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Current weekly ad ACME Fresh Market - Valid from 09/15 to 09/21 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad ACME Fresh Market 09/15/2022 - 09/21/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Coca-Cola Soft Drinks 12pk./1202. Cans or 8pk./ 1202 Bottles Nabisco Family Size Chips Ahoy! 14251018902 Package Food Club Salsa or Frank's or Old Bay Al or Heinz 57 Con Queso Hot Sauces Steak’ Sauce —_ 15.5to 1602.Jar 1010 1402. SAVE UP TO $1.98 ON2 WITH CARD ‘SAVE 60¢ WITH CARD fo site Vlasi Vlasi jasic Hunt's sweet Pickle Pickles Manwich Relish EES 15 to 160z.Can 902. to 1002. 0s Varieties SAVE $2.96 0N4 WITH CARD ‘SAVE UPTO $1.18 ON 2 WITH CARD wed 10 r 38 ON 2 WITH CARD Duke's ‘eal Hunt's Dei Fratelli Mayonnaise Ketchup Pasta Sauce a 3202.Jar 2002. 2402.Jar | 4g9 4S 25 SAVE $2.00 WITH CARD SAVE $3.76 ON 4 WITH CARD. SAVE $3.38 ON 2 WITH CARD a Buffalo Wild Wings Frosh Mexsat Barrel Snacks |» Crav’n Flavor Sauce or Crav’n Flavor Family Size 102 Peanut Butter Pretzels | ‘ookies Selected Varieties ‘ = 17 t0 30.2. Barrel or 24 02. Tub 19.1 2002. Package 2 (2 329 <2 am 599 | $ —_ SAVE70¢ WITH CARD es os SAVE $1.00 WITH CARD SOT SAVE $2.98 0N2 WITH CARD Food Club Hostess Quaker or Wide Awake Donettes Gag Cereal Coffee Mini Donuts ad 16.80 1802. Box Life 10 to 12ct 9.5to 11.25 02. Bag ne ‘or Capin Crunc Single Serve Cups Selected Varieties 399 Rib Rack BBQ Sauce, Marinade or Rub 18x 80 Seu, 140 Marinade SAVE $2.50 WITH CARD. Utz Potato Chips 125 o 1402. Bag SAVE $1.70 WITH CARD. 399 Platform Muni IPA 4/16 02.Cans 2$ oe” SAVE $2.38 ON 2 WITH CARD Cleveland Browns Sparkling, Red Blend, or Chardonnay 750ml.Bottle On The Border Tortilla Chips 910 1202. Bag SAVE $3.96 0N 4 WITH CARD, | Can't Believe It’s Not Butter! 359 ‘SAVE UP TO $2.00 WITH CARD Lamagna Ricotta Cheese 1502. Z 256, \. LAMAGNA ¥ for SAVE $1.98 ON 2 WITH CARD Silk Milk 590.64 oz Selected Varieties SAVE UP TO $2.78 ON 2 WITH CARD Pillsbury Ready to Bake Cookies 16.02. for 8 ‘SAVE $2.98 ON 2 WITH CARD Land O Lakes Half & Half 2$ SAVE $1.58 ON2 WITH CARD SAVE UP TO $2.90 WITH CARD SAVE UP TO $3.50 WITH CARD Posey i i bie = Celestial | Melinda's Pi . Entenmann’s Seasonings Tropicana Hot Sauce i Little Bites Sold Brew Tea Drinks Sz. Bottle As 681097502 5202. Bottle 256 Bi 257 2$3 “G5 2s vm for an) SAVE 98¢ ON2 WITH CARD for (ON 2 WITH CARD 4 SAVE $6.58 0N 2 WITH CARD == sAvES2.380N2WITH CARD Xtra — Viva Triple Roll 5 Towels or Cottonelle PE DEIIS uilted Northern Laundry Simply Done Mega Bath Ys Bath Tissue Detergent Dryer Sheets ‘Roll Towels or COOP 6 ricco olor 1200uble Roll 67502.Bottle 40ct. Box 12RollBath Tissue rae peste 729 2$ 6 1°29 3” for SAVE $3.30 WITH CARD SAVE $2.58 0N 2 WITH CARD SAVE 60¢ WITH CARD SAVE UPTO $4.50 WITH CARD Tide Simply Done Downy Simply scented oil Refill _ Paper Towels Fabric Softener x. Detergent . 4=8 Paper Towels 34002. Bottle 1 iide 3102. Liquid or 13 ct. Pods Select trite | 69 (379 tes 2s 0° j cL ee ce Ly — <3 SAVE $2.00 WITH CARD == SAVEUPTO$3.58 0N2 WITH CARD SAVE $3.30 WITH CARD SAVE $3.00 WITH CARD TopCare Vitamins ry ONE) oe JUST 517.00 EACH “Save uP T0533 99 ON 2 WITH CARD EWD Astep “Adult of Child ‘Alloway Nasal Spray 60 Dose Acid Buy ONE Reducer || 5 ao roaict (wus $5.25 EACH) 100r20m9. SAVE$1.00 WITH CARD SAVE $10.49 ON 2 WITH CARD Airborne Immune System Gummies __ 32t0 96 ct or3/10 ct 3pk 4 & SAVE UP TO $7.00 WITH CARD 606 Candle Company Fall Scents Zyrtec Buy ONE Allergy GET mroxoer Aa cN ee JUST $6.50 EACH!) 1omg./24 SAVE $3.00 WITH CARD SAVE $12.99 ON 2 WITH CARD. 16 Month Calendar ai SAVE $7.96 WITH CARD simply Done Flex Lighter ‘SAVE $1.49 WITH CARD = : (BUY TWO) Energizer Batteries Allin-Stock = SAVE WITH CARD Bundled Firewood BA cu.ft EVERYDAY LOW PRICE!

