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Current weekly ad Food 4 Less - Valid from 09/28 to 10/04 - Page nb 6

Weekly ad Food 4 Less 09/28/2022 - 10/04/2022


Products in this weekly ad

TASTE THE Se ee FRESH MAKES! Green Beans or Salad Tomatoes Cauliflower 33 Large Mangos Fresh Pineapple $199 Russet Potatoes 5 Ib Bag or Sweet & ? Onions, 3 Ib Bag x | = Bar-S Meat Franks | Kroger Cook-In-Bag . 16 oz or Bar S Bologna, ie wel 29 Seasoned Pork Ribs 12.07; Select Varieties Select Varieties Homestyle Ground Beef Patties re Ene Oscar Mayer Sub Kits sunt BND | Select Varieties, 28 o7 80% Lean, 20% Fat, 35.2 oz, 10 ct $699 © 10""/710°@ DEALS FROM THE DELI & BAKERY Angel Food Cake Select Varieties, 13 02, In the Bakery Fresh 73% Lean Ground Beef $5 EXEL \ | =] } for $9.95 StoneRidge Ranch Shaved Pastrami or Other Varieties, 14 0z, In the Deli $1199 ag Sold in a 5 Ib Roll Sign up your favorite non-profit organization for our ‘Community Rewards Program and they will start With each purchase, we always give back up to 5%(53)| Vistumacntsccceurecnnnter Prices Effective: Wednesday, September 28 through Tuesday, October 4, 2022. lw Foon GaLess. write suvpies ast. vo substitutions. ecopyrignt 2022 Foodatess, Sales tx collected on ali taxable items, Not avalable at all stores ™ Not responsible for typographical errors. We reserve the right to limit quantities while supplies last. TBO4 2235 FLMWM

Latest weekly ads

TASTE THE Se ee FRESH MAKES! Green Beans or Salad Tomatoes Cauliflower 33 Large Mangos Fresh Pineapple $199 Russet Potatoes 5 Ib Bag or Sweet & ? Onions, 3 Ib Bag x | = Bar-S Meat Franks | Kroger Cook-In-Bag . 16 oz or Bar S Bologna, ie wel 29 Seasoned Pork Ribs 12.07; Select Varieties Select Varieties Homestyle Ground Beef Patties re Ene Oscar Mayer Sub Kits sunt BND | Select Varieties, 28 o7 80% Lean, 20% Fat, 35.2 oz, 10 ct $699 © 10""/710°@ DEALS FROM THE DELI & BAKERY Angel Food Cake Select Varieties, 13 02, In the Bakery Fresh 73% Lean Ground Beef $5 EXEL \ | =] } for $9.95 StoneRidge Ranch Shaved Pastrami or Other Varieties, 14 0z, In the Deli $1199 ag Sold in a 5 Ib Roll Sign up your favorite non-profit organization for our ‘Community Rewards Program and they will start With each purchase, we always give back up to 5%(53)| Vistumacntsccceurecnnnter Prices Effective: Wednesday, September 28 through Tuesday, October 4, 2022. lw Foon GaLess. write suvpies ast. vo substitutions. ecopyrignt 2022 Foodatess, Sales tx collected on ali taxable items, Not avalable at all stores ™ Not responsible for typographical errors. We reserve the right to limit quantities while supplies last. TBO4 2235 FLMWM

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