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Current weekly ad Randalls - Valid from 08/24 to 08/30 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad Randalls 08/24/2022 - 08/30/2022


Products in this weekly ad

2) QUALITY PRODUCE “Our belief that organics should be affordable for all?” Fresh Express, = Grapery Grapes Blonde Salad Kits Cotton Candy oF Gum Drop Select Varieties Large Size ‘oid in a7, for $4.13, oe r] P 4 OOrganics® wie ¥ Red or Green 2 + < Seedless Grapes ‘ B yt i © nna 99 99 si ten wenares el —" 59: lina 2 ze 7. Bag Tet. Bag 2b Bag beet 49 69 79 | Siena Whole or Sliced Brown €a° Tender Green Beans Ib Honey crisp Apples Mushrooms 8 oz. Pk. Fresh Large Size Fruit and Vegetable Kabobs Oorganics® Sct.or Baby Carrots Stuffed Mushrooms 2 ct. 11D. Pk Large Size, Select Varieties Organics? Vine Tomatoes, Strawberries ‘a Blended Salads or 1b, Pg. 16.02 Pkg. rom Ou ‘ 1) baby spinach 5-7 oz the best 7 , Gs SEAFOOD @\PRIME sz, ra = ys ile (PRIME More Tender + More Juicy + More Flavorful =— AGED FOR I4 DAYS: Peete one ed i wa Gut Live Oysters inthe Shell signature seecr° 99 Prime Rib or Wagyu @a = Seasoned Boneless, Beet Patios 16 07 Skinless Chicken Thighs Wild Caught Argentina aw Jumbo Red Shrimp 21-25 et, Sold in a2. Bag for $19.98 each USDA Choice Beet Signature Farms® Flank Steaks lb Chicken wings @a | Pork Loin Chops Classic or Marinated Frozen 3 ba Value Pack, (& Es Pe Land 0 Frost Hormel Fully Cooked ‘ Bistro Favorites 6-80 Bacon 2:52 oe. Zummo's f Boudain or Andouille 4D wrericneseer o “M QD somernice Line Crowisn 22 = Lucerne® Cheese Sticks ©2 Label Bacon Tall Meat Select Varies 91202, Select Varetion 1246 02, Select Varietioe Frozon, 16 o2 PARADISE FOUND SAVE ONIEUEN $4 OFF Pera ee ee

Latest weekly ads

2) QUALITY PRODUCE “Our belief that organics should be affordable for all?” Fresh Express, = Grapery Grapes Blonde Salad Kits Cotton Candy oF Gum Drop Select Varieties Large Size ‘oid in a7, for $4.13, oe r] P 4 OOrganics® wie ¥ Red or Green 2 + < Seedless Grapes ‘ B yt i © nna 99 99 si ten wenares el —" 59: lina 2 ze 7. Bag Tet. Bag 2b Bag beet 49 69 79 | Siena Whole or Sliced Brown €a° Tender Green Beans Ib Honey crisp Apples Mushrooms 8 oz. Pk. Fresh Large Size Fruit and Vegetable Kabobs Oorganics® Sct.or Baby Carrots Stuffed Mushrooms 2 ct. 11D. Pk Large Size, Select Varieties Organics? Vine Tomatoes, Strawberries ‘a Blended Salads or 1b, Pg. 16.02 Pkg. rom Ou ‘ 1) baby spinach 5-7 oz the best 7 , Gs SEAFOOD @\PRIME sz, ra = ys ile (PRIME More Tender + More Juicy + More Flavorful =— AGED FOR I4 DAYS: Peete one ed i wa Gut Live Oysters inthe Shell signature seecr° 99 Prime Rib or Wagyu @a = Seasoned Boneless, Beet Patios 16 07 Skinless Chicken Thighs Wild Caught Argentina aw Jumbo Red Shrimp 21-25 et, Sold in a2. Bag for $19.98 each USDA Choice Beet Signature Farms® Flank Steaks lb Chicken wings @a | Pork Loin Chops Classic or Marinated Frozen 3 ba Value Pack, (& Es Pe Land 0 Frost Hormel Fully Cooked ‘ Bistro Favorites 6-80 Bacon 2:52 oe. Zummo's f Boudain or Andouille 4D wrericneseer o “M QD somernice Line Crowisn 22 = Lucerne® Cheese Sticks ©2 Label Bacon Tall Meat Select Varies 91202, Select Varetion 1246 02, Select Varietioe Frozon, 16 o2 PARADISE FOUND SAVE ONIEUEN $4 OFF Pera ee ee

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