Latest weekly ads

Coca-Cola Soft Drinks 12pk./1202. Cans or 8pk./ 1202 Bottles Nabisco Family Size Chips Ahoy! 14251018902 Package Food Club Salsa or Frank's or Old Bay Al or Heinz 57 Con Queso Hot Sauces Steak’ Sauce —_ 15.5to 1602.Jar 1010 1402. SAVE UP TO $1.98 ON2 WITH CARD ‘SAVE 60¢ WITH CARD fo site Vlasi Vlasi jasic Hunt's sweet Pickle Pickles Manwich Relish EES 15 to 160z.Can 902. to 1002. 0s Varieties SAVE $2.96 0N4 WITH CARD ‘SAVE UPTO $1.18 ON 2 WITH CARD wed 10 r 38 ON 2 WITH CARD Duke's ‘eal Hunt's Dei Fratelli Mayonnaise Ketchup Pasta Sauce a 3202.Jar 2002. 2402.Jar | 4g9 4S 25 SAVE $2.00 WITH CARD SAVE $3.76 ON 4 WITH CARD. SAVE $3.38 ON 2 WITH CARD a Buffalo Wild Wings Frosh Mexsat Barrel Snacks |» Crav’n Flavor Sauce or Crav’n Flavor Family Size 102 Peanut Butter Pretzels | ‘ookies Selected Varieties ‘ = 17 t0 30.2. Barrel or 24 02. Tub 19.1 2002. Package 2 (2 329 <2 am 599 | $ —_ SAVE70¢ WITH CARD es os SAVE $1.00 WITH CARD SOT SAVE $2.98 0N2 WITH CARD Food Club Hostess Quaker or Wide Awake Donettes Gag Cereal Coffee Mini Donuts ad 16.80 1802. Box Life 10 to 12ct 9.5to 11.25 02. Bag ne ‘or Capin Crunc Single Serve Cups Selected Varieties 399 Rib Rack BBQ Sauce, Marinade or Rub 18x 80 Seu, 140 Marinade SAVE $2.50 WITH CARD. Utz Potato Chips 125 o 1402. Bag SAVE $1.70 WITH CARD. 399 Platform Muni IPA 4/16 02.Cans 2$ oe” SAVE $2.38 ON 2 WITH CARD Cleveland Browns Sparkling, Red Blend, or Chardonnay 750ml.Bottle On The Border Tortilla Chips 910 1202. Bag SAVE $3.96 0N 4 WITH CARD, | Can't Believe It’s Not Butter! 359 ‘SAVE UP TO $2.00 WITH CARD Lamagna Ricotta Cheese 1502. Z 256, \. LAMAGNA ¥ for SAVE $1.98 ON 2 WITH CARD Silk Milk 590.64 oz Selected Varieties SAVE UP TO $2.78 ON 2 WITH CARD Pillsbury Ready to Bake Cookies 16.02. for 8 ‘SAVE $2.98 ON 2 WITH CARD Land O Lakes Half & Half 2$ SAVE $1.58 ON2 WITH CARD SAVE UP TO $2.90 WITH CARD SAVE UP TO $3.50 WITH CARD Posey i i bie = Celestial | Melinda's Pi . Entenmann’s Seasonings Tropicana Hot Sauce i Little Bites Sold Brew Tea Drinks Sz. Bottle As 681097502 5202. Bottle 256 Bi 257 2$3 “G5 2s vm for an) SAVE 98¢ ON2 WITH CARD for (ON 2 WITH CARD 4 SAVE $6.58 0N 2 WITH CARD == sAvES2.380N2WITH CARD Xtra — Viva Triple Roll 5 Towels or Cottonelle PE DEIIS uilted Northern Laundry Simply Done Mega Bath Ys Bath Tissue Detergent Dryer Sheets ‘Roll Towels or COOP 6 ricco olor 1200uble Roll 67502.Bottle 40ct. Box 12RollBath Tissue rae peste 729 2$ 6 1°29 3” for SAVE $3.30 WITH CARD SAVE $2.58 0N 2 WITH CARD SAVE 60¢ WITH CARD SAVE UPTO $4.50 WITH CARD Tide Simply Done Downy Simply scented oil Refill _ Paper Towels Fabric Softener x. Detergent . 4=8 Paper Towels 34002. Bottle 1 iide 3102. Liquid or 13 ct. Pods Select trite | 69 (379 tes 2s 0° j cL ee ce Ly — <3 SAVE $2.00 WITH CARD == SAVEUPTO$3.58 0N2 WITH CARD SAVE $3.30 WITH CARD SAVE $3.00 WITH CARD TopCare Vitamins ry ONE) oe JUST 517.00 EACH “Save uP T0533 99 ON 2 WITH CARD EWD Astep “Adult of Child ‘Alloway Nasal Spray 60 Dose Acid Buy ONE Reducer || 5 ao roaict (wus $5.25 EACH) 100r20m9. SAVE$1.00 WITH CARD SAVE $10.49 ON 2 WITH CARD Airborne Immune System Gummies __ 32t0 96 ct or3/10 ct 3pk 4 & SAVE UP TO $7.00 WITH CARD 606 Candle Company Fall Scents Zyrtec Buy ONE Allergy GET mroxoer Aa cN ee JUST $6.50 EACH!) 1omg./24 SAVE $3.00 WITH CARD SAVE $12.99 ON 2 WITH CARD. 16 Month Calendar ai SAVE $7.96 WITH CARD simply Done Flex Lighter ‘SAVE $1.49 WITH CARD = : (BUY TWO) Energizer Batteries Allin-Stock = SAVE WITH CARD Bundled Firewood BA cu.ft EVERYDAY LOW PRICE!

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