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Current weekly ad Pick'n'Save - Valid from 09/28 to 10/04 - Page nb 7

Weekly ad Pick'n'Save 09/28/2022 - 10/04/2022


Products in this weekly ad

1A03_2235_RSMET Use each coupon up to 5 times eter eos aoa M elated Ine 1 Ko Mle S *When you buy participating items Cae cu N AN ee Nee) al) Col) 14) ete | i» _ on participating items with Card. Visit for details me Mo NAAT) wa Oe a qous= EN" > 4: aot fT gee, bIGIAL COUPON OFFER Kellogg's Town House with Kellogg's with . 4\(c Kellogg's 299% toga 2.89 vs 549 Select Varieties, -70' Off Select Varieties, a1 Off) — 7 * 9-13.8 oz DIGITAL COUPON OFFER 8ct DIGITAL COUPON OFFER JEA Totino's $ 229 $189 JEA* * Ha Sara DIGITAL COUPON OFFER 1,00 one $269 Pepperidge Farm - Family Size Goldfish CHEDDAR Cracker: HEDD) Select Varieties, 10 oz Pizza Rolls Select Varieties, 50 ct 7 on Sora O on DIGITAL COUPON OFFER 1,00 OFFER *5? eat Varieties, 12-Pack, 16.9 floz Golds 3 79 we, ce q 99 wa, DIGITAL omar QO on, OntR oon 500 ot, 7 $279 $999 JEA* \ Ad * Country Crock Monster or Cas Spreadable Butter Java Monster ~ . Select Varieties, Energy Drink . 15 ozTub Select Varieties, 6Pack, 11-12 floz Cans we % DIGITAL COUPON OFFER =a = aoe s a6 ey 4a\ Io) Goldtist DIGITAL COUPON OFFER 1,00 orrer En | a seme | AAD 8 S ay 1ea* we —— 1 00 on: = 49 ~ DIGITAL COUPON OFFER ISTERI Pepperidge Farm GTI NN 18S ecnawe seated Listorine 7 = = land's Bes’ Is Goldfish Crackers ieeaadesa = ~~ Moutaos Select Varieties, 30 oz JEA* . 1.5 liter % 99 Bits O or ee, Gouron oFFen 89° eats io ge e DIGITAL COUPON OFFER. BLACKSERRY. mee BAN, ERRY Taree ate $] 299 a a | SUeT 69¢ JEA* 1EA* Gain Flings a Comforts Select Varieties, © Baby Food Purée 60 ct () Select Varieties, ee 2, » 4.02 Pouch Fevwrxorciia Prices good Wednesday, September 28 through Tuesday, October 4, 2022.

Latest weekly ads

1A03_2235_RSMET Use each coupon up to 5 times eter eos aoa M elated Ine 1 Ko Mle S *When you buy participating items Cae cu N AN ee Nee) al) Col) 14) ete | i» _ on participating items with Card. Visit for details me Mo NAAT) wa Oe a qous= EN" > 4: aot fT gee, bIGIAL COUPON OFFER Kellogg's Town House with Kellogg's with . 4\(c Kellogg's 299% toga 2.89 vs 549 Select Varieties, -70' Off Select Varieties, a1 Off) — 7 * 9-13.8 oz DIGITAL COUPON OFFER 8ct DIGITAL COUPON OFFER JEA Totino's $ 229 $189 JEA* * Ha Sara DIGITAL COUPON OFFER 1,00 one $269 Pepperidge Farm - Family Size Goldfish CHEDDAR Cracker: HEDD) Select Varieties, 10 oz Pizza Rolls Select Varieties, 50 ct 7 on Sora O on DIGITAL COUPON OFFER 1,00 OFFER *5? eat Varieties, 12-Pack, 16.9 floz Golds 3 79 we, ce q 99 wa, DIGITAL omar QO on, OntR oon 500 ot, 7 $279 $999 JEA* \ Ad * Country Crock Monster or Cas Spreadable Butter Java Monster ~ . Select Varieties, Energy Drink . 15 ozTub Select Varieties, 6Pack, 11-12 floz Cans we % DIGITAL COUPON OFFER =a = aoe s a6 ey 4a\ Io) Goldtist DIGITAL COUPON OFFER 1,00 orrer En | a seme | AAD 8 S ay 1ea* we —— 1 00 on: = 49 ~ DIGITAL COUPON OFFER ISTERI Pepperidge Farm GTI NN 18S ecnawe seated Listorine 7 = = land's Bes’ Is Goldfish Crackers ieeaadesa = ~~ Moutaos Select Varieties, 30 oz JEA* . 1.5 liter % 99 Bits O or ee, Gouron oFFen 89° eats io ge e DIGITAL COUPON OFFER. BLACKSERRY. mee BAN, ERRY Taree ate $] 299 a a | SUeT 69¢ JEA* 1EA* Gain Flings a Comforts Select Varieties, © Baby Food Purée 60 ct () Select Varieties, ee 2, » 4.02 Pouch Fevwrxorciia Prices good Wednesday, September 28 through Tuesday, October 4, 2022.

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