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Current weekly ad Country Markets of Westchester - Valid from 02/07 to 02/13 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad Country Markets of Westchester 02/07/2025 - 02/13/2025


Products in this weekly ad

SYR] Asstvan 07.6 Thomas’ $4 Muffins é| Snacks & Beverages a ASST.VAR. [519 07. BOX = donuts 13995 Se$999 (Es Canada Dry | aa". Coca Cola Soda ou ” ae" (OR FLAVORED RACKERS Entenmann’s eet ft “ss 8b" ASSTYAR 135137 OZ. BOX Nabisco Ritz, eesd | a or fon q Be 6 a2 =| hea ASST CTO CN DEE Pepsi Cola Soda Ad ee = ASST.VAR. 415.8 OZ. PKG, y's f Regular or Kettle "Ss “BUY: a] GET ee) Snapple m Juices or Teas| Oo, 9) $799 ASSTVAR 75:7.315 OF PKG. ise Potato Chips or Ridgies Potato Chips [ASST.VAR. 12 PACK Ge BTL.+ DEP Corona Beer nay 16" pena 'ASST.VAR. I? PACK 12 OZ. BTL. + DEP. 'ASST.VAR. 12 PACK 12 OZ. BTL. + DEP. ‘ASST.VAR. 12 PACK 12 OZ. BTL. + DEP. SECON GL ‘ASST.VAR. 18.27 OZ. PKG. Heineken Modelo <om — Stella Artois| Wrote: ‘Crain Dave's Killer Beer Beer q - Beer Bread a5 7 S 809, S54 g" Si $4 $5 OF testers own Bepporitge| = MO BallPark | oa Martin | I epee Fam ee or Rolls Rolls or Buns ff , pe Rolls|¢ ¥ = Milano Cookies ~~ os i M Mifano S39 @ 87 B 7 38 5053" Cape ‘Cod OZ. PKG. ASST.VAR. 8-12 OZ PKG. ‘Snyd 1607, oS . ASST.VAR. 6 th 5 PKG. 7 Uz 6 OZ. PKG. ss On The Border! 3) Snyder’s mms Tortiyah’s ious He ae Tortilla ice a Pretzels re Tortilla Chips Pretzels “~v a) ™ ry 105.8 OL PKG. owe Je Potato Chips wel|*565 786 ASSTAR4 O7 BAG Poreo a Cheez Doodles a ~ [285 ‘ASSTVAR. 28 OZ BTL. Powerade Sport Drinks Orr) Delay Products ASST.VAR.7-8 OZ. PKG. 486 ASSTVAR 8 PACK 11 OZ.CAN + OEP Budweiser or Coors Beer ASST.VAR.8 OZ. PKG. Dairy ASST.VAR.1-6 0Z. PKG. a: ‘ASST.VAR. 6 PACK 7. : (OZ.CAN + DEP ‘oca Cola ISoda = $49) @ ‘ASSTVAR 16 OZ.JAR On The Border so ig geet mess lia —a ASSTVAR. LTR BTL. + DEP Polar Seltzer & Soda 6 384 AMVCeroee