5 02. Reese's Putts a “ORS Post tian Honey Bunches of Oats Cereal ‘1.02. Strawberry, 12 02. Almond, Honey Roasted, Vanilla, Maple Pecan or Cinnamon Chobani Flip or BAGELS ‘sxe Thomas’ (S21) Bagels Zero Sugar CLUB CARD PR ke Ad BAGELS | 15-22 oz. Pkg. Nature Valley Granola Bars or Fage clu PR adinaaear $: Varieties 67-8.94 oz. Pkg., Select Varieties Re Greek Yogurt S =e 99 Fiber One Bars £553 02 Cont. 44-7 02. Pkg,, Select Varieties nln IS | Select Varieties Chock Si wr % imply —— full o” Nuts - Procaiai Tropicana Coffee : i Twister 40.2113 02. Cont, Orange Juice Select Varieties, 52 fl. oz. Cont., Punches ll Exclucing Colombian ——s)) Assorted Varieties 59 1 oz. Carton, and Decaf ‘Simply CLUB CARD PRICE Assorted Varieti qc 399 - Orange CLUB,CARD PRICE Eriairianiee 's Loaf Cakes 115-16 02. Pkg., Select Varieties $2 $329 3a? Coca-Cola 6 Pack (Plus Dep) 101.4 fl oz. Pkg., 16.9 fl. 02. Btls. Select Varieties, Diet Coke, Sprite or Caffeine Free Snapple 1 : % Teas or Drinks i 104, 6 Pack i { belreg Seitz PS cual Deer Park aeons canada Diy; — oS Spring Water CLUB CARD PRICE | 49 pack $ Bw Beck 24 Pack (Plus Dep.) Mini Cans mini©& cans 1S 4 10 Pack Poco 4:9 een ip Pkg., $4 bao ce $529 16.9 fl. oz. Btls. Select Varieties y ee 2? i eo or Brooklyn eS Howest Gove a ae Market Canned i gmne 1 Preserves Beans Peas Milk Bor. Con, Rozen 50x can, tBon.con, Viesmunea| 1251. 02.Can Regul or Assotied Varieties Select Varieties Ganduies $926 iSwsedim [Goya $ 99 ~ 2/85 | OB 4/85) 2/83| (55 $229 ee = a3 ste Mf See fait eer iw $8 ed poise Carnation 2 Evaporated Baldom mh & me Milk Real Constanzera \ (GED Reguar tow Fat Mayonesa Gartic Paste 4 Sa or Fat Free en aie z Constanzera = (4 . Constanzera Brown ~~ 2/54] 9 $369] 2/84) 8 8329|sxrs 70 Bae 609 2b 309 'G » Shop Online at Follow us on facebook a and Instagram instacart in Pana ae eee re eee Get your groceries FRI. || sat. || sun. || won. || ques. |[ wen. || THurs. * te || 17 | 18 |_19 | 20 || 21 | 22 delivered UALS ewe SMP ban EWHP ‘ene BWHP Pager

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