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Current weekly ad Carrs - Mother's Day 2023 - Valid from 05/10 to 05/16 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Carrs 05/10/2023 - 05/16/2023


Products in this weekly ad

Hand Trimmed Boneless. Skinless Chicken Breasts or Thighs member pod USDA Choice Beef T-Bone Steaks Va 99 Limit] or Waterfront BISTRO® Coe . Extra Jumbo Raw Shrimp Wild Caught Lobster Tails ea 16-20 ct + Frozen + Sold ina member price ae 3-4 02+ Cold Water 5 2 Ib Bag for $17.98 ea + Limitt digital coupon 4 Previously Frozen member Pics) 49 , Ib Family Size Sweet member price with | Washington Grown member price with Strawberries 2 Ibs « Limit 2 digital coupon _4 Asparagus Limit 5 Ibs digital coupon Chocolate Dipped Strawberries 6ct 5 AO “Ny Doritos Tortilla 6-10.75 BUYTWO | czLay’s Potato Chips BuY TWO GETTWO 475-8 or Sunchips Pepsi or Gatorade yoret Lays & Toetitos Selected Sixes: FREE Dips 10-15.75 oz FREI E ‘and Varieties member = | Selectod vanetes or le i Equal or Less peice DEAL Michelle indian Wells, Lucerne® Butter J.tohr, 18 Crimes: 199 Quarters i6 oz Yoplait Yogurt or la Marca 750 mt Selected Varieties ~~ member price with J 4-8or when you buy Solocted Varietals F ea Lirnét 2 digital coupon Selected Varieties member price Vhon You Buy SIS29e0 member price Signature SELECT® Muffins 6 ct Selected Varieties member price | Rolls 16-22 or | Selected Varieties {Limit Che we tc ‘er GOURRID oF Caponeasiniaeslein Limit 2. CBee member price mmomiber prico (Oca cr cerresewns ih Coupon wo ren ect ets 01 vere Have I got an arrangement for you. HANDPICKED FoR MOM! debi lly design™ (debi >] lity} debi lilly design™ Orchids in Cascade Container ae $75 50:, Ea eae pa i Pet) dota eee a love to | We J save 10onyour as Pr oe Ce a Me cs Mom \/ next shoppingorder. eee foetal MO 761,556 950023_SEA_CHROI_SC_S5 EMective 53.23 ~ 61623 eset Mig, sob may rte we

Latest weekly ads

Hand Trimmed Boneless. Skinless Chicken Breasts or Thighs member pod USDA Choice Beef T-Bone Steaks Va 99 Limit] or Waterfront BISTRO® Coe . Extra Jumbo Raw Shrimp Wild Caught Lobster Tails ea 16-20 ct + Frozen + Sold ina member price ae 3-4 02+ Cold Water 5 2 Ib Bag for $17.98 ea + Limitt digital coupon 4 Previously Frozen member Pics) 49 , Ib Family Size Sweet member price with | Washington Grown member price with Strawberries 2 Ibs « Limit 2 digital coupon _4 Asparagus Limit 5 Ibs digital coupon Chocolate Dipped Strawberries 6ct 5 AO “Ny Doritos Tortilla 6-10.75 BUYTWO | czLay’s Potato Chips BuY TWO GETTWO 475-8 or Sunchips Pepsi or Gatorade yoret Lays & Toetitos Selected Sixes: FREE Dips 10-15.75 oz FREI E ‘and Varieties member = | Selectod vanetes or le i Equal or Less peice DEAL Michelle indian Wells, Lucerne® Butter J.tohr, 18 Crimes: 199 Quarters i6 oz Yoplait Yogurt or la Marca 750 mt Selected Varieties ~~ member price with J 4-8or when you buy Solocted Varietals F ea Lirnét 2 digital coupon Selected Varieties member price Vhon You Buy SIS29e0 member price Signature SELECT® Muffins 6 ct Selected Varieties member price | Rolls 16-22 or | Selected Varieties {Limit Che we tc ‘er GOURRID oF Caponeasiniaeslein Limit 2. CBee member price mmomiber prico (Oca cr cerresewns ih Coupon wo ren ect ets 01 vere Have I got an arrangement for you. HANDPICKED FoR MOM! debi lly design™ (debi >] lity} debi lilly design™ Orchids in Cascade Container ae $75 50:, Ea eae pa i Pet) dota eee a love to | We J save 10onyour as Pr oe Ce a Me cs Mom \/ next shoppingorder. eee foetal MO 761,556 950023_SEA_CHROI_SC_S5 EMective 53.23 ~ 61623 eset Mig, sob may rte we

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