MORE— ASST.VAR 4553 OZ. CUP Cracker Barrel re as, Kraft Chobani Chunk Cheese Cheese" cheese" Crapo Juice] _%2Ha0/ Flip Yogurt 2/§ 2/8 = $4999) == 4§ ts ms LB. PKG. 2PACK 06 07.CONT 807, PKG SSM AOL ASSTVAR 52 07.8TL Cabot or. ——Daioy Daisy Temptee PM Minute aia Batter Sticks |" e BeB choose | Cream Cheese Shredded ities ee 4” once 2 my $3 287 =| 256 SWEET OR OR 2% & 4% jansa.reo| 16 OZ. CONT. eae = jem HOECONT So irene am ae iggi’s tet tee Farmlan jugra ~y loo ge 0 ae siggis ¢ Yogurt Buttermilk } Butter Sep Cheese — Sour Cream S| 384 | UM $499 49| = 48h | © 2 ” ' pated Pate ez * wgzcan iy Assit 3 OFAN ai arent eae ’ isbury illsbury abot = ‘ozy Shac! ase i Biscuits we Pie Crusts | = Chunk Cheese pl Pudding 2756 es 28 56 ; ae / ~ aay eR mf it Bee ff faye cuP, yp ASST vaR.53 07. cur = 16 OZ. PKG. 32 OZ. CONT. Daily aa ‘CRTN, —_ ¥ chobaal 7 Chobani i ) Galbani Galbani Daily = el Heol Yogurt! e 2) Greek Yogurt’ S280) Ricottaa ame ‘hice <a 7 { ky ital a be arr | aes A OWROY PSSTVAR 11601 BOX OM Eggo Thick & Fluffy Waffles ASSTVAR 1932 07 PKG. Ore-Ida_— § Tots or Fries ot 5 a sammy MSSTVAR.24 07. BOX Digiorno Rising Crust Pizza a sor re, Green Giant ae Simply Steam cuuscreae Vegetables Cow 285 oO Gt Sal eee oes ASSTVAR 7.8 OZ PKG. Ga Green Giant Sauced [ASS.VAR 649-115 OZ BOX Ones ASST.VAR 9-164 0Z BOX Van's | ‘ASST. 162-22. OZ.BOX José O16 Seid ae P; U4 Mini Beet 7. = Vegetables Turkey Pot Pies| "=a = wae | nn orlagitoe OE 4s om 38 280 | 6" | Ee, kis TASSTVART OF 60x STVAR WFI9«402.80K | TASSTVAR IBINT5 OZ BOX 2 OZ. PKG Bagel Bites HY sie Pepperidge Farm italian | Village [omoal a ace Pizza Snacks > Broadaticks \. Garlid Bread 15 Beef Raviolis Rivielt or Cavstli a Fox $3399 if 3% a $309 *) a2" fee Cream | | (hojel eueee cont | ER ASSTVA.5 07 BOX $ 4° sg emp’s Sherbet i ‘STAR. SPC 902 BOK Chicken Sanna ee vie Gali der’s shi Sa $90 fare noe ASSTVAR A OZ CONT Friendly’s Ice Cream a7 02. CTOWN COUNTRY: MARKET

