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Current weekly ad Lunardi's Market - Valid from 09/27 to 10/03 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Lunardi's Market 09/27/2022 - 10/03/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Medium Size EARTHBOUND FARMS SALADS 5 Oz. Clamshelis * CANTALOUPES jUne08s 9 size: Sener Crop:,y Westside Very sweet, thick meat. FULEC COLOR. ‘Superb served with prosciutto’: SAVE!!! ORGANIC LARGE APPLES GALAor FUJI. New Crop. Extra Fancy. Tree-tipened beauties. So crisp and fll of delicious flavor. FALL SQUASHES ACORN, SPAGHETTI or BUTTERNUT. Firmly textured flesh. Terrific baked The finest of our hard squashes. Makes a wonderful side dish. ORGANIC HEIRLOOM TOMATOES Assorted Varieties. Locally grown. Beautiful color Solid witha very full ‘Yomato” flavor. Perfect for gourmet salads. ORGANIC SUGAR PIE PUMPKINS Great for baking STRAWBERRIES Red, ripe. Beau crop! Very sweet, plump berries. apenas famous ually. Heaping ful Pint basket YELLOW PEACHES OR NECTARINES New Crop. Large size. Nothwest, ‘Tree-pened beauties, Ful bush colo. Succulent, sweet meai. SAVE HONEYCRISP: APS Soctpmnddeicous § SEEDLESS GRAPES RED ot GREEN, New Grop Vine ripened, Very sweet custers. Plump, favor globes. Crunchy texture. Sensational served with your favorite holiday wine and cheese, 3” ORGANIC JUMBO HASS AVOCADOS Very rich flavor. Terrific for salads or weekend guacamole recipes. SAVE!!! HASS AVOCADOS 60 size. Very rch favor. Creamy texture, fs Fantastic for weekend salads SWISS CHARDS. ¢ MINI SWEET PEPPERS 1802. Bag 2°31 1” ‘ 2 te i BRUSSELS SPROUTS Eee reOU A 49 Nor Gp Cette fea 0 eed beauties. Tender leaves, Al sod, ferric sautéed with herbs & gal MURC HONEYDEW! CELERY nth cy ste ZIMA MANDARINS MELONS, 29% eceteeor |? % CHERRY TOMATOES 99 aes Pes Saas é SER TOMATOES ‘ SWEET LARGE LEMONS 4 SWEET ge LARGE LEM run suet @ xowaToMators So versatle. Complements any dish Large size. Extra fancy, | especialy seafood entrées. [NEW CROP. So sweet and incredibly juicy. bb. Loaded wih Vitamin C, “Peel some sunshine!” t t LARGE size Ripaned onthe vin fo poak Raver. USS. No.1 New Cop! Fim, poo grown seas Bett for sla sausting 1°¢ ee ye Specials Effective: Tuesday, September 27 Through Monday, October 3, z: San Jose Belmont San Jose San Bruno 2665 Bascom Ave 08S Alameda das Pugae | 4450 Marcon Son Bruno Avenue oscar Ave. 8 ion Ave | (Raton Avenue) (ot Banham tone) (comer of San runo & ae (pen7:30AM-8PM Daly | Open 730M-BPMDaly Penn Ee Ds Carimor Meridin Pork Poza Phone: (660) 591-5768 Phone: (#08) 266-9101 Los Gatos Walnut Creek | Burlingame Danville 720 esom Hl Rood 1600 Pals Verdes Mal 1225 Camino Real 5 Ritood ive. Los Gatos Be (tTousdoe Dive) Open 7:30 AM 8 PM Dally Burlingame Picea Phone: (650) 697-5806 Kings Coutt Snooping (Open 7:00 AM -8 PM Dally Conter Phone: (408) 368-1731 Phone: (925) 855-8920, Phone: (925) 999-6877 ‘Grab these great ad specials on in store purchases only. Lunardi’s 9/27/2022 - Page |

Latest weekly ads

Medium Size EARTHBOUND FARMS SALADS 5 Oz. Clamshelis * CANTALOUPES jUne08s 9 size: Sener Crop:,y Westside Very sweet, thick meat. FULEC COLOR. ‘Superb served with prosciutto’: SAVE!!! ORGANIC LARGE APPLES GALAor FUJI. New Crop. Extra Fancy. Tree-tipened beauties. So crisp and fll of delicious flavor. FALL SQUASHES ACORN, SPAGHETTI or BUTTERNUT. Firmly textured flesh. Terrific baked The finest of our hard squashes. Makes a wonderful side dish. ORGANIC HEIRLOOM TOMATOES Assorted Varieties. Locally grown. Beautiful color Solid witha very full ‘Yomato” flavor. Perfect for gourmet salads. ORGANIC SUGAR PIE PUMPKINS Great for baking STRAWBERRIES Red, ripe. Beau crop! Very sweet, plump berries. apenas famous ually. Heaping ful Pint basket YELLOW PEACHES OR NECTARINES New Crop. Large size. Nothwest, ‘Tree-pened beauties, Ful bush colo. Succulent, sweet meai. SAVE HONEYCRISP: APS Soctpmnddeicous § SEEDLESS GRAPES RED ot GREEN, New Grop Vine ripened, Very sweet custers. Plump, favor globes. Crunchy texture. Sensational served with your favorite holiday wine and cheese, 3” ORGANIC JUMBO HASS AVOCADOS Very rich flavor. Terrific for salads or weekend guacamole recipes. SAVE!!! HASS AVOCADOS 60 size. Very rch favor. Creamy texture, fs Fantastic for weekend salads SWISS CHARDS. ¢ MINI SWEET PEPPERS 1802. Bag 2°31 1” ‘ 2 te i BRUSSELS SPROUTS Eee reOU A 49 Nor Gp Cette fea 0 eed beauties. Tender leaves, Al sod, ferric sautéed with herbs & gal MURC HONEYDEW! CELERY nth cy ste ZIMA MANDARINS MELONS, 29% eceteeor |? % CHERRY TOMATOES 99 aes Pes Saas é SER TOMATOES ‘ SWEET LARGE LEMONS 4 SWEET ge LARGE LEM run suet @ xowaToMators So versatle. Complements any dish Large size. Extra fancy, | especialy seafood entrées. [NEW CROP. So sweet and incredibly juicy. bb. Loaded wih Vitamin C, “Peel some sunshine!” t t LARGE size Ripaned onthe vin fo poak Raver. USS. No.1 New Cop! Fim, poo grown seas Bett for sla sausting 1°¢ ee ye Specials Effective: Tuesday, September 27 Through Monday, October 3, z: San Jose Belmont San Jose San Bruno 2665 Bascom Ave 08S Alameda das Pugae | 4450 Marcon Son Bruno Avenue oscar Ave. 8 ion Ave | (Raton Avenue) (ot Banham tone) (comer of San runo & ae (pen7:30AM-8PM Daly | Open 730M-BPMDaly Penn Ee Ds Carimor Meridin Pork Poza Phone: (660) 591-5768 Phone: (#08) 266-9101 Los Gatos Walnut Creek | Burlingame Danville 720 esom Hl Rood 1600 Pals Verdes Mal 1225 Camino Real 5 Ritood ive. Los Gatos Be (tTousdoe Dive) Open 7:30 AM 8 PM Dally Burlingame Picea Phone: (650) 697-5806 Kings Coutt Snooping (Open 7:00 AM -8 PM Dally Conter Phone: (408) 368-1731 Phone: (925) 855-8920, Phone: (925) 999-6877 ‘Grab these great ad specials on in store purchases only. Lunardi’s 9/27/2022 - Page |

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