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Current weekly ad Mills Fleet Farm - Valid from 04/07 to 04/22 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad Mills Fleet Farm 04/07/2023 - 04/22/2023


Products in this weekly ad

Tractor attachments & accessories @ a LSet) 94922. King Kutter” §' Box Blade. Category 1 hitch. Reg. 979,99 oosoor7s2 tet at srenowee 229%. King Kutter 14" Middle Buster Furrower. Category 1, 3-point hitch. Reg. 259,99 oazsosst0 nt zaremowce HfingHutter (USA) = 899% King Kutter 96" Landscape Rake. Reg. 929.99 100885410 Not at Germantown or Oconomower. a 149%. Fleet Farm’ Seed Corn. Reg. 179.99 covsserrs avatatie st aelect seven Whe supphes ist Ue eat) Fleet Farm’ 50-Ib. A-711, A-718 and A-OK Alfalfa, Forage Mix, Red Clover and Dan Patch Horse Pasture Mix. SALE 179.99-219.99 Reg. 209.99-249.99 O02 Nol at armas Levee Rap ty AURITED Serine & rs 5% Low Fleet Price 15 Spring Rake Teeth. SALE 1.69-7.21 Reg. 1.99-8.49 moeeisz9 ‘Not a Brooke Park or Germaraown am ~o=» Cos @ ee 1 0% Low Fleet Price Hy-Tek Hydraulic Hoses. SALE 6.20-49.49 Reg. 6.89-54.99 008352051 Se sare etats, ayaa 15999. 284922. King Kutter’ 5' Flex Hitch Rotary Mower. Category 1 quick hitch. Reg. 1699.99 ccezo:203 tat Oconomowoc Ee KiagKutter ningnutter leg. 2899.99 onou358s ne at conamewee SAVE *50 949%. King Kutter’ 6* Tubular Rear Blade. Category 1, 3-point hitch, S forward and S reverse settings. Reg. 599.99 oca701220 1s cenomowee Kinghvtte XB ae 229%. King Kutter’ 3-Point Trailer Mover. Reg. 249.99 008316135 net st Oconomewne: @ 7 SAVE °30 51 999 King Kutter’ XB 5" Rear Blade. Limited Category 1. Reg. 549.99 cosrsre20 Net at Ceoreronce 1329% King Kutter XB 5' Angle Frame Disc. Reg. 1379.99 005791740 tt Ocenomowee BYEZ 219% Country Pro* Quick Hitch. Category 1 ‘Adjustable top link bali bracket. Reg, 239.99 100779600 Nat Ocenamowas 32922 Field Tuff’ 125-Ib. Receiver Mount Spreader. Reg. 349.99 sors tat Germartoun or Ocoremower Wie seoes ast OFF Low Fleet Price Farm Rated’, Clearfield” and TamaNet Baler Twine and Net Wrap. SALE 32.29-284.99 Reg. 33.99-299.99 (000592113 Brand wares by stove, Not at Fargo cr Geemartonn Wrse spies ist se Osmunoson concentric “2a SVEEIIA 5% 1 99 Bin Fleet Price SALE 15%. ‘Sweeps, Plow Shares and Disc Harrows. SALE 3.39-55.24 Reg. 3.99-64,99 020225300 nea Brckyn Park. Germantown or Onn DAIDe’ ORATION Concentric” Universal Rubber Mount Rake Tooth. Reg. 2.79 rosssas0 ‘ot at Brooks Park er Germartonn @ 20%... Fleet Price Stanley’ Muffler Co. Tractor Mufflers. ‘SALE 21.99-55.99 Reg. 27.49-69.99 oooeassot OZ sow est rice Daido* & Tru-Pitch” Rolfer Chains. SALE 14.84-125.99 Reg. 16.49-139.99 ceovoeeo King Kutter“ 6' Gear-Driven Rotary Tiller. EVERETT) 69922. King Kutter Polyethylene Seeder/ Spreader. Category 1. Reg. 749.99 073483 Ne Greene 229922. King Kutter’ XB 4.5' Rotary Tiller. Reg. 2349.99 roneseaxs RU BBN =PRO=” 64922. Country Pro’ 3-pt. Post Hole Digger. Reg. 699,99 rcoss2t9 et at conc Auger terrae a #26 = & | 129% Sunfilm’ 30° Silage Wrap. 750-mm. x 1,500-mm. x 25 micron. Reg. 139.99 oorsze990 not at Fargo oF Germantown HERSCHEL 109%. Herschel’ Wheel Hay Rake Replacement. Left or right-handed rake. Reg. 149.99 coss7724 Nota omy Park. Geemastonn, Hastrgs oF Candie (eln) 1 0% Low Fleet Price Lion Hydraulics Hydraulic Cylinders. SALE 98.99-265.49 Reg. 109.99-294.99 ‘onontrs Outside Yard Pickup Order online. Stay in your car.