Latest weekly ads

SYR] Asstvan 07.6 Thomas’ $4 Muffins é| Snacks & Beverages a ASST.VAR. [519 07. BOX = donuts 13995 Se$999 (Es Canada Dry | aa". Coca Cola Soda ou ” ae" (OR FLAVORED RACKERS Entenmann’s eet ft “ss 8b" ASSTYAR 135137 OZ. BOX Nabisco Ritz, eesd | a or fon q Be 6 a2 =| hea ASST CTO CN DEE Pepsi Cola Soda Ad ee = ASST.VAR. 415.8 OZ. PKG, y's f Regular or Kettle "Ss “BUY: a] GET ee) Snapple m Juices or Teas| Oo, 9) $799 ASSTVAR 75:7.315 OF PKG. ise Potato Chips or Ridgies Potato Chips [ASST.VAR. 12 PACK Ge BTL.+ DEP Corona Beer nay 16" pena 'ASST.VAR. I? PACK 12 OZ. BTL. + DEP. 'ASST.VAR. 12 PACK 12 OZ. BTL. + DEP. ‘ASST.VAR. 12 PACK 12 OZ. BTL. + DEP. SECON GL ‘ASST.VAR. 18.27 OZ. PKG. Heineken Modelo <om — Stella Artois| Wrote: ‘Crain Dave's Killer Beer Beer q - Beer Bread a5 7 S 809, S54 g" Si $4 $5 OF testers own Bepporitge| = MO BallPark | oa Martin | I epee Fam ee or Rolls Rolls or Buns ff , pe Rolls|¢ ¥ = Milano Cookies ~~ os i M Mifano S39 @ 87 B 7 38 5053" Cape ‘Cod OZ. PKG. ASST.VAR. 8-12 OZ PKG. ‘Snyd 1607, oS . ASST.VAR. 6 th 5 PKG. 7 Uz 6 OZ. PKG. ss On The Border! 3) Snyder’s mms Tortiyah’s ious He ae Tortilla ice a Pretzels re Tortilla Chips Pretzels “~v a) ™ ry 105.8 OL PKG. owe Je Potato Chips wel|*565 786 ASSTAR4 O7 BAG Poreo a Cheez Doodles a ~ [285 ‘ASSTVAR. 28 OZ BTL. Powerade Sport Drinks Orr) Delay Products ASST.VAR.7-8 OZ. PKG. 486 ASSTVAR 8 PACK 11 OZ.CAN + OEP Budweiser or Coors Beer ASST.VAR.8 OZ. PKG. Dairy ASST.VAR.1-6 0Z. PKG. a: ‘ASST.VAR. 6 PACK 7. : (OZ.CAN + DEP ‘oca Cola ISoda = $49) @ ‘ASSTVAR 16 OZ.JAR On The Border so ig geet mess lia —a ASSTVAR. LTR BTL. + DEP Polar Seltzer & Soda 6 384 AMVCeroee MORE— ASST.VAR 4553 OZ. CUP Cracker Barrel re as, Kraft Chobani Chunk Cheese Cheese" cheese" Crapo Juice] _%2Ha0/ Flip Yogurt 2/§ 2/8 = $4999) == 4§ ts ms LB. PKG. 2PACK 06 07.CONT 807, PKG SSM AOL ASSTVAR 52 07.8TL Cabot or. ——Daioy Daisy Temptee PM Minute aia Batter Sticks |" e BeB choose | Cream Cheese Shredded ities ee 4” once 2 my $3 287 =| 256 SWEET OR OR 2% & 4% jansa.reo| 16 OZ. CONT. eae = jem HOECONT So irene am ae iggi’s tet tee Farmlan jugra ~y loo ge 0 ae siggis ¢ Yogurt Buttermilk } Butter Sep Cheese — Sour Cream S| 384 | UM $499 49| = 48h | © 2 ” ' pated Pate ez * wgzcan iy Assit 3 OFAN ai arent eae ’ isbury illsbury abot = ‘ozy Shac! ase i Biscuits we Pie Crusts | = Chunk Cheese pl Pudding 2756 es 28 56 ; ae / ~ aay eR mf it Bee ff faye cuP, yp ASST vaR.53 07. cur = 16 OZ. PKG. 32 OZ. CONT. Daily aa ‘CRTN, —_ ¥ chobaal 7 Chobani i ) Galbani Galbani Daily = el Heol Yogurt! e 2) Greek Yogurt’ S280) Ricottaa ame ‘hice <a 7 { ky ital a be arr | aes A OWROY PSSTVAR 11601 BOX OM Eggo Thick & Fluffy Waffles ASSTVAR 1932 07 PKG. Ore-Ida_— § Tots or Fries ot 5 a sammy MSSTVAR.24 07. BOX Digiorno Rising Crust Pizza a sor re, Green Giant ae Simply Steam cuuscreae Vegetables Cow 285 oO Gt Sal eee oes ASSTVAR 7.8 OZ PKG. Ga Green Giant Sauced [ASS.VAR 649-115 OZ BOX Ones ASST.VAR 9-164 0Z BOX Van's | ‘ASST. 162-22. OZ.BOX José O16 Seid ae P; U4 Mini Beet 7. = Vegetables Turkey Pot Pies| "=a = wae | nn orlagitoe OE 4s om 38 280 | 6" | Ee, kis TASSTVART OF 60x STVAR WFI9«402.80K | TASSTVAR IBINT5 OZ BOX 2 OZ. PKG Bagel Bites HY sie Pepperidge Farm italian | Village [omoal a ace Pizza Snacks > Broadaticks \. Garlid Bread 15 Beef Raviolis Rivielt or Cavstli a Fox $3399 if 3% a $309 *) a2" fee Cream | | (hojel eueee cont | ER ASSTVA.5 07 BOX $ 4° sg emp’s Sherbet i ‘STAR. SPC 902 BOK Chicken Sanna ee vie Gali der’s shi Sa $90 fare noe ASSTVAR A OZ CONT Friendly’s Ice Cream a7 02. CTOWN COUNTRY: MARKET

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