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Current weekly ad CVS Pharmacy - Valid from 03/19 to 03/25 - Page nb 6


Weekly ad CVS Pharmacy 03/19/2023 - 03/25/2023


Products in this weekly ad

Buy 1 get $3 ExtraBucks Rewards® Bey WITHCARD Claritin 24-30 ct., liquid-gels capsules 30 ct. or Py) pe children’s 8 oz (excludes ALL MA products with pseudoephedrine — = ‘or ephedrine). 40 ExtraBucksRewards® offer limit of 1 per Git ©—_household with card. (2000126492) a he Edy $ TPR LeU Ee 44.99 39.99 Buy 1 get $5 Buy 1get $5 ExtraBucks Rewards® ExtraBucks Rewards® WITH CARD Claritin 24HR allergy WITH CARD Claritin 60-70 ct. ASTEPRO’ S&S relief 100 ct. (excludes ALL products ExtraBucks Rewards? offer limit of 1 per ALLERGY 5. 99 with pseudoephedrine or ephedrine). household with card. (20001257971) sain '° ExtraBucksRewards® offer limit of 1 per a toe Buy 1 get $3 household with card. (2000121344) a) jousehold with card. ( ) E = ExtraBucks Rewards® ! $4 Viton WITH CARD Astepro nasal Lin: allergy spray 60 ct. . ExtraBucks Rewards® offer limit of 1 per ASTEPRO' ASTEPRO hal card 00209) ALLERGY 24.99 44.99 Buy 1 get $5 WITH CARD Astepro ExtraBucks Rewards® adult nasal spray twinpack. WITH CARD Astepro allergy nasal spray 120 doses. ExtraBucksRewards® offer limit of 1 per household with card. (2000123001) WITH CARD Mix & Match Picnic allergy relief. Available BOGO in select / stores and on i picnic { i= : a ramen meio i Seeteie rns = ‘a0 TAsLers Help donate up to 900,000 diapers. Outsmart allergies. Get effective relief. Buy Huggies® Diapers at CVS & we'll donate Choose what’s best for your symptoms. a day’s worth of diapers.** 2/822 Band Spend $50 or 12.00 ea. Benadr ie = WITH CARD NS $15 Huggies jumbo Get eel Cy a diapers out =. ExtraBucks Woo EeWetr Ce Hage ew oe EeWetr Ce Dire e Saraeaces ene: _ offer limit of 1 faa oaae cr (Benadryl) H 7 Py National ares * Diaper Bask ALLERGY Pen oad Project Sy Hug.. iHagules ulldonatea Gays worho hapor (6 cavers) upto a manamury oF 800.000 Zyrtec or Benadryl (excludes ALL products with diapers, othe National Dapor Bank Network NDBN) for babiesinneed. For details pseudoephedrine or ephedrine). SNES eee ae aatinee OREN Detoy, O Dien Bescon wine es ExtraBucksRewards® offer limit of 1 per household with card. (20001287994) Pooh” works by A.A Milne and E.H. Shepard. LARGE Nea een Mix & Match “igeklaseetgell > BOGO BOGO = 3 % i wi : 50 C) WITH CARD Lysulin powder 50 fo WITH CARD b condoms x ys i 4.55 oz or capsules 180 ct. lim platinum large 3 ct. or 12 ct.

Latest weekly ads

Buy 1 get $3 ExtraBucks Rewards® Bey WITHCARD Claritin 24-30 ct., liquid-gels capsules 30 ct. or Py) pe children’s 8 oz (excludes ALL MA products with pseudoephedrine — = ‘or ephedrine). 40 ExtraBucksRewards® offer limit of 1 per Git ©—_household with card. (2000126492) a he Edy $ TPR LeU Ee 44.99 39.99 Buy 1 get $5 Buy 1get $5 ExtraBucks Rewards® ExtraBucks Rewards® WITH CARD Claritin 24HR allergy WITH CARD Claritin 60-70 ct. ASTEPRO’ S&S relief 100 ct. (excludes ALL products ExtraBucks Rewards? offer limit of 1 per ALLERGY 5. 99 with pseudoephedrine or ephedrine). household with card. (20001257971) sain '° ExtraBucksRewards® offer limit of 1 per a toe Buy 1 get $3 household with card. (2000121344) a) jousehold with card. ( ) E = ExtraBucks Rewards® ! $4 Viton WITH CARD Astepro nasal Lin: allergy spray 60 ct. . ExtraBucks Rewards® offer limit of 1 per ASTEPRO' ASTEPRO hal card 00209) ALLERGY 24.99 44.99 Buy 1 get $5 WITH CARD Astepro ExtraBucks Rewards® adult nasal spray twinpack. WITH CARD Astepro allergy nasal spray 120 doses. ExtraBucksRewards® offer limit of 1 per household with card. (2000123001) WITH CARD Mix & Match Picnic allergy relief. Available BOGO in select / stores and on i picnic { i= : a ramen meio i Seeteie rns = ‘a0 TAsLers Help donate up to 900,000 diapers. Outsmart allergies. Get effective relief. Buy Huggies® Diapers at CVS & we'll donate Choose what’s best for your symptoms. a day’s worth of diapers.** 2/822 Band Spend $50 or 12.00 ea. Benadr ie = WITH CARD NS $15 Huggies jumbo Get eel Cy a diapers out =. ExtraBucks Woo EeWetr Ce Hage ew oe EeWetr Ce Dire e Saraeaces ene: _ offer limit of 1 faa oaae cr (Benadryl) H 7 Py National ares * Diaper Bask ALLERGY Pen oad Project Sy Hug.. iHagules ulldonatea Gays worho hapor (6 cavers) upto a manamury oF 800.000 Zyrtec or Benadryl (excludes ALL products with diapers, othe National Dapor Bank Network NDBN) for babiesinneed. For details pseudoephedrine or ephedrine). SNES eee ae aatinee OREN Detoy, O Dien Bescon wine es ExtraBucksRewards® offer limit of 1 per household with card. (20001287994) Pooh” works by A.A Milne and E.H. Shepard. LARGE Nea een Mix & Match “igeklaseetgell > BOGO BOGO = 3 % i wi : 50 C) WITH CARD Lysulin powder 50 fo WITH CARD b condoms x ys i 4.55 oz or capsules 180 ct. lim platinum large 3 ct. or 12 ct.

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