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Current weekly ad QFC - Valid from 09/28 to 10/04 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad QFC 09/28/2022 - 10/04/2022


Products in this weekly ad

PACIFIC NORTHWEST LOVE FRESH * LOVE LOCAL* LOVE PICKUP Hill's Bacon 3. 77 Sp Weekly sale price without Sold in LB gal cuponis $4916 3! Package Win CARD. with Card. Soldina 3b for $11.31 BatTatcouron Padagefor SS. Fresh Wild-Caught 9.Âą 9 9 While supp st. Campbell's Alaska Coho 1B Chuikey Soup Salmon Fillets WITH CARD: 186-19 oz or Hormel Subject to Fishing “Weather Conditions or Wild-Caught oy Patagonia Pink Shrimp, Peeled & s Deveined, Raw, 31-40 ct, $6.99 1, BUGUCEL Also sold in a 2 Ib Bag for $13.98 ‘of Equal or Lesser Valuel DietrAL COUPON ete ctu dtl en $23 eh wi Cd. WITH CARD Wile suples ast Boneless Chuck Roasts Fresh Draper Valley Boneless ae Wal Chicken Breasts or Thighs prereheys snack BUY 2,GET1 Northwest Grown, Vegetarian Fed * Size or Mars or of Equal or Lesser Value Butterfinger Fun Size Halloween Candy Select Varieties, 4.8-12 oz WITH CARD. gg SAVE MORE WITH Fresh 93% Lean 7 DIGITAL COUPONS Ground Beef Cee oye | saue| Sold in a 3b Package for WITH CARD upto Stimes inone | these tags. $14.31 or Schweid & Sons CS ko STOCKED WITH 5.99 wire 71.00 orr Dat COUPON oFER Seedless 4 99 Mandarins Organic Raspberries = im Bib bag ie’ 2.49 Freschetta Pizza Select Varieties, 2 Packet WITH cARD : 3.99 een besten 1765-30.88 oz wate caro Washington ‘Sweetango Apples 1.49.. 2/58 ns La Marca Prosecco, WITH CARD Kim Crawford 1. FF 2 Sauvignon Blanc or DIGITAL COUPON OFFER La Crema Monterey 2/87 Chardonnay Select Varieties, HSagen-Dazs 750 mi Ice Cream 9 9 14 floz or Ice Cream . Bars, 3 ct or Outshine WITH CARD Fruit Bars, 6 ct; No Fre Discount Select Varieties D E AAS RY ARCOM ea) get what you need. SALEDATE: WednesĂ©ay, September 26 through | PisewaturegoivthanatwnGadtyar | depo wld ne Atay Gt Se tins Call 1-800-576-4377 or visit Tuesday, October 4, 2022. local GFC store, Prices on applicable items do not reflect the City of Seattle Sweetened Beverage Tax. GGNEIES | Store Hours Vary by location. Check for details. C. you know it's going to be good. 5 TBO] 2235 QFSEA

Latest weekly ads

PACIFIC NORTHWEST LOVE FRESH * LOVE LOCAL* LOVE PICKUP Hill's Bacon 3. 77 Sp Weekly sale price without Sold in LB gal cuponis $4916 3! Package Win CARD. with Card. Soldina 3b for $11.31 BatTatcouron Padagefor SS. Fresh Wild-Caught 9.Âą 9 9 While supp st. Campbell's Alaska Coho 1B Chuikey Soup Salmon Fillets WITH CARD: 186-19 oz or Hormel Subject to Fishing “Weather Conditions or Wild-Caught oy Patagonia Pink Shrimp, Peeled & s Deveined, Raw, 31-40 ct, $6.99 1, BUGUCEL Also sold in a 2 Ib Bag for $13.98 ‘of Equal or Lesser Valuel DietrAL COUPON ete ctu dtl en $23 eh wi Cd. WITH CARD Wile suples ast Boneless Chuck Roasts Fresh Draper Valley Boneless ae Wal Chicken Breasts or Thighs prereheys snack BUY 2,GET1 Northwest Grown, Vegetarian Fed * Size or Mars or of Equal or Lesser Value Butterfinger Fun Size Halloween Candy Select Varieties, 4.8-12 oz WITH CARD. gg SAVE MORE WITH Fresh 93% Lean 7 DIGITAL COUPONS Ground Beef Cee oye | saue| Sold in a 3b Package for WITH CARD upto Stimes inone | these tags. $14.31 or Schweid & Sons CS ko STOCKED WITH 5.99 wire 71.00 orr Dat COUPON oFER Seedless 4 99 Mandarins Organic Raspberries = im Bib bag ie’ 2.49 Freschetta Pizza Select Varieties, 2 Packet WITH cARD : 3.99 een besten 1765-30.88 oz wate caro Washington ‘Sweetango Apples 1.49.. 2/58 ns La Marca Prosecco, WITH CARD Kim Crawford 1. FF 2 Sauvignon Blanc or DIGITAL COUPON OFFER La Crema Monterey 2/87 Chardonnay Select Varieties, HSagen-Dazs 750 mi Ice Cream 9 9 14 floz or Ice Cream . Bars, 3 ct or Outshine WITH CARD Fruit Bars, 6 ct; No Fre Discount Select Varieties D E AAS RY ARCOM ea) get what you need. SALEDATE: WednesĂ©ay, September 26 through | PisewaturegoivthanatwnGadtyar | depo wld ne Atay Gt Se tins Call 1-800-576-4377 or visit Tuesday, October 4, 2022. local GFC store, Prices on applicable items do not reflect the City of Seattle Sweetened Beverage Tax. GGNEIES | Store Hours Vary by location. Check for details. C. you know it's going to be good. 5 TBO] 2235 QFSEA

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