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Current weekly ad Corner Market - Valid from 08/02 to 08/08 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad Corner Market 08/02/2023 - 08/08/2023


Products in this weekly ad

vay SPECIALS MS ECR CORNER MARKET a : xe “—, ee =< ee La er? = by , Sey Ground Sirloin Patties ” § ‘Ny se ai rs TE semen Prepared Fresh In Our Meat Department, a . ier z Certified Angus Beef NTL oe a Pa & i NATURAL Bone-In > , Stuffed Pork Chop am ? 3 Say — teatless S Prairie Fresh Premium Pork = jos E x ’ Shrimp . | 2 4 oe Quality Seafood, 26-30 ct SNE ET BUC ‘Ad Price: $8.99 eas $ eu bs) Crab Fresh Smoked by Headless Shrimp af WIG 7 99 Le) CS Re A f CS rae TS Sch Quality Seafood, Cee ac ae ad PU aC cg Ca cu a WITHAPP | USA Domestic, 8 oz cntr ug

Latest weekly ads

vay SPECIALS MS ECR CORNER MARKET a : xe “—, ee =< ee La er? = by , Sey Ground Sirloin Patties ” § ‘Ny se ai rs TE semen Prepared Fresh In Our Meat Department, a . ier z Certified Angus Beef NTL oe a Pa & i NATURAL Bone-In > , Stuffed Pork Chop am ? 3 Say — teatless S Prairie Fresh Premium Pork = jos E x ’ Shrimp . | 2 4 oe Quality Seafood, 26-30 ct SNE ET BUC ‘Ad Price: $8.99 eas $ eu bs) Crab Fresh Smoked by Headless Shrimp af WIG 7 99 Le) CS Re A f CS rae TS Sch Quality Seafood, Cee ac ae ad PU aC cg Ca cu a WITHAPP | USA Domestic, 8 oz cntr ug

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