Latest weekly ads

Tractor attachments & accessories @ a LSet) 94922. King Kutter” §' Box Blade. Category 1 hitch. Reg. 979,99 oosoor7s2 tet at srenowee 229%. King Kutter 14" Middle Buster Furrower. Category 1, 3-point hitch. Reg. 259,99 oazsosst0 nt zaremowce HfingHutter (USA) = 899% King Kutter 96" Landscape Rake. Reg. 929.99 100885410 Not at Germantown or Oconomower. a 149%. Fleet Farm’ Seed Corn. Reg. 179.99 covsserrs avatatie st aelect seven Whe supphes ist Ue eat) Fleet Farm’ 50-Ib. A-711, A-718 and A-OK Alfalfa, Forage Mix, Red Clover and Dan Patch Horse Pasture Mix. SALE 179.99-219.99 Reg. 209.99-249.99 O02 Nol at armas Levee Rap ty AURITED Serine & rs 5% Low Fleet Price 15 Spring Rake Teeth. SALE 1.69-7.21 Reg. 1.99-8.49 moeeisz9 ‘Not a Brooke Park or Germaraown am ~o=» Cos @ ee 1 0% Low Fleet Price Hy-Tek Hydraulic Hoses. SALE 6.20-49.49 Reg. 6.89-54.99 008352051 Se sare etats, ayaa 15999. 284922. King Kutter’ 5' Flex Hitch Rotary Mower. Category 1 quick hitch. Reg. 1699.99 ccezo:203 tat Oconomowoc Ee KiagKutter ningnutter leg. 2899.99 onou358s ne at conamewee SAVE *50 949%. King Kutter’ 6* Tubular Rear Blade. Category 1, 3-point hitch, S forward and S reverse settings. Reg. 599.99 oca701220 1s cenomowee Kinghvtte XB ae 229%. King Kutter’ 3-Point Trailer Mover. Reg. 249.99 008316135 net st Oconomewne: @ 7 SAVE °30 51 999 King Kutter’ XB 5" Rear Blade. Limited Category 1. Reg. 549.99 cosrsre20 Net at Ceoreronce 1329% King Kutter XB 5' Angle Frame Disc. Reg. 1379.99 005791740 tt Ocenomowee BYEZ 219% Country Pro* Quick Hitch. Category 1 ‘Adjustable top link bali bracket. Reg, 239.99 100779600 Nat Ocenamowas 32922 Field Tuff’ 125-Ib. Receiver Mount Spreader. Reg. 349.99 sors tat Germartoun or Ocoremower Wie seoes ast OFF Low Fleet Price Farm Rated’, Clearfield” and TamaNet Baler Twine and Net Wrap. SALE 32.29-284.99 Reg. 33.99-299.99 (000592113 Brand wares by stove, Not at Fargo cr Geemartonn Wrse spies ist se Osmunoson concentric “2a SVEEIIA 5% 1 99 Bin Fleet Price SALE 15%. ‘Sweeps, Plow Shares and Disc Harrows. SALE 3.39-55.24 Reg. 3.99-64,99 020225300 nea Brckyn Park. Germantown or Onn DAIDe’ ORATION Concentric” Universal Rubber Mount Rake Tooth. Reg. 2.79 rosssas0 ‘ot at Brooks Park er Germartonn @ 20%... Fleet Price Stanley’ Muffler Co. Tractor Mufflers. ‘SALE 21.99-55.99 Reg. 27.49-69.99 oooeassot OZ sow est rice Daido* & Tru-Pitch” Rolfer Chains. SALE 14.84-125.99 Reg. 16.49-139.99 ceovoeeo King Kutter“ 6' Gear-Driven Rotary Tiller. EVERETT) 69922. King Kutter Polyethylene Seeder/ Spreader. Category 1. Reg. 749.99 073483 Ne Greene 229922. King Kutter’ XB 4.5' Rotary Tiller. Reg. 2349.99 roneseaxs RU BBN =PRO=” 64922. Country Pro’ 3-pt. Post Hole Digger. Reg. 699,99 rcoss2t9 et at conc Auger terrae a #26 = & | 129% Sunfilm’ 30° Silage Wrap. 750-mm. x 1,500-mm. x 25 micron. Reg. 139.99 oorsze990 not at Fargo oF Germantown HERSCHEL 109%. Herschel’ Wheel Hay Rake Replacement. Left or right-handed rake. Reg. 149.99 coss7724 Nota omy Park. Geemastonn, Hastrgs oF Candie (eln) 1 0% Low Fleet Price Lion Hydraulics Hydraulic Cylinders. SALE 98.99-265.49 Reg. 109.99-294.99 ‘onontrs Outside Yard Pickup Order online. Stay in your car.

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